[623] | 1 | PRSAENT ;HISC/MGD-Entitlement String ;10/21/04
| 2 | ;;4.0;PAID;**6,21,45,69,75,76,90,96**;Sep 21, 1995
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;VARS:
| 5 | ; C0=employees 0 node of master record in file 450
| 6 | ; NH= employees 8B normal hours
| 7 | ; FLX= compressed/flextime code (0=none,C=compressed,F=flextime)
| 8 | ; PMP= premium pay indicator
| 9 | ; ( D = entitled Sun., F = entitled Sat./Sun.,
| 10 | ; E = entitled variable Sat./Sun. premium pay,
| 11 | ; G = entitled variable Sun. prem pay
| 12 | ; X = title 5 employees
| 13 | ; R, C, O = 3 types of firefighters )
| 14 | ; AC= 3 single char codes concat. w/o delims + a possible 4th char.
| 15 | ; AC= PP_DutyBasis(full-1,part-2,intermit-3)_FLSA(E=Exempt,N=NonExempt)
| 16 | ; _(*EWXY8BT02S9P)
| 17 | ; PP= employees pay plan (possible chars 0AEFGJKLMNPQRSTUWXY)
| 18 | ; PB= pay basis-code for time condition for computing pay.
| 19 | ; TA= type of appointment (career, career conditional, etc.)
| 20 | ; OCC= 4 digit cost center for fund appropriation accounting
| 21 | ; LVG= one digit code for employees leave group.
| 22 | ; ASS= specialty assignment of physicians,dentists, nurses,
| 23 | ; summer employees,trainees and other special programs.
| 24 | ; ENT= 39 character entitlement string
| 25 | ; PMP = Premium Pay Code
| 26 | ;
| 28 | ;
| 29 | S C0=^PRSPC(DFN,0)
| 30 | ;
| 31 | ; pay plan in master record.
| 32 | S PP=$P(C0,"^",21)
| 33 | ;
| 34 | ;=====================================================================
| 35 | ; duty basis from master record
| 36 | S DUTYTEMP=$P(C0,"^",10)
| 37 | ;
| 38 | ; FLSA indicator from master record
| 39 | S FLSATEMP=$P(C0,"^",12)
| 40 | ;
| 41 | ;Make sure we've called this routine from an entry point that uses
| 42 | ;PY for pay period. A few reports, call PRSAENT from TYPSTF^PRSRUT0
| 43 | ;and the reports aren't concerned about differing pay plans from
| 44 | ;other pay periods.
| 45 | ;
| 46 | I +($G(PY))>0 D
| 47 | .S PAYPDTMP=$P($G(^PRST(458,+PY,0)),"^") ;pay period we're working with.
| 49 | .;if we find an old pay plan and it's different than the master record
| 50 | .;use the old pay plan to determine VCS or FEE.
| 51 | .I PPLOLD'=0,(PP'=PPLOLD) D
| 52 | .. S PP=PPLOLD
| 54 | ;=====================================================================
| 55 | ;
| 56 | ; Numeric Pay plans are all Wage grade. Set them to 0.
| 57 | S:PP?1N PP=0
| 58 | ;
| 59 | ;
| 60 | S:"BC"[PP PP="A"
| 62 | S NH=+$P(C0,"^",16)
| 63 | S FLX=$P($G(^PRSPC(DFN,1)),"^",7)
| 64 | S PMP=$P($G(^PRSPC(DFN,"PREMIUM")),"^",6)
| 66 | I $L(AC)'=3 D NO Q
| 67 | ;
| 68 | ;
| 69 | D @PP
| 70 | D FND
| 71 | Q
| 72 | ;===========================================================
| 73 | ;
| 74 | 0 Q
| 75 | ;
| 76 | A ;patch 45: firefighters entitlements are based on PMP Codes.
| 77 | ; Code O still uses nh>80 to determine entitlement.
| 78 | I "RC"[PMP S AC=AC_PMP Q
| 79 | ;
| 80 | ;This check does not concern itself with whether or not a code
| 81 | ; O is present. Simply if not a code R or C then an over 80
| 82 | ; must be a code O firefighter under the rules implemented in
| 83 | ; patch 45.
| 84 | ;
| 85 | I "CR"'[PMP,NH>80 S AC=AC_"*" Q
| 86 | ;
| 87 | Q:PMP=""
| 88 | I $E(AC,2)'=3,"WXY"[PMP S AC=AC_PMP Q
| 89 | S:"EF"[PMP AC=AC_"E"
| 90 | ;The following check is for Public Law 108-170
| 92 | Q
| 93 | E Q
| 94 | F Q
| 95 | G I $E(AC,2)<3 Q
| 96 | S TA=$P(C0,"^",43) S:TA=8 AC=AC_"8" Q
| 97 | J Q
| 98 | K S:NH=48 AC=AC_"B" Q
| 99 | L I $E(AC,2)=2 S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) S:PB=0 AC=AC_"*" Q
| 100 | I $E(AC,2)=3 S OCC=$P(C0,"^",17),OCC=+$E(OCC,5,6) S:OCC>20&(OCC<38) AC=AC_"*" Q
| 101 | S LVG=$P(C0,"^",15) S:LVG=5 AC=AC_"*" Q
| 102 | M I $E(AC,2)=1,NH=48 S AC=AC_"B" Q
| 103 | I $E(AC,2)=2 S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) I PB=0 S AC=AC_"0" Q
| 104 | I $E(AC,2)=3 S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) I PB=2 S AC=AC_"2" Q
| 105 | S OCC=$P(C0,"^",17) S:OCC="" OCC="*"
| 106 | S:" 061056 061057 "[OCC AC=AC_"T"
| 107 | S:" 061071 061072 061080 061083 061084 "[OCC AC=AC_"T"
| 108 | S:" 060552 060556 "[OCC AC=AC_"T" Q
| 109 | N S ASS=$P(C0,"^",4),PB=$P(C0,"^",20)
| 110 | ;The following check is for Public Law 108-170
| 111 | I "^S^T^U^V^"[("^"_PMP_"^") S AC=AC_PMP Q
| 112 | I AC="N2E",PB=0 S AC=AC_"0" Q
| 113 | I $E(AC,2)=3,PB="S" S AC=AC_"$" Q
| 114 | S OCC=$P(C0,"^",17) S:OCC="" OCC="*"
| 115 | I OCC="069961" S AC=AC_"T" Q ; Student Nurse Technician
| 116 | I OCC="069964" S AC=AC_"T" Q ; Student Nurse Technician
| 117 | S AC=AC_$S(ASS="TR":"T",ASS?1"T"1N:"T",ASS?1"A"1N:"T",1:"") Q
| 118 | P Q
| 119 | Q I $E(AC,2)'=2 Q
| 120 | S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) S:PB=0 AC=AC_"0" Q
| 121 | R Q
| 122 | S Q
| 123 | T I $E(AC,2)'=3 Q
| 124 | S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) S:PB=9 AC=AC_"9" Q
| 125 | U S PB=$P(C0,"^",20) I $E(AC,3)="N",PB="P" S AC=AC_"P"
| 126 | Q
| 127 | W Q
| 128 | X S:'NH AC=AC_"0" Q
| 129 | Y Q
| 130 | ;
| 131 | ;= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
| 132 | FND ;Look up the 39 character entitlement string in the entitlement table
| 133 | ;The lookup is based on the AC x-ref that matches the AC variable that
| 134 | ;is built in this routine from the three 1 character codes from the
| 135 | ;450 fields (pay plan, duty basis, FLSA).
| 136 | ;
| 137 | S A1=$O(^PRST(457.5,"AC",AC,0))
| 138 | D NO
| 139 | I +A1 S ENT=^PRST(457.5,A1,1)
| 140 | ; The following check was added to address the Hybrid employees
| 141 | ; defined in Public Law 107-135. These Hybrids do not have a
| 142 | ; Premium Pay Indicator but are entitled to Saturday and Sunday
| 143 | ; Premium Pay.
| 145 | . S $E(ENT,8,9)="11"
| 146 | ;
| 147 | Q
| 148 | ;= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
| 149 | NO S ENT=""
| 150 | Q
| 151 | ;
| 152 | MLINHRS(IEN) ;
| 153 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 154 | ; Determine if the employee is entitled to Military Leave in hours.
| 155 | ;
| 156 | ; Input Vars:
| 157 | ; IEN - the ien number of the employee in the PAID EMPLOYEE (#450)
| 158 | ; file.
| 159 | ;
| 160 | ; Local Vars:
| 161 | ; DATA - the 0 node of the employee from the PAID EMPLOYEE (#450)
| 162 | ; file.
| 163 | ; DB - Duty Basis field #9 from the #450 file.
| 164 | ; NH - Normal Hours field # 15 from the #450 file.
| 165 | ; PP - Pay Plan field # 20 from the #450 file.
| 166 | ;
| 167 | ; Output:
| 168 | ; 1 : Entitled to ML in hours.
| 169 | ; 0 : Entitled to ML in days.
| 170 | ; X : Some of the required fields were not defined or the employee
| 171 | ; is not entitled to Military Leave.
| 172 | ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
| 173 | ; Quit if no IEN passed in
| 174 | ;
| 175 | Q:'+IEN "X"
| 176 | ;
| 177 | ; Verify that ENT is defined. If not call PRSAENT to define it.
| 178 | ;
| 179 | I '$D(ENT) D PRSAENT
| 180 | ;
| 181 | ; Quit if the Entitlement string is not defined for the employee
| 182 | ;
| 183 | Q:ENT="" "X"
| 184 | ;
| 185 | ; Quit if the employee is not entitled to Military Leave
| 186 | ;
| 187 | Q:'$E(ENT,34) "X"
| 188 | ;
| 189 | N DATA,PP,DB,NH
| 190 | S DATA=$G(^PRSPC(IEN,0))
| 191 | Q:DATA="" "X"
| 192 | S DB=$P(DATA,U,10),NH=$P(DATA,U,16),PP=$P(DATA,U,21)
| 193 | Q:DB=""!(NH="")!(PP="") "X" ; Quit if DB or NH or PP is not defined.
| 194 | ;
| 195 | ; Check for ML in Days
| 196 | ;
| 197 | I DB=1,NH=0,"^J^L^P^Q^X^"[PP Q 0
| 198 | ;
| 199 | ; Otherwise the employee is entitled to ML in hours.
| 200 | ;
| 201 | Q 1