| 2 | ;;4.0;PAID;**6,35,45,69**;Sep 21, 1995
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;This routine is used to view the results of the decomposition.
| 5 | ;It is a continuation of routine ^PRS8VW.
| 6 | ;
| 7 | ;See routine PRS8VW2 at label TYP for type of time
| 8 | ;text displayed from this routine.
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ;Called by Routines: PRS8VW1
| 11 | ;
| 12 | S CHECK=0
| 13 | ;
| 14 | EN ; --- entry point from PRS8CK1
| 15 | S E=E(1),W="Wk-1",LOC=1 D SHOW
| 16 | S E=E(2),W="Wk-2",LOC=2 D SHOW
| 17 | S E=E(3),W="Misc",LOC=0 D SHOW
| 18 | I 'CHECK,"C"'[$E(IOST) D
| 19 | .W ! F I=1:1:79 W "-"
| 20 | .W !,TR
| 22 | ;
| 23 | SHOW ; --- show information
| 24 | F I=1:2 S X=$E(E,I,I+1) Q:X="" D
| 25 | .I $D(USED(X)) Q
| 26 | .S USED(X)=""
| 27 | .S X(1)=$F(OLD,X),X(2)=$F(NEW,X) ; try to find time code in TT8B
| 28 | .I 'CHECK,'X(1),'X(2) Q ;not in either string
| 29 | .I CHECK S LOC(1)=(I\2+1) S:'LOC LOC(1)=LOC(1)+50 D
| 30 | ..S FOUND(LOC(1))=$G(FOUND(LOC(1)))
| 31 | ..S $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",$S(LOC<2:1,1:4))=X
| 32 | .S Y=$P($T(@$E(X)),";;",2)
| 33 | .S Y(1)=$F(Y,$E(X,2)_":")
| 34 | .S Y=$P($E(Y,Y(1),999),":",1,2)
| 35 | .I 'CHECK W !,W,?10,$P($T(TYP+Y^PRS8VW2),";;",2),?45,X
| 36 | .S X=X(1),X1=52 D CON
| 37 | .S X=X(2),X1=67 D CON
| 38 | Q
| 39 | ;
| 40 | CON ; --- convert to proper format
| 41 | I '+X S X=$E("00000000000",1,+$P(Y,":",2))
| 42 | I X,X1=52 S (X,Z)=$E(OLD,X(1),X(1)+$P(Y,":",2)-1)
| 43 | I X,X1=67 S:'$D(Z) Z="" S X=$E(NEW,X(2),X(2)+$P(Y,":",2)-1)
| 44 | I 'CHECK W ?X1,$J(X,9) D Q
| 45 | .I OLD=""!(NEW="") Q
| 46 | .I X1=67,Z'="",X'=Z W " *"
| 47 | S LOC(2)=$S(X1=52:2,1:3) I LOC=2 S LOC(2)=LOC(2)+3
| 48 | S $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",LOC(2))=X
| 49 | Q:X1'=67
| 50 | I $P(FOUND(LOC(1)),"^",1)="CD" Q
| 51 | S S=0,X=FOUND(LOC(1))
| 52 | I +$P(X,"^",2)!(+$P(X,"^",3)) S S=1
| 53 | I 'S,LOC,+$P(X,"^",5)!(+$P(X,"^",6)) S S=1
| 54 | I 'S,LOC'=1 K FOUND(LOC(1))
| 55 | Q
| 56 | ;
| 57 | ; This internal table stores types of time codes and their
| 58 | ; corresponding descriptions and TT8B value field lengths. Each
| 59 | ; single char line label below is the 1st char of a type of time code.
| 60 | ; The text on the corresponding line contains '^' delimited
| 61 | ; pieces. The 1st char of those pieces is the 2nd char of a type of
| 62 | ; time. The text description for that time code is given by the
| 63 | ; the number in the 2nd ':' delimited piece. That number indicates
| 64 | ; the line number below the label TYP in routine PRS8VW2. The 3rd
| 65 | ; ':' delimited piece is the length of the time code's value in the
| 66 | ; TT8B String.
| 67 | ;
| 68 | A ;;N:1:3^U:5:3^L:1:3^B:5:3^D:63:3^F:63:3
| 69 | C ;;E:7:3^U:8:3^T:7:3^O:8:3^L:34:4^A:55:4^Y:57:3^D:60:6
| 70 | D ;;A:16:3^B:17:3^C:18:3^E:16:3^F:17:3^G:18:3^W:45:2^T:48:6
| 71 | E ;;A:38:5^B:40:5^C:38:5^D:40:5
| 72 | F ;;F:59:4^A:61:3^B:61:3^C:62:3^D:62:3^E:64:6
| 73 | H ;;A:29:3^B:30:3^C:31:3^L:29:3^M:30:3^N:31:3^D:36:3^O:36:3
| 74 | I ;;N:46:1
| 75 | L ;;U:48:4^N:49:4^D:50:4^A:53:1
| 76 | M ;;L:54:4
| 77 | N ;;O:4:3^A:10:3^B:11:3^P:4:3^R:10:3^S:11:3^L:44:2^T:65:3^H:65:3
| 78 | O ;;A:20:3^B:21:3^C:22:3^K:24:3^M:25:3^N:34:4^E:20:3^F:21:3^G:22:3^S:24:3^U:25:3
| 79 | P ;;T:32:3^A:33:3^H:32:3^B:33:3^C:56:2
| 80 | R ;;T:6:3^A:26:3^B:27:3^C:28:3^L:6:3^E:26:3^F:27:3^G:28:3^R:58:1
| 81 | S ;;K:2:3^P:12:3^A:13:3^B:14:3^C:15:3^L:2:3^Q:12:3^E:13:3^F:14:3^G:15:3
| 82 | T ;;F:19:3^A:42:3^C:43:3^G:19:3^B:42:3^D:43:3^L:47:3^O:52:1
| 83 | U ;;N:9:3^S:9:3
| 84 | V ;;C:37:6^S:37:6
| 85 | W ;;D:3:3^P:3:3
| 86 | Y ;;A:23:3^D:35:4^E:23:3^H:35:4
| 87 | Q