AAQKILLS ;FGO/JHS;Kill Job/Task Routine ; 11/13/97 [12/8/00 12:35pm] ;;1.1;AAQ LOCAL;;Nov 3, 1997;For Kernel V8.0 and Cache/OpenM-NT I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["OpenM-NT" W $C(7),!,"This routine should be run only on Alpha OpenM-NT systems! Exiting.",! H 1 Q I '$D(DTIME) W !,"DTIME is not set. Calling XUP to set up required variables.",!,"Press RETURN at the Select OPTION NAME: prompt.",!! D ^XUP W !!,"Kill a Printer Job/Task or Interactive User Job",!!,"Do you want help" S %=2 D YN^DICN G:%Y="^" EXIT D:%=1 HELP S AAQXQ="^XUTL(""XQ""," S AAQQT=$C(34),AAQCM=$C(44) ;34=Quotes, 44=Comma ASKPRT S %=2 W !!,"Do you want to kill a Printer Job" D YN^DICN S AAQPRT=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to kill a Printer Job/Task.",!,"Answer 'N' to kill an interactive User Job.",! G ASKPRT G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQPRT=1 G PRTJOB W !!,"FIND USER: Helps to identify the Job, Device, and Menu Path.",!,"Press RETURN if you don't want to view this information.",! ; Find a User; code from XUS9 FU S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select USER to Find: " D ^DIC S DA=+Y G:Y'>0 JOBEX S XUSER=$P(Y,"^",2) W !!,"User: ",XUSER,$S($D(^XUSEC(0,"CUR",DA))=10:" is found on;",1:" isn't currently on the system") G:DA'>0 JOBEX F XU5=0:0 S XU5=$O(^XUSEC(0,"CUR",DA,XU5)) Q:XU5'>0 D DISPU W !,"Done finding." G JOBEX DISPU S XU3=$S($D(^XUSEC(0,XU5,0)):^(0),1:"") S XUCI=$P(XU3,"^",8),XUVOL=$P(XU3,"^",5),Y=XU5,XUJOB=$P(XU3,"^",3),XU6=XUJOB D DD^%DT S XUDT=Y I XUJOB>127 S X1=16,X=XUJOB D CNV^XTBASE S XU6=XUJOB_" ("_Y_")" W !,"Job: ",XU6," on ",XUCI,",",XUVOL,$S($P(XU3,"^",10)]"":":"_$P(XU3,"^",10),1:"")," from ",XUDT W !,"Device: ",$P(XU3,"^",2) W:$P(XU3,"^",9)]"" " (",$P(XU3,"^",9),")" W !?3,"Menu path:" I $D(^XUTL("XQ",XUJOB,"T")) F I=1:1:^XUTL("XQ",XUJOB,"T") Q:'$D(^XUTL("XQ",XUJOB,I)) S Y=^(I) W !,?I*3+2,$P(Y,"^",3) W ! Q JOBEX W !!,"JOBEXAM: Examine a Job to check if it is still active." W !,"TTYFREE: Free up a terminal which remains busy without an active process." ASKEXAM S %=2 W !!,"Do you want to use JOBEXAM and/or TTYFREEE" D YN^DICN S AAQEXAM=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to Examine a Job and/or Release a Terminal",!,"Answer 'N' to continue with killing a job." G ASKEXAM G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQEXAM=2 G RESJOB ASKJT R !,"Run (J)OBEXAM or (T)TYFREE?: J// ",AAQJT:60 G:AAQJT="^" EXIT W:$E(AAQJT,1)="J" "OBEXAM" W:$E(AAQJT,1)="T" "TYFREE" I (AAQJT="")!(AAQJT="J") S AAQJT="J" G CKXQ I $E(AAQJT,1)'="J",$E(AAQJT,1)'="T" W !!,"Enter the letter J or T, `^' to quit." G ASKJT I $E(AAQJT,1)="T" G ASKTTY CKXQ D UCI^%ZOSV S AAQUCI=$P(Y,",",1) W !!,"You should try viewing the User Stack in ^XUTL first." W !,"It might provide the information you want and will not result" W !,"in a hung job like the Intersystems JOBEXAM will do at times." R !!,"Enter the Job/Process #, or Press RETURN to skip: ",AAQJ:60 G:AAQJ="^" EXIT G:AAQJ="" ASKJOBX I ^%ZOSF("OS")["OpenM-NT" S AAQJI=$V(-1,AAQJ),AAQROU=$P($G(AAQJI),U,6) I '$D(^XUTL("XQ",AAQJ)) W !,"Job #"_AAQJ_" not found in ^XUTL User Stacks." G ASKXQX W ! S (AAQII,AAQIISV)="" F II=0:1 S AAQII=$O(^XUTL("XQ",AAQJ,AAQII)) Q:(AAQII="")!(AAQII'?.N) S Y=^(AAQII),AAQIISV=AAQII I AAQII'="" W !," Last Menu Option Accessed = ",$P(Y,U,2)," ",$P(Y,U,3) I AAQROU'="" W !,"Last Routine To Be Accessed = ",AAQROU S AAQSO=$P($G(^XUTL("XQ",AAQJ,0)),"^",1) I AAQSO="" S AAQSO="Unknown" G GETDUZ S AAQSO=$$FMTE^XLFDT(AAQSO,1) GETDUZ S AAQDUZ=$G(^XUTL("XQ",AAQJ,"DUZ")) I (AAQDUZ="")!(AAQDUZ=0) S AAQDUZ="UNKNOWN" G WJOB S AAQDUZ=$P(^VA(200,AAQDUZ,0),"^",1) WJOB W !,"Job has ",AAQDUZ," as User with sign-on time ",AAQSO ASKXQX S %=2 W !!,"Do you want to view another Job in the User Stack" D YN^DICN S AAQXQX=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to run User Stack option again",!,"Answer 'N' to continue with JOBEXAM option." G ASKXQX G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQXQX=1 G CKXQ ASKJOBX S %=2 W !!,"Do you still want to use JOBEXAM" D YN^DICN S AAQJOBX=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to use the option 'Examine a Job'",!,"Answer 'N' to continue with option 'TTYFREE'." G ASKJOBX G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQJOBX=2 G ASKTTY W !!,"JOBEXAM: Enter Process #, ? for System Status, or Press RETURN to skip." ZN "%SYS" D OLD^JOBEXAM ZN AAQUCI ASKTTY S %=2 W !!,"Do you want to check TTYFREE for the Terminal or PID" D YN^DICN S AAQTTY=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to run TTYFREE.",!,"Answer 'N' to continue with killing a job." G ASKTTY G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQTTY=2 G RESJOB TTY D UCI^%ZOSV S AAQUCI=$P(Y,",",1) W !!,"TTYFREE: Enter device name to free up terminal if process failed to quit,",!,?9,"? for List of Terminals and PIDs, or Press RETURN to skip.",!! ZN "%SYS" D ^TTYFREE ZN AAQUCI ASKTTYX S %=2 W !!,"Do you want to run TTYFREE again" D YN^DICN S AAQTTYX=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to run the option again",!,"Answer 'N' to continue with option to KILL JOB." G ASKTTYX G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQTTYX=1 G TTY RESJOB W !!,"KILL JOB:" D ^ZZRESJOB W !,"RELEASE USER: Clear the record of a sign-on session for a user.",!,?14,"Enter USER Name or Press RETURN to finish this option.",! W !,"NOTE: When the user has several sign-on records, this release function",!?6,"may not be able to properly identify what to release. In this",!?6,"situation, use 'Release user' under the User Management Menu.",! S AAQCNT=0,XU5=0,RELQ=0 I '$D(XUSER) S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="AEMQ",DIC("A")="Select USER to Release: " D ^DIC S DA=+Y G:Y'>0 EXIT S XUSER=$P(Y,"^",2) W !,"User: ",XUSER,$S($D(^XUSEC(0,"CUR",DA))=10:" is found on:",1:" isn't currently on the system") F XU5=0:0 S XU5=$O(^XUSEC(0,"CUR",DA,XU5)) Q:(XU5'>0)!(RELQ=1) G:DA'>0 EXIT D FINDSO G EXIT FINDSO S XU3=$S($D(^XUSEC(0,XU5,0)):^(0),1:"") G REMOVE:XU3']"",REMOVE:$P($G(XU3),"^",4) S Y=XU5,XUJOB=$P(XU3,"^",3),XU6=XUJOB D DD^%DT S XUDT=Y W !!,"Job: ",XU6,$S($P(XU3,"^",10)]"":":"_$P(XU3,"^",10),1:"")," on Device: ",$P(XU3,"^",2)," from ",XUDT S AAQCNT=AAQCNT+1 REMOVE S %=2 W !,"Do you want Release the User from this sign-on" D YN^DICN S AAQREM=% I %=0 W !!,"Answer 'Y' to Release the User from this sign-on",!,"Answer 'N' to continue viewing other sign-ons." G REMOVE G:%Y="^" EXIT I AAQREM=1 G RELU Q RELU K ^XUSEC(0,"CUR",DA,XU5) W !,"User is RELEASED!!",! S RELQ=1 I AAQCNT=1 S $P(^VA(200,+Y,1.1),"^",3)=0 Q PRTJOB D ^AAQPRKIL EXIT K %,%H,%Y,AAQCM,AAQCNT,AAQDUZ,AAQEXAM,AAQII,AAQJ,AAQJOBX,AAQJT,AAQPRT,AAQQT,AAQREM,AAQSO,AAQTTY,AAQTTYX,AAQUCI,AAQXQ,AAQXQX,ANS,DA,DIC,I,II,RELQ,X,X1,XU3,XU5,XU6,XUCI,XUDT,XUJOB,XUSER,XUVOL,Y Q HELP W !! W "This will allow you to kill a job by automatically taking you",! W "through most of the necessary steps. When a process fails to",! W "quit, it may be still tied to a device which isn't free (XOFF).",! W "You may have to LOGOUT a port or use TTYFREE. You can access",! W "TTYFREE when killing an Interactive User job if you answer 'Y'",! W "to the JOBEXAM/TTYFREE prompt. If TTYFREE is needed to kill a",! W "Printer job, reply 'N' to Printer Job and press Return at USER.",! W "When killing a Printer job, the related Task will be deleted",! W "automatically. If you kill a queued job running without a",! W "device, you should use the Taskman option Cleanup Task List.",! W "If you want to kill a Printer Job while it's actively printing,",! W "answer the LOGOUT prompt with 'Y' to ignore the warning.",! W "For most prompts, '^' can be used to exit this option.",! W "Accepting the defaults and pressing the Return or Enter key",! W "at each prompt is the other way to exit the option.",! W !,"Press RETURN to continue: " R ANS:60 Q