PSOLMUTL ;BIR/SAB - listman utilities ;03/07/95 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**19,46,84,99,131,132,148,268,225**;DEC 1997;Build 29 ;External reference FULL^VALM1 supported by dbia 10116 ;External reference $$SETSTR^VALM1 supported by dbia 10116 ;External reference EN2^GMRAPEMO supported by dbia 190 ;External reference to ^ORD(101 supported by DBIA 872 ; EN W @IOF S VALMCNT=0 D:'$D(PSOPAR) ^PSOLSET I '$D(PSOPAR) W $C(7),!!?5,"Site parameter must be defined!",! G INITQ D EN^PSOLMPI INITQ Q HDR ;patient med profile display K VALMHDR S HDR=^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,1,0) S:^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,8,0) X=IORVON_""_IORVOFF,HDR=$$SETSTR^VALM1(X,HDR,80-$L(X),80) S VALMHDR(1)=HDR I '(^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,8,0)) S PSONOAL="" D ALLERGY^PSOORUT2 I PSONOAL'="" D K PSONOAL .S X=IORVON_""_IORVOFF,HDR=$$SETSTR^VALM1(X,HDR,80-$L(X),80) S VALMHDR(1)=HDR S HDR=" PID: "_^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,2,0) S VALMHDR(2)=$$SETSTR^VALM1("Ht(cm): "_^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,7,0),HDR,52,27) S HDR=" DOB: "_^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,3,0)_" ("_^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,4,0)_")" S VALMHDR(3)=$$SETSTR^VALM1(" Wt(kg): "_^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,6,0),HDR,51,28) S HDR=" SEX: "_$E(^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,5,0),1,44) S VALMHDR(4)=HDR S $P(VALMHDR(4)," ",30)=" "_$E(^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,5,0),48,80) Q:$G(PS)="VIEW"!($G(PS)="DELETE") S VALMHDR(5)=$G(^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,9,0)) S VALMHDR(6)=$G(^TMP("PSOHDR",$J,10,0)) Q ; NEWALL(DFN) ; Enter Allergy info. N PSOID D FULL^VALM1,EN2^GMRAPEM0,^PSOORUT2 S VALMBCK="R" Q NEWSEL ;allows order selection by number instead of action S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) N VALMCNT D NEWSEL^PSOORNE2 Q EDTSEL ;allows edit selection by number instead of action - active orders N VALMCNT S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) D EDTSEL^PSOOREDT Q SELAL ;selection of allergy by number instead of action - select allergy N VALMCNT S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) D SELAL^PSOORDA Q EDTNEW ;allows edit selection by number instead of action - new orders N VALMCNT S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) D EDTSEL^PSOORNE1 Q EDTRNEW ;allows edit selection by number instead of action - renew orders N VALMCNT S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2) D EDTSEL^PSOORNE4 Q EDTPEN ;allows edit selection by number instead of action - pending orders N VALMCNT S Y=$P(XQORNOD(0),"=",2),SEDT=1 G EDTSEL^PSOORNEW Q HLDHDR ;keeps patient's header info S IOTM=VALM("TM"),IOBM=IOSL W IOSC W @IOSTBM W IORC Q ; BYPASS S:$G(PSOFDR) SIGOK=1 S Y=-1,VALMBCK="Q" Q ACTIONS() ;screen actions on active orders Q:$G(PKI1)=2 0 N DIC,X,Y K DIC,Y S DIC="^ORD(101,"_DA(1)_",10,",X=DA,DIC(0)="ZN" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 0 S Y=Y(0,0) I Y="PSO REFILL" Q $S(PSOACT["R":1,1:0) I Y="PSO RENEW" Q $S(PSOACT["N":1,1:0) I Y="PSO REPRINT" Q $S(PSOACT["P":1,1:0) I Y="PSO EDIT ORDERS" Q $S(PSOACT["E":1,1:0) I Y="PSO RELEASE" Q $S(PSOACT["L":1,1:0) I Y="PSO PARTIAL" Q $S(PSOACT["T":1,1:0) I Y="PSO CANCEL" Q $S(PSOACT["D":1,1:0) I Y="PSO HOLD" Q $S(PSOACT["H":1,1:0) I Y="PSO UNHOLD" Q $S(PSOACT["U":1,1:0) I Y="PSO LM BACKDOOR COPY" Q $S(PSOACT["C":1,1:0) I Y="PSO VERIFY" Q $S(PSOACT["V":1,1:0) I Y="PSO ACTIVITY LOGS" Q 1 Q 1 ACTIONS1() ;screen actions on pending orders Q:$G(PKI1)=2 0 N DIC,X,Y K DIC,Y S DIC="^ORD(101,"_DA(1)_",10,",X=DA,DIC(0)="ZN" D ^DIC Q:Y<0 0 S Y=Y(0,0) I Y="PSO LM DISCONTINUE" Q $S(PSOACT["D":1,1:0) I Y="PSO LM EDIT" Q $S(PSOACT["E":1,1:0) I Y="PSO LM FINISH" Q $S(PSOACT["F":1,1:0) I Y="PSO LM FLAG" Q $S(PSOACT["X":1,1:0) Q 1 PKIACT() ;screen actions on pending orders DEA/PKI proj. Q:$G(PKI1)=2 0 Q 1