PSOAFIN ;VFA/HMS autofinish rx's from cprs ;4/21/07 19:10 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**208**;DEC 1997;Build 39 ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; ; Please note this routine is the gateway to modified routines that autofinish pending rxs entered by a provider. The modified routines allow rxs to be finished automatically & properly update File#100 and File#52. ; The routines do not autocheck orders, check for duplicates, concatenate comments to sigs etc. All of the pharmacist checks will be done by the dispensing pharmacist. ; $G(PSOAFYN) is tested at beginning of line to determine if the original code will run or if code modified to do AutoFinish,Rx will run EN I '$D(^PS(52.41,"B",+ORDERID)) Q ;Check for pending order N ZTRTN,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTSAVE,ZTSK S ZTRTN="EN1^PSOAFIN",ZTDESC="Autofinish,Rx",ZTDTH=$H,ZTDTH=$S(($P(ZTDTH,",",2)+10)\86400:(1+ZTDTH)_","_((($P(ZTDTH,",",2)+10)#86400)/100000),1:(+ZTDTH)_","_($P(ZTDTH,",",2)+10)) S ZTSAVE("ORL")="",ZTSAVE("ORVP")="",ZTSAVE("IO*")="",ZTSAVE("VALMWD")="",ZTSAVE("ORL")="",ZTSAVE("ORDERID")="" D ^%ZTLOAD Q ;Quits back to ORWDX ; EN1 ;Autofinish Task Begins Here S PSOSITE=$G(^SC(+ORL,"AFRXSITE")) ;+ORL is hospital location from ORWDX Q:PSOSITE="" ;Quits with no autofinish if File#44 does not point to File#59 I $P($G(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFIN")),"^",1)'="Y" Q ;Quits if Autofinish not turned on in File#59 Field#459001 ;Check patient eligibility S VFAELD="Y" I $D(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFINEL",1)) S VFAELD="N",DFN=+ORVP D ELIG^VADPT D .S VFAEL=0 .F L=1:1 S VFAEL=$O(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFINEL",VFAEL)) Q:VFAEL=""!(VFAEL="B")!(VFAELD="Y") D ..S VFAELL=$P(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFINEL",VFAEL,0),"^",1) ..I VFAELL=+VAEL(1) S VFAELD="Y" Q:VFAELD="N" ;Check Date Verify Code Last Changed and check Verify Code never expires. S PSOAFYN="Y" ;Sets flag if Autofinish,Rx is turned on & is used throughout the routines S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="QEZ",X="AUTOFINISH,RX" D ^DIC K DIC Q:+Y=-1 ;Quits if AUTOFINISH,RX not a user S DA=+Y D DUZ^XUP(DA) ;Sets DUZ for AUTOFINISH,RX K PSOAFDON ;Makes sure flag for quitting patient loop through File#52.41 is null S PSOAFDFN=+ORVP ;From ORWDX CPRS Call is DFN of patient auto finishing rxs for S PSOAFPAT=$P($G(^PS(55,PSOAFDFN,"PS")),"^") ;Sets patient status if it exists I $G(PSOAFPAT)="" D .I $P($G(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFIN")),"^",2)'="" D ..S ^PS(55,PSOAFDFN,"PS")=$P(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFIN"),"^",2) ..S PSOAFPAT=$P(^PS(59,PSOSITE,"RXFIN"),"^",2) I $G(PSOAFPAT)="" D NOPATS ;Prints message if no patient status S PSORX("PATIENT STATUS")=PSOAFPAT ;HMS 2007_03_11 S PSOAFPNM=$P(^DPT(PSOAFDFN,0),"^",1) S (PSODFN,PAT)=PSOAFDFN,PSOFINY=PSOAFDFN_"^"_PSOAFPNM D ^PSOORFIN ;Begins execution of Rx Finishing routines K PSOAFDFN,PSOAFYN,PSOAFDON,PSOAFDUZ,PSOAFPAT,PAT,PSODFN,PSOFINY,PSOSITE Q ;Autofinish Task Quits Here ; ; ; NOPATS ;Quit message prints instead of prescription if no patient status ;Checks for nw orders in File#52.41 ;I $G(REA)'="" Q ;Quits if not signing a new rx S PSOAFORB=+ORDERID-1,PSOAFORB=$O(^PS(52.41,"B",PSOAFORB)),PSOAFOB1="",PSOAFOB1=$O(^PS(52.41,"B",PSOAFORB,PSOAFOB1)),PSOAFRXS=$P(^PS(52.41,PSOAFOB1,0),"^",3) I PSOAFRXS'="NW" K PSOAFORB,PSOAFOB1,PSOAFRXS Q ;Quits if no new pending rxs in File#52.41 K PSOAFORB,PSOAFOB1,PSOAFRXS I $G(PSOAFYN)="Y" S PSOLAP=$G(^SC(+ORL,"AFRXCLINPRNT")) ;vfah sets printer as defined in File#44 I $G(PSOAFYN)="Y" I PSOLAP="" S DIRUT="^" G:$D(DIRUT)!($D(DUOUT)) EX ;vfah If DIRUT set to "^" will bypass label printing, queueing etc if no printer defined in File#44 I $G(PSOAFYN)="Y" S PSOLAP=$P(^%ZIS(1,PSOLAP,0),"^",1) ;vhah sets PSOLAP to literal of printer name S PSOAFPNM=$P(^DPT(PSOAFDFN,0),"^",1) S PSOAFPNM=$P(^DPT(PSOAFDFN,0),"^",1) QLBL ;Queues no patient status notice D ^%ZISC S ZTRTN="PLBL^PSOAFIN",ZTIO=$G(PSOLAP),ZTDESC="Autofinish,Rx No Patient Status Message",ZTDTH=$H ;Sets Taskman variables Q:PSOLAP="" S ZTSAVE("*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD H 1 D ^%ZISC K PSOAFDFN,PSOAFPNM Q ; PLBL ;Prints no patient status notice W !,"CAN NOT AUTO-FINISH or MANUALLY FINISH RX(S)" W !!,"FOR PATIENT: ",PSOAFPNM_" "_$E($P($G(^DPT(PSOAFDFN,0)),"^",9),4,5)_"-"_$E($P($G(^DPT(PSOAFDFN,0)),"^",9),6,9) W !!,"THERE IS NO PATIENT STATUS SET FOR THIS PATIENT." W !!,"PLEASE ENTER A PATIENT STATUS FOR THIS PATIENT" W !,"AND THEN SIGN RXS IN CPRS TO AUTOFINISH RXS" W !!,"THANK YOU" W !,"AUTOFINISH,RX" W !,$$FMTE^XLFDT($$NOW^XLFDT()) D ^%ZISC EX K PSOAFDFN,PSOAFYN,PSOAFDON,PSOAFDUZ,PSOAFPNM,PSOAFPAT,PAT,PSODFN,PSOFINY,PSOSITE Q ; DISPD ;Selects dispense drug if not selected in CPRS S PSI=0 F PSI=0:0 S PSI=$O(^PSDRUG("ASP",PSODRUG("OI"),PSI)) Q:'PSI I $S('$D(^PSDRUG(PSI,"I")):1,'^("I"):1,DT'>^("I"):1,1:0),$S($P($G(^PSDRUG(PSI,2)),"^",3)'["O":0,1:1) D Q:PSI>0 .S $P(OR0,"^",9)=PSI,$P(^PS(52.41,ORD,0),"^",9)=PSI S VFASDD="Y" Q