AAQJUTL ;FGO/JHS - Patch Documentation Utility ;05-27-99 [10/27/99 11:15pm] ;;1.4;AAQJ PATCH RECORD;; May 14, 1999 W !,"On-Line Documentation for Patch Record and Simple Patch." W !!,"The documentation can be viewed on a display terminal,",!,"using FileMan Browser or queued to a printer." W !!,"Arrow keys can be used to scroll up and down through the text.",!,"For Browser functions, use: F1 key on a PC. PF1 on a dumb terminal." W !,"Use F1 (or PF1) 'H' for Help and F1 'E' to Exit the Document." ASK S AAQOUT=0 R !!,"Do you want to (P)rint or (V)iew?: V// ",AAQX:60 G:AAQX="^" EXIT W:$E(AAQX,1)="P" "rint" W:$E(AAQX,1)="V" "iew" I (AAQX="")!(AAQX="V") S AAQX="V" I AAQX?1L.E S AAQX=$$UP^XLFSTR(AAQX) I $E(AAQX,1)'="P",$E(AAQX,1)'="V" W !!,"Enter the letter P or V, `^' to quit." G ASK GET ;Get a document to display or print K DIC S DIC="^DIZ(437016.9,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",D="B",DZ="??" D DQ^DICQ K DIC S DIC="^DIZ(437016.9,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Enter the Name of the Document: " D ^DIC W ! I Y<0 W $C(7),!,"No Document selected. Exiting." G EXIT S AAQJ=+Y,AAQJNAM=$P(Y,U,2) S:AAQX="P" IOP="Q",%ZIS="QN" D ^%ZIS Q:POP I $D(IO("Q")) G QUE S AAQX="V",IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS Q:POP ;;S DDBRTIEN=IOST(0),X="IOTM;IOBM;IOSTBM;IORI" D ENDR^%ZISS ;;S AAQX="V",%ZIS=0,%ZIS("B")="BROWSER" D ^%ZIS Q:POP ;;S AAQX="V",IOP="BROWSER" D ^%ZIS Q:POP G DQ QUE S AAQX="P",ZTRTN="DQ^AAQJUTL",ZTDESC="Patch Documentation",ZTSAVE("AAQ*")="" D ^%ZTLOAD G EXIT DQ U IO S AAQPG=0 D UCI^%ZOSV S AAQUCI=$P(Y,",",1),AAQDT=$$NOW^XLFDT,AAQHDT=$$FMTE^XLFDT(AAQDT) I AAQX="P" D HDR G LOOP TST ; This is a Test to see if your terminal will work with Browser. I '$$TEST^DDBRT D Q .W $C(7),!,?20,"Terminal cannot support a scroll region and reverse index.",!,?20,"Please contact IRM to see if they can correct this problem." .Q ;;I '$$TEST^DDBRT W $C(7),!,?20,"Terminal cannot support a scroll region and reverse index.",!,?20,"Please contact IRM to see if they can correct this problem." G EXIT LOOP D HDR F N1=0:0 S N1=$O(^DIZ(437016.9,AAQJ,1,N1)) Q:AAQOUT=1 G:N1'>0 EXIT S X=^DIZ(437016.9,AAQJ,1,N1,0) D .W !,X .I IOST["C-",$Y+3>IOSL D RET .I IOST["P-",$Y+6>IOSL D HDR .Q EXIT K %,%L,%X,%Y,%ZIS,AAQDT,AAQHDT,AAQJ,AAQJNAM,AAQOUT,AAQPG,AAQUCI,AAQX,D,DIC,DIZ,DZ,IOP,N1,POP,X,Y,ZTDESC,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE D ^%ZISC S:$D(ZTQUEUED) ZTREQ="@" Q RET R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue, '^' to Exit: ",X:DTIME D:X["^" UPOUT D HDR Q HDR Q:AAQOUT=1 W @IOF S AAQPG=AAQPG+1 W !!,AAQHDT,?30,AAQJNAM,?65,AAQUCI,?70,"PAGE ",AAQPG,!! S $Y=5 Q UPOUT S AAQOUT=1 W @IOF S $Y=1 Q