PRS8WE2 ;WCIOFO/MGD-DECOMPOSITION, WEEKEND PREMIUM PART 2 ;3/23/07 ;;4.0;PAID;**90,92,96,112**;Sep 21, 1995;Build 54 ;;Per VHA Directive 2004-038, this routine should not be modified. COUNT(DAYN,SEG) ; Increase count of premium for tour ; input ; DAYN = day # (0-15) being counted ; SEG = segment # (1-96) in DAYN being counted ; D(DAYN) ; P(DAYN) ; H(DAYN) ; CNT(DAYN,shift) - optional ; output ; CNT(DAYN,shift) = current count for tour being processed ; N DAT,FND,M1,NODE,NOTELG,POST,PREVDAY,RC,SC,SHIFT,TDAY,TOUR,TOURS,TS ; perform final checks I ("EetOscbT"[$E(D(DAYN),SEG)),$E(H(DAYN),SEG)'=2,$E(P(DAYN),SEG) Q I TYP["P","4"[$E(D(DAYN),SEG),$E(H(DAYN),SEG)'=2,$E(P(DAYN),SEG)=0 Q ; ; If Hybrid employee as defined by Public Law P.L. 107-135, check ; to see if the time was on a tour of duty or an exception. Tours ; worked on Sat or Sun qualify for Premium time. If the time was ; an exception, check the Remarks Code to see if the segment can be ; counted as Premium time. ; S (FND,NOTELG)=0 ; Quit if Sunday and employee is not entitled to Sun Prem Pay Q:SATNOSUN&("^1^8^15^"[(U_DAY_U))&(TP="SUN") I HYBRID!(PMP'=""&("^S^T^U^V^"[(U_PMP_U))) D Q:NOTELG . ; Check to see if the time was on a tour or an exception . N INC,END . F TOURS=1,4,2 D Q:NOTELG!(FND) . . S TOUR=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",DAYN,TOURS)) . . Q:TOUR="" . . S INC=$S(TOURS=2:4,1:3) . . S END=$S(TOURS=2:25,1:19) . . F POST=1:INC:END I $P(TOUR,"^",POST)'="" D Q:NOTELG!(FND) . . . ; Quit if SEG is not within the start/stop time . . . Q:SEG<$P(TOUR,"^",POST)!(SEG>$P(TOUR,"^",POST+1)) . . . S FND=1 . . . Q:TOURS=1!(TOURS=4) ; If on a Tour it counts as Premium . . . S RC=$P(TOUR,"^",POST+3) . . . ; Remarks Code must be OT/CT on Premium (#9), Tour Coverage (#12), . . . ; CB - Premium T&L (#14) or OT/CT With Premiums (#17) to qualify for Premium pay. . . . I "^9^12^14^17^"'[("^"_RC_"^") S NOTELG=1 . Q:FND . ; . ; If we didn't find SEG in either of the two tours or the . ; exceptions then check to see if it crossed over into this day. . S PREVDAY=DAYN-1 . N INC,END . F TOURS=1,4,2 D Q:NOTELG . . S TOUR=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",PREVDAY,TOURS)) . . Q:TOUR="" . . S INC=$S(TOURS=2:4,1:3) . . S END=$S(TOURS=2:25,1:19) . . F POST=1:4:25 I $P(TOUR,"^",POST)'="" D Q:NOTELG!(FND) . . . ; Quit if SEG is not within the start/stop time . . . Q:(SEG+96)<$P(TOUR,"^",POST)!((SEG+96)>$P(TOUR,"^",POST+1)) . . . S FND=1 . . . Q:TOURS=1!(TOURS=4) ; If on a Tour it counts as Premium . . . S RC=$P(TOUR,"^",POST+3) . . . ; Remarks Code must be OT/CT on Premium (#9), Tour Coverage (#12), . . . ; CB - Premium T&L (#14) or OT/CT With Premiums to qualify for premium pay. . . . I "^9^12^14^17^"'[("^"_RC_"^") S NOTELG=1 ; I $E(H(DAYN),SEG)=1!($E(P(DAYN),SEG)=5) Q ; determine special code S SHIFT=1 I TP="SUN",TYP["W" D . ; Check to see if shift 2 or 3 is recorded for the segment worked . I "^2^3^"[(U_$E(D(DAYN),SEG)_U) S SHIFT=$E(D(DAYN),SEG) Q . S FND=0,SC="" . ; Check for Holiday Worked on a Holiday . I $E(D(DAYN),SEG)="O",$E(H(DAYN),SEG)=2 D . . F TDAY=DAYN,DAYN-1 D Q:FND . . . S M1=$S(TDAY=DAYN:SEG,1:SEG+96) . . . ; loop through both tours in day . . . F NODE=1,4 S DAT=$G(^TMP($J,"PRS8",TDAY,NODE)) Q:DAT="" D Q:FND . . . . ; loop through tour segments in tour . . . . F TS=1:1:7 Q:$P(DAT,U,(TS-1)*3+1)="" D Q:FND . . . . . ; check if time is contained in tour segment . . . . . I M1'<$P(DAT,U,(TS-1)*3+1),M1'>$P(DAT,U,(TS-1)*3+2) D . . . . . . S SC=$P(DAT,U,(TS-1)*3+3),SHIFT=$S(SC=6:2,SC=7:3,1:1) . . . . . . I "^2^3^"[(U_SHIFT_U) S FND=1 ; ;Set shift 2 for 36/40 AWS nurses with premium time outside tour ;for this time segment i.e. overtime(O), comp time(C) or called in from ;on-call(c) I +NAWS=36,"cOE"[$E(D(DAYN),SEG) S SHIFT=2 ; add to count S CNT(DAYN,SHIFT)=$G(CNT(DAYN,SHIFT))+1 Q ; SAVE ; Update WK array with final count for tour ; input ; TP - type of premium (SAT or SUN) ; CNT(day,shift)=amount ; N AMT,DAYN,PC,SHIFT,WEEK S DAYN=0 F S DAYN=$O(CNT(DAYN)) Q:DAYN="" D . Q:DAYN<1!(DAYN>14) . S WEEK=$S(DAYN<8:1,1:2) . S SHIFT="" F S SHIFT=$O(CNT(DAYN,SHIFT)) Q:SHIFT="" D . . S AMT=CNT(DAYN,SHIFT) . . S PC=$S(TP="SAT":0,1:SHIFT)+12 . . ;Shift 2 used for 36/40 nurses premium time within tour using the 2080 divisor (40*52). . . ;Saturday Premium-AWS (SR/SS) and Sunday Premium-AWS (SD/SH) . . ;Paid at the AAC with the 1872 divisor for the hourly rate (36*52) . . ;for time outside the tour. . . S:+NAWS=36 PC=$S(SHIFT=2:$S(TP="SAT":12,1:13),TP="SAT":49,1:50) . . S $P(WK(WEEK),U,PC)=$P(WK(WEEK),U,PC)+AMT Q ; ;PRS8WE