PSODISPS ;BIR/SAB-CONTINUATION OF RELEASE FUNCTION ;3/2/93 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**15,13,9,27,67,71,156,118,148,247,200,208**;DEC 1997;Build 41 ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ;External reference ^PS(59.7 supported by DBIA 694 ;External reference to ^PSDRUG("AQ" supported by DBIA 3165 ;External reference ^XTMP("PSA" supported by DBIA 1036 ;External reference $$SERV^IBARX1 supported by DBIA 2245 ;External reference ^PSDRUG( supported by DBIA 221 ;Reference to ^DIC(19.2 supported by DBIA 1064 ; QTY ; Refill Release S PSOCPN=$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",2),QDRUG=$P(^PSRX(RXP,0),"^",6) K LBLP F YY=0:0 S YY=$O(^PSRX(RXP,XTYPE,YY)) Q:'YY D:$P($G(^PSRX(RXP,XTYPE,YY,0)),"^")'DT S PSODA=1 S:'$P($G(^XTMP("PSA",0)),U,2) $P(^(0),U,2)=DT G DOIT S X="PSA IV ALL LOCATIONS",DIC(0)="MZ",DIC=19 D ^DIC K DIC,X G:Y=-1 DOIT K DIQ,PSA S DA=+Y,DIC=19,DIQ="PSA",DR=200,DIQ(0)="IN" D EN^DIQ1 I '$D(PSA(19,DA,200,"I")) K DIC,DA,X,Y,DIQ G DOIT I PSA(19,DA,200,"I")>DT S PSODA=1 S:'$P($G(^XTMP("PSA",0)),U,2) $P(^(0),U,2)=DT K PSA,DIC,DA,X,Y,DIQ ; DOIT S POERR=1 D FULL^VALM1,BC1^PSODISP I $D(DISGROUP),$D(BINGNAM),($D(BINGDIV)!$D(BNGPDV)!$D(BNGRDV)),($D(BINGRO)!$D(BINGRPR)) N TM,TM1 D REL^PSOBING1 K BINGNAM,BINGDIV,BINGRO,BINGRPR,BNGPDV,BNGRDV EX ; K OUT,RX2,RXFD,RESK,ISUF,SUPN,%,DIC,IFN,J,DA,DR,DIE,X,X1,X2,Y,RXP,CX,PX,REC,DIR,YDT,REC,RDUZ,DIRUT,PSOCPN,PSOCPRX,PSOIBSS,PSOIBFL,PSOIBLP,PSOIBST,YY,QDRUG,QTY,TYPE,XTYPE,DUOUT,PSRH,XX,Y,PSIN,POERR,SUB K DIR S DIR("A",1)=" ",DIR("A")="Press Return to Continue",DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR K DIRUT,DUOUT,DTOUT,DIR S VALMBCK="R" S PSORXED=1 D ^PSOBUILD,ACT^PSOORNE2 K PSORXED Q ; CHKADDR(RXP) ; N PSOTXT,PSOBADR,PSOTEMP,LBL S LBL=$O(^PSRX(RXP,"L",99999),-1) I LBL>0 D .S PSOTXT=$G(^PSRX(RXP,"L",LBL,0)) I PSOTXT'["(BAD ADDRESS)" Q .S PSOBADR=$$CHKRX^PSOBAI(RXP) .I '$G(PSOBADR) D SETLBL(LBL,"NO BAD ADDRESS INDICATOR AT RELEASE") Q .I $P(PSOBADR,"^",2) D SETLBL(LBL,"ACTIVE TEMPORARY ADDRESS AT RELEASE") Q ; SETLBL(LBL,PSOMSG) ; N PSOTXT S PSOTXT=$G(^PSRX(RXP,"L",LBL,0)),$P(PSOTXT,"^",3)=PSOMSG S LBL=LBL+1,^PSRX(RXP,"L",0)="^52.032DA^"_LBL_"^"_LBL S ^PSRX(RXP,"L",LBL,0)=PSOTXT Q