PSUCP ;BIR/TJH,PDW - PBM CONTROL POINT ;25 AUG 1998 ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;;MARCH, 2005 ; Reference to File #4 supported by DBIA 10090 ; Reference to File #4.3 supported by DBIA 10091 ; Reference to File #40.8 supported by DBIA 2438 ; Reference to File #59.7 supported by DBIA 2854 MANUAL ; entry point for manual option S PSUALERT=0 D MANUAL^PSUALERT I PSUALERT K PSUALERT Q K PSUALERT S PSUFQ=1 I $D(^XTMP("PSUJFLG")) D Q:Y=0 Q:Y="^" .W !!,"NOTE: A PREVIOUS JOB HAS NOT COMPLETED DUE TO AN ERROR" .W !!,"PLEASE ALERT YOUR IRM." .W !!,"RESPOND 'YES' TO CONTINUE, OR 'NO' TO EXIT" .S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" .S DIR("A")="Do you wish to continue" .D ^DIR D ^PSUCP3 S PSUJOB=$J_"_"_$P($H,",",2) S ^XTMP("PSUMANL")="" D EN^PSUCP1 ; prompt for report choices I PSUERR G EXIT D XMY^PSUTL1 ; Setup for mail groups according to choices S ^XTMP("PSUJFLG")="",PSUAUTO=0,^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUJOB")=PSUJOB D PUT S PSUTITLE="PSU PBM MANUAL",PSURC="RUN^PSUCP" S PSURP=$S('$L(PSUIOP):"",1:"PRINT^PSUCP") S PSURX="EXIT^PSUCP",PSUNS="PS" S ^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING")=$G(ZTSK) K PSUALERT,XAQ,SQAFLG,SQAID,XQAMSG,XQMSG,ZTSK D ^PSUDBQUE MANUALQ Q ; AUTO ; set variables for Auto-report option and task to background S PSUALERT=0 D AUTO^PSUALERT I PSUALERT K PSUALERT Q I $G(^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING")) D Q .S XQA(DUZ)="",XQA("G.PSU PBM")="",XQMSG="An ERROR has occurred. Please contact IRM for assistance." .S XQAID="PSU",XQAFLG="D" D SETUP^XQALERT D ^PSUCP3 ;Clear trash globals S PSUJOB=$J_"_"_$P($H,",",2) S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUFLAG1")="" ;flag for mail patient summary reports S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUPSUMFLAG")=1 ;Set 'auto' flag S ^XTMP("PSUJFLG")="" ;FLAG to avoid concurrent jobs running D ; schedule job completion check .S PSURC="AUTO^PSUCP2",PSUTITLE="PSU PBM JOB CHECK",PSUFQ=1 .S (PSURP,PSURX,PSUIOP)="" .D NOW^%DTC S X1=%,X2=6 D C^%DTC S PSUDTH=X ; LIVE MODE, wait 6 days (72 hours) .D ^PSUDBQUE .S ^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING")=$G(ZTSK) D NOW^%DTC S PSUMON=$S('$D(DT):X,1:DT),PSUMON=$E(PSUMON,1,5)-1 ; get previous month I $E(PSUMON,4,5)="00" S PSUMON=($E(PSUMON,1,3)-1)_"12" ; set to Dec. of previous year if this month is Jan. S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUMONTH")=PSUMON,PSUSDT=PSUMON_"01" S PSULY=$$LEAPYR(PSUMON),X=U_$E(PSUMON,4,5)_U S PSUEDT=PSUMON_$S(X["02":$S(PSULY:"29",1:"28"),"^04^06^09^11^"[X:"30",1:"31") S PSUDUZ=$S(DUZ=0:.5,1:DUZ),PSUMASF=1,PSUSMRY=0,PSUPBMG=1 S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUPDFLAG")=1 ;Flag-detailed PD won't go to user auto extract S X=$$VALI^PSUTL(4.3,1,217),PSUSNDR=+$$VAL^PSUTL(4,X,99) S PSUOPTS="1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13",PSUAUTO=1,PSUIOP="" D .S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"CBAMIS")="" S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"PSUJOB")=PSUJOB D PUT S PSUTITLE="PSU PBM AUTO",PSURC="RUN^PSUCP",PSURX="EXIT^PSUCP",PSURP="",PSUNS="PS",PSUFQ=1 D NOW^%DTC S PSUDTH=% D ^PSUDBQUE K PSUALERT,XQA,XQAID,XQAFLG,XQA,ZTSK AUTOQ D EXIT Q ; exit from AUTO ; RUN ; run each selected module L ^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING"):1 I '$T Q D PULL,OPTS K PSUMOD,PSUFDA I PSUAUTO S PSUFDA(59.7,"1,",90)="@" D FILE^DIE("","PSUFDA","") F I=1:1:$L(PSUOPTS,",") S PSUMOD($P(PSUOPTS,",",I))="" S PSUOPTN="" F S PSUOPTN=$O(PSUMOD(PSUOPTN)) Q:PSUOPTN="" D .K PSUMSGT .D PULL .I PSUAUTO S PSUPBMG=1 .D XMY^PSUTL1 .S PSURTN=PSUA(PSUOPTN,"R") .D NOW^%DTC .S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"STATUS",PSUOPTN,"START")=% .D @PSURTN,PULL,NOW^%DTC .S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,"STATUS",PSUOPTN,"STOP")=% D DT^DILF("E",PSUSDT,.EXTD) S PSURP("START")=EXTD(0) D DT^DILF("E",PSUEDT,.EXTD) S PSURP("END")=EXTD(0),PSUSUB="PSU_"_PSUJOB D MMNOMAP^PSUCP2 ; MM send regarding PBM locations not mapped D TIMING ; send a report of how long each module took to complete I PSUMASF!PSUPBMG D CONFIRM ;Confirmation message sent only if data went to Master File I PSUAUTO D .D NOW^%DTC .S PSUFDA(59.7,"1,",90)=% K %,%H,%I,X .D FILE^DIE("","PSUFDA","") ; file the completion date in 59.7,90;1 L ; Q PRINT ; print hard copy if requested Q:'$L(PSUIOP) ; no printer selected, stop right here. D PULL,OPTS K PSUMOD F I=1:1:$L(PSUOPTS,",") S PSUMOD($P(PSUOPTS,",",I))="" S PSUOPTN="" F S PSUOPTN=$O(PSUMOD(PSUOPTN)) Q:PSUOPTN="" D .D PULL .S PSURTN=PSUA(PSUOPTN,"P") .D @PSURTN L K ^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING") PRINTQ Q EXIT ; exit point K ^XTMP("PSU","RUNNING") K ^XTMP("PSUJFLG") ;Remove flag to prevent concurrent jobs Q PUT ; put variables in ^XTMP so modules can retrieve them S PSUVARS="PSUSDT,PSUEDT,PSUMON,PSUDUZ,PSUMASF,PSUPBMG,PSUSMRY,PSUIOP,PSUSNDR,PSUOPTS,PSUAUTO" S PSUVSTR="" F I=1:1:$L(PSUVARS,",") S $P(PSUVSTR,U,I)=@$P(PSUVARS,",",I) S X1=DT,X2=6 D C^%DTC S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,0)=X_U_DT_U_"Control data for PSU PBM individual modules" S ^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,1)=PSUVSTR K PSUVARS,PSUVSTR,X,X1 PUTQ Q PULL ; pull variables from ^XTMP ; PSUJOB must exist and must be the job number used to store the data desired for this session. N I S PSUVARS="PSUSDT,PSUEDT,PSUMON,PSUDUZ,PSUMASF,PSUPBMG,PSUSMRY,PSUIOP,PSUSNDR,PSUOPTS,PSUAUTO" F I=1:1:$L(PSUVARS,",") S @$P(PSUVARS,",",I)=$P($G(^XTMP("PSU_"_PSUJOB,1)),U,I) PULLQ Q ; OPTS ; set option array S PSUA(1,"M")="IVs",PSUA(1,"R")="EN^PSUV0",PSUA(1,"P")="PRINT^PSUV0",PSUA(1,"C")="IV" S PSUA(2,"M")="Unit Dose",PSUA(2,"R")="EN^PSUUD0",PSUA(2,"P")="PRINT^PSUUD0",PSUA(2,"C")="UD" S PSUA(3,"M")="AR/WS",PSUA(3,"R")="EN^PSUAR0",PSUA(3,"P")="PRINT^PSUAR0",PSUA(3,"C")="AR" S PSUA(4,"M")="Prescription",PSUA(4,"R")="EN^PSUOP0",PSUA(4,"P")="PRINT^PSUOP0",PSUA(4,"C")="OP" S PSUA(5,"M")="Procurement",PSUA(5,"R")="EN^PSUPR0",PSUA(5,"P")="PRINT^PSUPR0",PSUA(5,"C")="PR" S PSUA(6,"M")="Controlled Substances",PSUA(6,"R")="EN^PSUCS0",PSUA(6,"P")="PRINT^PSUCS0",PSUA(6,"C")="CS" S PSUA(7,"M")="Patient Demographics",PSUA(7,"R")="EN^PSUDEM1",PSUA(7,"P")="PRINT^PSUDEM0",PSUA(7,"C")="PD" S PSUA(8,"M")="Outpatient Visits",PSUA(8,"R")="EN^PSUDEM2",PSUA(8,"P")="OPV^PSUDEM0",PSUA(8,"C")="OV" S PSUA(9,"M")="Inpatient PTF Records",PSUA(9,"R")="EN^PSUDEM7",PSUA(9,"P")="PTF^PSUDEM0",PSUA(9,"C")="PTF" S PSUA(10,"M")="Provider Data",PSUA(10,"R")="EN^PSUDEM4",PSUA(10,"P")="PRO^PSUDEM0",PSUA(10,"C")="PRO" S PSUA(11,"M")="Allergies/Adverse Events",PSUA(11,"R")="EN^PSUAA1",PSUA(11,"P")="PRINT^PSUAA1",PSUA(11,"C")="AA" S PSUA(12,"M")="Vitals/Immunizations Information",PSUA(12,"R")="EN^PSUVIT1",PSUA(12,"P")="EN^PSUVIT0",PSUA(12,"C")="VI" S PSUA(13,"M")="Laboratory Results",PSUA(13,"R")="EN^PSULR0",PSUA(13,"P")="PRINT^PSULR0",PSUA(13,"C")="LR" S PSUA("A")="" OPTSQ Q ; CONFIRM ;Send confirmation by Division(s) K PSUCONF S PSUDIV=0,$P(PSUDASH,"-",81)="" D OPTS S PSUCONF(1)="The chart below shows the package(s) whose dispensing statistics were extracted" S PSUCONF(2)="by the PBM "_$S($G(PSUAUTO):"Automatic",$G(PSURXMT):"RETRANSMISSION",1:"Manual")_" Pharmacy Statistics option." ; S PSUCONF(2)="by the PBM "_$S(PSUAUTO:"Automatic",1:"Manual")_" Pharmacy Statistics option." S PSUCONF(3)=" " S PSUCONF(4)="PACKAGE"_$J("# Line items",35)_$J("# MailMan msgs",19) S PSUCONF(5)=$E(PSUDASH,1,79) F S PSUDIV=$O(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRM",PSUDIV)) Q:PSUDIV'?1N.E D .K ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD") .M ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD")=PSUCONF .S PSUOPT=0,PSULCT=5 .F S PSUOPT=$O(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRM",PSUDIV,PSUOPT)) Q:PSUOPT'?1.N D ..S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 ..S PSUPKG=PSUA(PSUOPT,"M") ..S PSULIN=^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRM",PSUDIV,PSUOPT,"L") ..S PSUMSG=^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRM",PSUDIV,PSUOPT,"M") ..S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)=PSUPKG_$J(PSULIN,37-$L(PSUPKG))_$J(PSUMSG,12) ..Q:PSUPKG'="Prescription" ;* .. ; process Prescription MultiDose ..S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 ..S PSUPKG="Prescription MultiDose" ..S PSULIN=+$G(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRMD",PSUDIV,PSUOPT,"L")) ..S PSUMSG=+$G(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"CONFIRMD",PSUDIV,PSUOPT,"M")) ..S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)=PSUPKG_$J(PSULIN,37-$L(PSUPKG))_$J(PSUMSG,12) ;* .S PSUSUBJ="PBM Stats for " .I $G(PSUMASF)!$G(PSUDUZ)!$G(PSUPBMG) D XMD CONFIRMQ Q ; XMD ;Email ; S XMDUZ=DUZ D XMY^PSUTL1 M XMY=PSUXMYS1 I $G(PSUMASF)!$G(PSUPBMG) M XMY=PSUXMYH S X=PSUDIV,DIC=40.8,DIC(0)="XM" D ^DIC S X=+Y S PSUDIVNM=$$VAL^PSUTL(40.8,X,.01) S XMSUB=PSUSUBJ_PSURP("START")_" to "_PSURP("END")_" from "_PSUDIV_" "_PSUDIVNM S XMTEXT="^XTMP(PSUSUB,""XMD""," S XMCHAN=1 D ^XMD XMDQ Q ; TIMING ; Timing report K ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD") S $P(PSUSPACE," ",41)="" S PSUX=0,PSULCT=0 F S PSUX=$O(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"STATUS",PSUX)) Q:PSUX="" D .S (X,Y)=^XTMP(PSUSUB,"STATUS",PSUX,"START") X ^DD("DD") D ..I $E(Y,17)=":" S PSUT1=$E(Y,1,16) ..I $E(Y,17)'=":" S PSUT1=$E(Y,1,17) .S (X1,Y)=^XTMP(PSUSUB,"STATUS",PSUX,"STOP") X ^DD("DD") D ..I $E(Y,17)=":" S PSUT2=$E(Y,1,16) ..I $E(Y,17)'=":" S PSUT2=$E(Y,1,17) .S Y=$E(X1_"000",9,10)-$E(X_"000",9,10)*60+$E(X1_"00000",11,12)-$E(X_"00000",11,12),X2=X,X=$P(X,".",1)'=$P(X1,".",1) .D ^%DTC:X S X=X*1440+Y .S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 .S PSUREC=$E(PSUA(PSUX,"M")_PSUSPACE,1,20)_$J(PSUT1,20)_$J(PSUT2,20)_$J(X\60,4)_" hrs,"_$J(X#60,3)_" min" .S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)=PSUREC S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 S $P(^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT),"-",80)="" S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)="" S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)="**NOTE: Timing for the Provider Data extract is not recorded when" S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)=" the IV, Unit Dose, Prescription, and Patient Demographics extracts" S PSULCT=PSULCT+1 S ^XTMP(PSUSUB,"XMD",PSULCT)=" are run concurrently." S PSUDIV=PSUSNDR S PSUSUBJ="PBM TIMING for report " D XMD TIMINGQ Q ; LEAPYR(FMYR) ; Check to see if year is a leap year: 1=leap year, 0=not leap year N YYYY S YYYY=1700+$E(FMYR,1,3) Q (((YYYY#4=0)&(YYYY#100'=0))!((YYYY#100=0)&(YYYY#400=0)))