Line | |
1 | ORY163 ; slc/dcm - postinit for OR*3*160 ;02/13/03 12:17
2 | ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**163**;Dec 17, 1997
3 | ;
4 | Q
5 | I '$L($$GET1^DIQ(4,+$$SITE^VASITE_",",52)) S XPDQUIT=2 D
6 | . W !,"Before installing this patch, you need to add the Facility DEA#"
7 | . W !,"for your institution in the INSTITUTION file (#4). You should"
8 | . W !,"be able to get the Facility DEA# from the Pharmacy or Pharmacy Chief."
9 | . W !,"See the patch description for detailed instructions on how to enter"
10 | . W !,"the Facility DEA#."
11 | Q
12 | ;
13 | PRE ; -- preinit
14 | Q
15 | POST ; -- postinit
16 | Q
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