AAQMENUR ;FGO/JHS; Programmer Mode Routine Menu ;03-06-98 [2/25/02 4:33am] ;;1.2;LOCAL;; For Kernel V8.0 and OpenM-NT ;;Logic and code from AHJZSYS routines from 557/THM MENU I '$D(IOF) S IOP="HOME" D ^%ZIS K IOP W @IOF,"Programmer Mode Routine Menu:",!! S U="^" F I=1:1 S X=$T(OPT+I) Q:X["$END" W ?($S(I<10:5,1:4)),I,".",?9,$P(X,";",3) W:X'["AAQ" ?45,"(",$P(X,";",2),")" W ! S N=I-1,AAQMSG="Please enter a number between 1 and "_N_" " OPTION R !,?1,"Select Option Number: ",J:120 G:J[U!(J="") EXIT I J'?1.N!((J<1)!(J>N)) W !!,$C(7),AAQMSG H 1 G MENU S X=$T(OPT+J) W " ",$P(X,";",3),!! D @$P(X,";",2) S:SAVIOF'=LFIOF IOF=LFIOF G MENU ; OPT ;routine to execute;description ;AAQRD;Routine Directory (^%RD) ;^%ZTPP;List Routines ;AAQDEL;Delete Routines (^%ZTRDEL) ;^XINDEX;%Index of Routines ;AAQZTP1;First Line Print (^%ZTP1) ;^AAQJCASE;Routine Name Case Changer (^AAQJCASE) ;AAQCHK;Checksums for Routines (CHECK^XTSUMBLD) ;^XPDZCHK;Checksums/2nd Line List ;AAQVPE;VPE Routine Editor (X ^%ZVEMS("E")) ;AAQOPM;OpenM Routine Editor (^%rde) ;$END AAQRD D ^%RD R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue: ",X:DTIME Q AAQDEL D ^%ZTRDEL R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue: ",X:DTIME Q AAQZTP1 D ^%ZTP1 R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue: ",X:DTIME Q AAQCHK D CHECK^XTSUMBLD R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue: ",X:DTIME Q AAQBLD D BUILD^%ZTP1 R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue: ",X:DTIME Q AAQVPE I '$D(^%ZVEMS) W !,"Sorry. VPE Editor is not available." H AAQH Q W !,"Use for Quit/Save Options.",! R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue, '^' to Exit: ",X:15 G:X="^" EXIT S IOF=SAVIOF X ^%ZVEMS("E") S IOF=LFIOF Q AAQOPM I ^%ZOSF("OS")'["OpenM-NT" W $C(7),!,"This editor is only available on Alpha Cache/OpenM-NT systems! Exiting.",! H 2 Q W !,"...Calling %rde OpenM Full Screen Editor.",! W !,"Use PF3 (or F3) for Bottom Menu Options." W !,"Use PF4 (or F4) for Quit/Save Options." W !,"Select Cache Terminal or VT100, enter routine name," W !,"or press Return at Load Routine to exit.",! R !!,"Press RETURN to Continue, '^' to Exit: ",X:15 G:X="^" EXIT S IOF=SAVIOF D ^%rde S IOF=LFIOF Q EXIT W ! K AAQMSG,I,J,N,X Q