AAQJCHK ;FGO/JHS-Check/Warning for Test Account ; 12/6/05 3:01am ;;1.4;AAQJ PATCH RECORD;; May 14, 1999 D UCI^%ZOSV S AAQUCI=$P(Y,",",1) ;;I AAQUCI="VAH" K AAQUCI Q ;Quit if in Production I AAQUCI="EHR" K AAQUCI Q ;Quit if in Production W !!,$C(7),"You are not in the Production Account. You are in "_AAQUCI_".",!,"Actual Patch Record Editing should be done only in the Production account." W !,"If you are only testing with Patch Record editing, you may continue." ASKCONT S %=2 W !!,"Are you using test data in the Patch Record" D YN^DICN D:%=2 WARN I %=0 D WARN G ASKCONT I %=-1 D WARN G EXIT G EXIT WARN W !!,"If you are entering actual data, please Halt and use the Production Account.",!,"Answer YES, if you are only testing." R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue.",X:DTIME Q EXIT K %,AAQUCI,X,Y Q