[613] | 1 | ORXTABS ; SLC/PKS - Edit tab parameters preferences. [10/17/00 2:44pm]
| 2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**9,47,84**;Dec 17, 1997
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; Main control routine is herein for Tab Preferences Editing.
| 5 | ; Works with routines ORXTABS1 and ORXTABS2. ORXTABS1 contains
| 6 | ; additional control tags that work in conjunction with the
| 7 | ; control code at the top of this routine, in order to keep this
| 8 | ; one below 10K size maximum. ORXTABS2 contains tags to handle
| 9 | ; individual preference edit/input, making calls to ORXTABS3,
| 10 | ; ORXTABS4, etc., where code for individual dialogues reside.
| 11 | ;
| 12 | Q
| 13 | ;
| 14 | EN ; Entry point - called by option [ORX PARAM TAB PREF].
| 15 | ;
| 16 | ; Variables used:
| 17 | ;
| 18 | ; DIR,X,Y = FM user input variables.
| 19 | ; ORXANY = Flag for number of changes.
| 20 | ; ORXCDIS = Display holder for counter display.
| 21 | ; ORXCHC = User's choice of parameter value to edit.
| 22 | ; ORXCNT = Loop counter; re-used in various tags.
| 23 | ; ORXCUR = Existing settings for a parameter.
| 24 | ; ORXERR = Error array used in call to XPAR.
| 25 | ; ORXNEW = New value entered by user.
| 26 | ; ORXNOW = Cuttent setting of a parameter piece value.
| 27 | ; ORXNUM = Array count holder.
| 28 | ; ORXPAR = Working variable for parameter definitions, etc.
| 29 | ; ORXPARS = Becomes array of parameters from TABS tag.
| 30 | ; ORXPCS = Array of formal parameter string's piece settings.
| 31 | ; ORXPDIR = Display prompt piece (first piece).
| 32 | ; ORXPDIS = Holder for prompt piece of each value.
| 33 | ; ORXPNAM = Stores name of current parameter definition.
| 34 | ; ORXPRO = Current prompt.
| 35 | ; ORXPSTR = String of prompts.
| 36 | ; ORXSETS = Setting(s) pieces for a parameter.
| 37 | ; ORXSTOP = Flag to stop editing.
| 38 | ; ORXTAB = Becomes current tab, as exists in last part of formal
| 39 | ; parameter definition string.
| 40 | ; ORXTAG = Current data tag.
| 41 | ; ORXTCNT = Current tab line counter.
| 42 | ; ORXTNM = First piece of current tab from text entry.
| 43 | ; ORXVAL = Value holder.
| 44 | ;
| 46 | ;
| 47 | S ORXSTOP=0 ; Preset flag before starting.
| 48 | ;
| 49 | ; Establish control loop for entire editing process.
| 50 | F Q:ORXSTOP D
| 51 | .D BLDLIST Q:ORXSTOP ; ORXSTOP here = list problem.
| 52 | .D CHOOSE Q:ORXSTOP ; ORXSTOP here = user punted.
| 53 | .D PARAMS(ORXTAB) ; ORXTAB set by CHOOSE tag.
| 54 | .D EDIT^ORXTABS1 ; User editing.
| 55 | .;
| 56 | .; ORXANY will be set by EACH, SOME, or ALL calls in ORXTABS1:
| 57 | .I ORXANY D SAVE^ORXTABS1 ; If changes made, save?
| 58 | .S ORXSTOP=0 ; Assure loop restart.
| 59 | ;
| 60 | Q
| 61 | ;
| 62 | BLDLIST ; Get list of tabs with editable parameters for display.
| 63 | ;
| 64 | K ORXPARS ; Clean out array each time.
| 65 | S ORXTAG="TABS" ; Data tag herein.
| 66 | S ORXCNT=0 ; Initialize counter.
| 67 | F D Q:ORXPARS(ORXCNT)="" ; Get each tag's entry.
| 68 | .S ORXCNT=ORXCNT+1 ; Increment counter.
| 70 | ;
| 71 | ; Check for no parameters listed or problem with reading data:
| 73 | ;
| 74 | Q
| 75 | ;
| 76 | CHOOSE ; Display tabs, allow user to choose.
| 77 | ;
| 78 | ; Clear, reset DIR variables:
| 79 | K DIR,X,Y
| 80 | S DIR("A")=" Select tab for preferences editing"
| 81 | S DIR("?")=" Select by entry of item number:"
| 82 | ;
| 83 | ; Assign array [DIR("A")] items for display:
| 84 | S ORXCNT=0
| 85 | S ORXVAL=""
| 86 | F D Q:ORXVAL=""
| 87 | .S ORXCNT=ORXCNT+1 ; Increment counter.
| 88 | .S ORXVAL=$P($G(ORXPARS(ORXCNT)),U) ; Get first piece of string.
| 89 | .;
| 90 | .; Assign the actual display line:
| 92 | .S ORXCDIS=$$RJ^XLFSTR(ORXCDIS,2) ; Right justify to 2 places.
| 93 | .S:(ORXVAL'="") DIR("A",ORXCNT)=" "_ORXCDIS_" "_ORXVAL
| 94 | ;
| 95 | ; Check for errors:
| 96 | I ORXCNT<2 W !!," Problem reading TABS data!" S ORXSTOP=1 Q
| 97 | ;
| 98 | ; Define DIR input requirements:
| 99 | S DIR(0)="NO^1:"_(ORXCNT-1)_":0"
| 100 | ;
| 101 | ; Call DIR for user choice:
| 102 | W !! ; Spacing for screen display.
| 103 | D ^DIR
| 104 | ;
| 105 | ; Check user response:
| 106 | I '$L($G(Y)) S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y not assigned.
| 107 | I Y="" S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y is null.
| 108 | I Y="^" S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y is "^" character.
| 109 | I Y<1 S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y is less than one.
| 110 | I Y>(ORXCNT-1) S ORXSTOP=1 Q ; Punt if Y isn't within range.
| 111 | S (ORXTCNT,ORXTAB)=Y ; Otherwise, get entry and go.
| 112 | ;
| 113 | Q
| 114 | ;
| 115 | PARAMS(ORXPAR) ; Retrieve selected tab's current parameter values.
| 116 | ;
| 117 | S ORXTAB=$P(ORXPARS(ORXPAR),U) ; Tab name from user display.
| 118 | S ORXTNM=ORXTAB ; Comparison value holder.
| 119 | S ORXSETS=$P(ORXPARS(ORXPAR),U,2) ; Settings info.
| 120 | S ORXTAB=$$EXCX ; Display name differences.
| 121 | S ORXPAR="ORCH CONTEXT "_ORXTAB ; Construct formal param name.
| 122 | S ORXPNAM=ORXPAR ; Store for saving changes.
| 123 | ;
| 124 | ; Get current parameter values from Parameters file:
| 125 | S ORXCUR=""
| 127 | ;
| 128 | Q
| 129 | ;
| 130 | EXCX() ; Deal with exceptions in spelling.
| 131 | ;
| 132 | I ORXTAB="D/C SUMMARIES" S ORXTAB="SUMMRIES" ; Shorter spelling.
| 134 | I ORXTAB="INPATIENT LABS" S ORXTAB="INPT LABS" ; Shorter spelling.
| 135 | I ORXTAB="OUTPATIENT LABS" S ORXTAB="OUTPT LABS" ; Shorter spelling.
| 136 | ;
| 137 | Q ORXTAB
| 138 | ;
| 139 | ;
| 141 | ; Each TABS entry MUST have a corresponding PROMPTS entry in
| 142 | ; PROMPTS^ORXTABS, in the same order and with matching first
| 143 | ; pieces. There MUST ALSO be a tag in ORXTABS2, to get user
| 144 | ; input, which matches the actual name of the parameter in the
| 145 | ; Parameter Definition [^XTV(8989.51,] file. For example,
| 146 | ; the NOTES entry in TABS below is the last word of the "ORCH
| 147 | ; CONTEXT NOTES" entry in the Parameter Definition file. If
| 148 | ; the first piece listed in the TABS tag below differs from the
| 149 | ; actual Parameter Definition file entry - as is the case for
| 150 | ; XRAYS, which is the IMAGING entry below - add code in the EXCX
| 151 | ; tag above to deal with it. The third "^" piece in each TABS
| 152 | ; entry represents the positions in the parameter string entry
| 153 | ; itself, i.e. in the Parameters [^XTV(8989.5,] file, where
| 154 | ; each individual value is stored, in the order listed in the
| 155 | ; second "^" piece of the TABS entry. IMPORTANT: Keep all "BEG"
| 156 | ; and "END" pairs together consecutively - with "BEG" first, and
| 157 | ; all "STATUS" and "AUTHOR" pairs together - with "STATUS" first.
| 158 | ;
| 159 | TABS ; Data strings for parameters/preferences.
| 163 | ;;MEDS^BEG;END;OUTPT^1;2;3
| 167 | ;;REPORTS^BEG;END;MAX^1;2;5
| 169 | ;;IMAGING^BEG;END;MAX^1;2;5
| 170 | ;
| 171 | Q
| 172 | ;
| 174 | ; Each PROMPTS entry below needs a corresponding TABS entry
| 175 | ; in TABS^ORXTABS, must be listed in the same order, and with
| 176 | ; a matching number of pieces.
| 177 | ;
| 178 | PROMPTS ; 24 char-max Prompts - MUST match TABS^ORXTABS entries/piece counts!
| 179 | ;;CONSULTS^Begin Date;End Date;Status;Service
| 180 | ;;INPATIENT LABS^Begin Date;End Date;Type
| 181 | ;;OUTPATIENT LABS^Begin Date;End Date;Type
| 182 | ;;MEDS^Begin Date;End Date;Outpatient or Inpatient Meds Default Display
| 183 | ;;NOTES^Begin Date;End Date;Status;Author;Occurrence Limit;Show/Hide Subject
| 184 | ;;ORDERS^Begin Date;End Date;Status;Service/Section;Format
| 185 | ;;PROBLEMS^Status;Comments
| 186 | ;;REPORTS^Begin Date;End Date;Maximum
| 187 | ;;D/C SUMMARIES^Begin Date;End Date;Status;Author
| 188 | ;;IMAGING^Begin Date;End Date;Maximum
| 189 | ;
| 190 | Q
| 191 | ;