PSOPFSU1 ;BIR/LE,AM - PFSS Charge Message & Utilities ;08/09/93 ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**201**;DEC 1997 ;External reference CHARGE^IBBAPI and GETCHGID^IBBAPI supported by DBIA 4665 Q ; CHRG(PSORXN,PSOREF,PSOCHTYP,PSOPFS) ;ENTRY POINT: ;Used to pass charge msg info to an external billing system via IBB API's ; Inputs: PSORXN = RX IEN, PSOREF = fill number, PSOCHTYP = "CG" for Charge or "CD" for Credit transaction, ; PSOPFS = switch status (0 or 1) ^ PFSS Account Reference for the fill ^ PFSS Charge ID for the fill ; Outputs: none ; N I,CLDIV,IFN,J,PSODG,PSOZCL,PSOCHID,PSOPFSA,PSODFN,PSORX,PSOFT1,PSODRG,PSODRUG,PSORXE,PSOCHG,PSOFD,PSOFT,PSOFLD ; quit if PFSS switch is off or not defined Q:'+$G(PSOPFS) ; ; check for CHARGE LOCATION before processing charge message. S CLDIV=$$CHLOC^PSOPFSU0() Q:CLDIV<1 ;if no CHARGE LOCATION, don't send charge message to either IB or external billing system. ; ; check for PFSS Acct Reference; if not one define, request one S PSOPFSA=$P(PSOPFS,"^",2) I PSOPFSA<1 D PFSI(PSORXN,PSOREF) S PSOPFSA=$P(PSOPFS,"^",2) I PSOPFSA<1 D ;because PSOCP is too large, need to check for/get them here .S PSOPFSA=$$GACT^PSOPFSU0(PSORXN,PSOREF) Q:PSOPFSA<1 ;Normally IB returns an acct ref or zero for unsuccessful if a problem is encountered. ; If IBB didn't return a value, don't send charge message because IBB will produce a hard error. Subsequent phase of PFSS will provide further error handling. ; ; check for PFSS Charge ID. If no charge ID, means Rx never sent to external bill sys or there was a problem retrieve one. S PSOCHID=$P(PSOPFS,"^",3) ;If no Charge ID is defined, request a Unique Charge ID and store it in file 52 I PSOCHID<1 S PSOCHID=$$GETCHGID^IBBAPI() I PSOCHID>0 D . I PSOREF=0 S $P(^PSRX(PSORXN,"PFS"),"^",2)=PSOCHID ;set directly for speed (CMOPs, etc.) . I PSOREF>0 S $P(^PSRX(PSORXN,1,PSOREF,"PFS"),"^",2)=PSOCHID Q:PSOCHID<1 ;no charge message will be sent if can't get a PFSS CHARGE ID from IB. Subsequent phase of PFSS will provide error handling for this type problem. ;Retrieve all fields to pass for the charge message S PSOFT="4,10,21" I PSOREF=0 D CHRGOF I PSOREF>0 D CHRGRF ;Get general Rx data fields D GETS^DIQ(52,PSORXN,"2;3;6;105","I","PSORX") S PSOFT1(29)=$$NDC^PSOHDR(PSORXN,PSOREF,$S(PSOREF>0:"R",1:"")) S PSODFN=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",2,"I")),PSODRG=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",6,"I")),PSOFT1(31)=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",105,"I")) D DATA^PSS50(PSODRG,,,,,"PSOSC") ;S PSOFT1(2)="PSO"_PSORXN_"F"_PSOREF ;12/6/05; DECISION MADE TO NOT SEND clinicial event indicator FOR OP S PSOFT1(7)=$G(^TMP($J,"PSOSC",PSODRG,400)),PSOFT1(6)=PSOCHTYP,PSOFT1(13)=160 S PSOFT1(18)=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",3,"I")),PSOFT1(18)=$$GET1^DIQ(53,PSOFT1(18)_",",15,"I") S PSOFT1(22)=$FN($G(^TMP($J,"PSOSC",PSODRG,16)),"",2),PSOFT1(29)=PSOFT1(29)_";"_$G(^TMP($J,"PSOSC",PSODRG,.01)) S PSORXE(31)=$G(^TMP($J,"PSOSC",PSODRG,3)),PSORXE(17)=PSOREF S:(PSORXE(18)="") PSORXE(18)=$G(RELDT) ;CMOP S PSORXE(15)=PSORXN S PSOCHG=$$CHARGE^IBBAPI(PSODFN,PSOPFSA,PSOCHTYP,PSOCHID,.PSOFT1,"",.PSODG,.PSOZCL,.PSORXE,"","") ;errors to be handled in subsequent phase K ^TMP($J,"PSOSC") Q ; CHRGOF ;Retrieve charge fields for orig fills D GETS^DIQ(52,PSORXN,"4;7;8;22;31;125","I","PSORX") S PSOFD="22,7,4" F I=1:1 S PSOFLD=$P(PSOFD,",",I) Q:PSOFLD="" S PSOFT1($P(PSOFT,",",I))=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",$P(PSOFD,",",I),"I")) S PSOPFSA=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",125,"I")),PSORXE(18)=$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",31,"I")) S PSORXE(1)=PSOFT1(10)_";;"_$G(PSORX(52,PSORXN_",",8,"I")) D GOC Q ; CHRGRF ;Retrieve charge fields for refills D GETS^DIQ(52.1,PSOREF_","_PSORXN,".01;1;1.1;15;17;21","I","PSORX") S PSOFD=".01,1,15" F I=1:1 S PSOFLD=$P(PSOFD,",",I) Q:PSOFLD="" S PSOFT1($P(PSOFT,",",I))=$G(PSORX(52.1,PSOREF_","_PSORXN_",",$P(PSOFD,",",I),"I")) S PSOPFSA=$G(PSORX(52.1,PSOREF_","_PSORXN_",",21,"I")),PSORXE(18)=$G(PSORX(52.1,PSOREF_","_PSORXN_",",17,"I")) S PSORXE(1)=PSOFT1(10)_";;"_$G(PSORX(52.1,PSOREF_","_PSORXN_",",1.1,"I")) D GOC Q ; GOC ;Called from CHRGOF, CHRGRF. Parse OP classifications and ICD's. Don't send null values. D GETS^DIQ(52,PSORXN,"52311*","I","PSORX") F I=1:1 Q:'$D(PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",")) D . S:PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",",".01","I")'="" PSODG(I,3)=PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",",".01","I"),PSODG(I,6)="F" . I I=1 F J=1:1:7 Q:'$D(PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",",J,"I")) D . . S:PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",",J,"I")'="" PSOZCL(J,2)=J,PSOZCL(J,3)=PSORX(52.052311,I_","_PSORXN_",",J,"I") S:'$D(PSOZCL) PSOZCL="" S:'$D(PSODG) PSODG="" Q ; CG ;Called from PSOCPB; for the last fill, send chrg message if released; PSOCPB too large for more code. ; this is used for SC/EI changes when no charges are cancelled. Expects to have PSODA = RXIEN and PSOLFIL= fill# ;N REL,PFS ;I 'PSOLFIL S REL=$$GET1^DIQ(52,PSODA_",","31","I") ;I PSOLFIL>0 S REL=$$GET1^DIQ(52.1,PSOLFIL_","_PSODA_",","17","I") ;REFILL ;I REL'=""&(PSOPFS)&(+$G(PSOPFSA)) D CHRG(PSODA,PSOLFIL,"CG",PSOPFS) Q ; LF(PSODA) ;return last fill number;CALLED from PSOCPB N LF I $D(^PSRX(PSODA,1,0)) S LF="A",LF=$O(^PSRX(PSODA,1,LF),-1) Q LF Q 0 ;ORIG FILL ; PFSI(PSODA,PSOREF) ;get PFSS Acct Ref and Charge ID and store in PSOPFS; Called from multiple places in this routine I PSOREF=0&($D(^PSRX(PSODA,"PFS"))) S PSOPFS=PSOPFS_"^"_$P(^PSRX(PSODA,"PFS"),"^",1,2) Q I PSOREF>0&($D(^PSRX(PSODA,1,PSOREF,"PFS"))) S PSOPFS=PSOPFS_"^"_$P(^PSRX(PSODA,1,PSOREF,"PFS"),"^",1,2) Q ; PFSA(PSODA,PSOREF,WR) ;called from PSOCP (WR=2) and PSOCPB (WR=3) ;get switch status, acct ref, and charge ID, then validate switch vs availability of PFSS acct ref Q:'$G(WR) S PSOPFS=+$$SWSTAT^IBBAPI() D PFSI(PSODA,PSOREF) ; if switch is off, but have an PFSS Acct Ref for new orders, send charge to IDX ; if switch is off, but have a Charge ID, send cancel charge to IDX I '+PSOPFS,$P(PSOPFS,"^",WR)>0 S $P(PSOPFS,"^")=1 Q ; PFS ;;Called from PSOCPB; PSOCPB is too large to hold more code. Processes copay cancels for PFS only. ;find any fills being cancelled for PFSS, cancel them, and remove them from PSOCAN, then return to PSOCP to process any IB cancels ; N X,I,PSOREF,PSOOLD,PREA,PSONW ;If it's a PFS fill, if released, and not previously cancelled, set the X array, then kill it out of PSOCAN array. ;Killed out of PSOCAN because don't want the IB processing to look at PFSS billed fills. ;Note that in PSOCPD, PFS entries are not stored in PSOCAN array if a charge ID is not defined. So, don't have to check for release date. ;If prev cancelled and PFS, kill it from PSOCAN array S I="" F S I=$O(PSOCAN(I)) Q:I="" S PSOREF=+PSOCAN(I) D . I PSOREF=PSODA&($P(PSOCAN(I),"^",10)="PFS") D Q . . I $P(PSOCAN(I),"^",5)["CANCEL" K PSOCAN(I) Q . . S X(0)=$P(PSOCAN(I),"^",2)_"^"_PSORSN K PSOCAN(I) . I PSOREF'=PSODA&($P(PSOCAN(I),"^",10)="PFS") D . . I $P(PSOCAN(I),"^",5)["CANCEL" K PSOCAN(I) Q . . S X(PSOREF)=$P(PSOCAN(I),"^",2)_"^"_PSORSN K PSOCAN(I) I $G(CANTYPE)&('$D(X)) D MSGNOCAN^PSOCPB Q ;CANTYPE=1 means trying cancelling all fills;can't cancel twice ; ;send charge messages, set activity log, display message S PREA="C",PSOREF="" F S PSOREF=$O(X(PSOREF)) Q:PSOREF="" S PSOPFS=1 D PFSI(PSODA,PSOREF) D CHRG(PSODA,PSOREF,"CD",PSOPFS) D ACTLOG^PSOCPA D:'$G(CANTYPE) MSG^PSOCPB I $G(CANTYPE)&('$D(PSOCAN)) D MSG^PSOCPB ;if cancelling all and no legacy IB bills to cancel, write msg S PSOPFSA=0 ;reset variable so charge isn't sent twice if SC/EI's were also changed. Q ;