ORY216 ;SLC/MKB - Clean-up existing Allergy orders ;3/16/04 14:28 ;;3.0;ORDER ENTRY/RESULTS REPORTING;**216**;Dec 17, 1997 ; POST ; -- postinit N ORDG,ORX S ORDG=+$O(^ORD(100.98,"B","ALG",0)) Q:ORDG'>0 S $P(^ORD(100.98,ORDG,0),U,4)="" ;clear Default Dialog S ORX("GMRAOR ALLERGY ENTER/EDIT")="" D EN^ORYDLG(216,.ORX) D TASK Q ; TASK ; -- queue job to complete ART orders Q:$G(^XTMP("ORGMRA","PAT"))<0 ;already done N ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTSAVE,ZTDTH,ZTSK,ORMSG S ORMSG(1)="A background job has been queued to complete any currently active" S ORMSG(2)="Allergy/Adverse Reaction orders." D MES^XPDUTL(.ORMSG) S ZTDESC="Mark ART orders as complete",ZTRTN="EN^ORY216" S ZTIO="",ZTDTH=$H,ZTSAVE("DUZ")="" D ^%ZTLOAD K ORMSG S ORMSG="Task "_$S($G(ZTSK):"#"_ZTSK,1:"not")_" started." D MES^XPDUTL(ORMSG) I '$G(ZTSK) D BMES^XPDUTL("Use TASK^ORY216 to queue this job to complete ART orders as soon as possible!") Q ; EN ; -- main loop to complete ART orders on: ; ^OR(100,"ACT",ORVP,invORLOG,ORDG,ORIFN) ; N ORDG,ORNOW,ORVP,ORLOG,ORIFN S ORDG=+$O(^ORD(100.98,"B","ALG",0)) Q:ORDG'>0 S ORNOW=+$E($$NOW^XLFDT,1,12),ORVP=$G(^XTMP("ORGMRA","PAT")) I '$D(^(0)) D . S ^XTMP("ORGMRA",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(ORNOW,90)_U_ORNOW_"^ART orders completion" F S ORVP=$O(^OR(100,"ACT",ORVP)) Q:ORVP="" D Q:$G(ZTSTOP) . S ORLOG=0 F S ORLOG=$O(^OR(100,"ACT",ORVP,ORLOG)) Q:ORLOG'>0 D .. S ORIFN=0 F S ORIFN=+$O(^OR(100,"ACT",ORVP,ORLOG,ORDG,ORIFN)) Q:ORIFN'>0 D ... Q:$P($G(^OR(100,ORIFN,3)),U,3)=2 ;already completed ... D STATUS^ORCSAVE2(ORIFN,2) S $P(^OR(100,ORIFN,6),U,6)=ORNOW . S ^XTMP("ORGMRA","PAT")=ORVP . I $D(ZTQUEUED) S:$$S^%ZTLOAD ZTSTOP=1 Q:$G(ZTSTOP) I '$G(ZTSTOP) S ^XTMP("ORGMRA","PAT")=-1 D MAIL ;done Q ; MAIL ; -- Send completion message to user who initiated conversion N XMSUB,XMTEXT,XMDUZ,XMY,XMZ,XMMG,ORTXT,DIFROM S XMDUZ="PATCH OR*3*216 ART ORDERS COMPLETION",XMY(.5)="" S:$G(DUZ) XMY(DUZ)="" S ORTXT(1)="The task triggered by patch OR*3*216"_$S($G(ZTSK):" (Task #"_ZTSK_")",1:"")_" to complete ART orders" S ORTXT(2)="finished at "_$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT)_"." S XMTEXT="ORTXT(",XMSUB="PATCH OR*3*216 ART ORDERS COMPLETED" D ^XMD Q