| 1 | PSOHLEXC ;BIR/RTR-Process exceptions in HL7 message ;07/01/02
| 2 | ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**111**;DEC 1997
| 3 | ;External reference to ^PSDRUG supported by DBIA 221
| 4 | ;External reference to ^VA(200 supported by DBIA 224
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ;Don't worry about ICN, just get it when you build message
| 7 | CHECK ;Check for application acknowledgement exceptions
| 8 | I $G(HL("SAN"))="" S PSOEXMS="Missing sending application name." D NAK Q
| 9 | S PSOHY("EXAPP")=HL("SAN")
| 10 | I '$G(PSOHY("PAT"))!('$D(^DPT(+$G(PSOHY("PAT")),0))) S PSOEXMS="Invalid patient entry." D NAK Q
| 11 | I +$P($G(^DPT(PSOHY("PAT"),.35)),"^") S PSOEXMS="Patient is deceased." D NAK Q
| 12 | I $G(PSOHY("OCC"))'="NW" S PSOEXMS="Invalid Order Control Code." D NAK Q
| 13 | I '$G(PSOHY("LOC")) S PSOEXMS="No Patient Location." D NAK Q
| 14 | I $G(PSOHY("CHNUM"))="" S PSOEXMS="Missing CHCS Placer Order Number." D NAK Q
| 15 | I $D(^PS(52.41,"C",PSOHY("CHNUM"),PSOHY("EXAPP"))) S PSOEXMS="Duplicate order number in Outpatient Pending file." D NAK Q
| 16 | I $D(^PSRX("D",PSOHY("CHNUM"),PSOHY("EXAPP"))) S PSOEXMS="Duplicate order number in Outpatient Prescription file." D NAK Q
| 17 | I $G(PSOHY("REF"))="" S PSOEXMS="Missing number of refills." D NAK Q
| 18 | I $G(PSOHY("SDT"))="" S PSOEXMS="Missing effective date." D NAK Q
| 19 | I '$G(PSOHY("ENTER")) S PSOEXMS="Missing Entered by data." D NAK Q
| 20 | ;Drug exceptions
| 21 | I '$G(PSOHY("DRUG"))!('$D(^PSDRUG(+$G(PSOHY("DRUG")),0))) S PSOEXMS="Invalid drug entry." D NAK Q
| 22 | I $P($G(^PSDRUG(PSOHY("DRUG"),2)),"^",3)'["O" S PSOEXMS="Drug not marked for outpatient use." D NAK Q
| 23 | I $P($G(^PSDRUG(PSOHY("DRUG"),"I")),"^"),$P($G(^("I")),"^")<DT S PSOEXMS="Drug is inactive." D NAK Q
| 24 | I '$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSOHY("DRUG"),2)),"^") S PSOEXMS="Drug not associated with a Pharmacy Orderable Item." D NAK Q
| 25 | S PSOHY("ITEM")=$P($G(^PSDRUG(PSOHY("DRUG"),2)),"^")
| 26 | ;Provider exceptions
| 27 | CAN ;Also doing provider exceptions on the cancel message
| 28 | I '$G(PSOHY("PROV")) S PSOEXMS="Invalid provider entry." D NAK Q
| 29 | I '$P($G(^VA(200,PSOHY("PROV"),"PS")),"^") S PSOEXMS="Provider is not authorized to write med orders." D NAK Q
| 30 | I '$D(^XUSEC("PROVIDER",PSOHY("PROV"))) S PSOEXMS="Provider does not hold the PROVIDER key." D NAK Q
| 31 | N DA,DIC,DIQ,DR,X,Y
| 32 | K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) S DIC=200,DR="9.2;53.4",DA=PSOHY("PROV"),DIQ(0)="I" D EN^DIQ1
| 33 | I $G(^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,200,PSOHY("PROV"),9.2,"I")),$P($G(^("I")),"^")'>DT S PSOEXMS="Provider has a termination date." D NAK G END
| 34 | I $G(^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,200,PSOHY("PROV"),53.4,"I")),$P($G(^("I")),"^")'>DT S PSOEXMS="Provider has an inactive date." D NAK
| 35 | END K ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J)
| 36 | Q
| 37 | Q
| 38 | ACK ;Send a positive acknowledgement of the order
| 39 | I $G(HL("APAT"))'="AL" Q
| 40 | K PSOEXMS
| 41 | D MSH
| 42 | S ^TMP("HLA",$J,1)="MSA"_HL("FS")_"AA"_HL("FS")_$G(HL("MID"))_HL("FS")_$G(PSOEXMS)
| 43 | D SEND
| 44 | Q
| 45 | NAK ;Send a negative acknowledgement of the order
| 46 | S PSOEXXQ=1
| 47 | I $G(HL("APAT"))'="AL" Q
| 48 | D MSH
| 49 | ;S ^TMP("HLA",$J,1)="MSA"_HL("FS")_$S($G(PSOHBDS):"AR",1:"AE")_HL("FS")_$G(HL("MID"))_HL("FS")_$G(PSOEXMS)
| 50 | ;For now, always sending back the AA, not the AR or AE
| 51 | S ^TMP("HLA",$J,1)="MSA"_HL("FS")_"AA"_HL("FS")_$G(HL("MID"))_HL("FS")_$G(PSOEXMS)
| 52 | ;Sending AR back for missing segments, AE for other data validations
| 53 | D SEND
| 54 | Q
| 55 | MSH ;
| 56 | K ^TMP("HLA",$J)
| 58 | S PSOHLRS=""
| 59 | ;Vista HL7 will build the MSH
| 60 | Q
| 61 | SEND ;
| 63 | K ^TMP("HLA",$J)
| 64 | Q