PSUCS3 ;BIR/DJE,DJM - GENERATE PSU CS RECORDS (TYPE 17) ;25 AUG 1998 ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;;MARCH, 2005 ; ;DBIA'S ; Reference to file #40.8 supported by DBIA 2438 ; Reference to file #58.81 supported by DBIA 2520 ; Reference to file #50 supported by DBIA 221 ; Reference to file #42 supported by DBIA 1848 ; Reference to file #2 supported by DBIA 10035 ; Reference to file #58.8 supported by DBIA 2519 ; *** ; TYPE 17 - "Logged for patient" ; *** ; TYP17 ; Processing the transaction for dispensing type 17 ;('logged for patient'). If the dispensing type=17 and a patient IEN ;is identified, one can use this information one find the ward location ;if the patient is still an inpatient when the extract is done. D FACILTY ; ; (type 17 specific call) ; Patient SSN D SSN ; ; Generic name, Location type. D GNAME^PSUCS4,LOCTYP^PSUCS4 ; Requirement Q:"N"'[PSULTP(1) ; ; check if drug administered multiple times for a patient D MULTCHK ; ;VA Drug class, Formulary/Non-formulary, National formulary Indicator. D NDC^PSUCS4,FORMIND^PSUCS4,NFIND^PSUCS4 ; ;(type 17 specific call) ; Dispense unit, unit cost, Quantity D DUNIT,UNITC,QTY17 ; ; VA Product name, VA drug class, Packaging D VPNAME^PSUCS4,VDC^PSUCS4 ; Q ; ; ; ; Type 17 specific calls ; ; MULTCHK ; ; store in array (quit if already administered) S PSUMCHK=0 S PSUQT(5)=$$VALI^PSUTL(58.81,PSUIENDA,5) ; if patient,drug collection started increment QT I $D(^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4))) D Q . S X=^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4),"QT") . S ^("QT")=X+PSUQT(5) ; Save the IEN of the first transaction for collection ;S PSUMCIEN=PSUIENDA ; start patient drug collection S ^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4))=PSUIENDA S ^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4),"QT")=PSUQT(5) Q ; FACILTY ; ;Field # 2,.1[WARD LOCATION] S PSUWLC(.01)=$$VALI^PSUTL(2,PSUPIEN(73),".01") Q:PSUWLC(.01)="" S PSUWLC(.01)=$O(^DIC(42,"B",PSUWLC(.01),"")) Q:PSUWLC(.01)="" ; ;Field # 58.842,.01 [WARD] Points to File # 42 S PSUWARD(1)=$$VALI^PSUTL(58.842,PSUWLC(.01),"1") ;D GETS^PSUTL(58.842,PSUWLC(.1),"1","PSUWARD","I") ;D MOVEI^PSUTL("PSUWARD") ; ;Field # 42,.015 [DIVISION] Points to File # 40.8 S PSUDIV(.015)=$$VALI^PSUTL(42,PSUWARD(1),".015") ; ;Field # 40.8,1 [FACILITY NUMBER]**Field to be extracted S PSUFCN(1)=$$VALI^PSUTL(40.8,PSUDIV(.015),"1") S SENDER=PSUFCN(1) S PSURI="" Q ; SSN ;Field # 58.81,73 [PATIENT] Points to File # 2 ;Field # 2,.09 [SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER]**Field to be extracted Q:$G(PSUPIEN(73))="" S DFN=PSUPIEN(73) D PID^VADPT S PSUSSN(.09)=$TR(VA("PID"),"-","") Q ; DUNIT ;Dispense Unit ;Field # 50,14.5 [DISPENSE UNIT]**Field to be extracted S PSUDUN(14.5)=$$VALI^PSUTL(50,PSUDRG(4),"14.5") S UNIT=PSUDUN(14.5) Q ; UNITC ;Unit Cost ;Field # 50,16 [PRICE PER DISPENSE UNIT]**Field to be extracted S PSUPDU(16)=$$VALI^PSUTL(50,PSUDRG(4),"16") Q ; QTY17 ;For transactions with a dispensing type =17, total the number of doses ;dispensed for the same drug (Field # 58.81,4), regardless of the date ;dispensed within the reporting month. The dispensed (transaction) date ;will be the date the first dose was administered to the patient during ;the reporting period. The data will be transmitted as a single data ;record. ;Sum of Values # 58.81,5 [TOTAL QUANTITY]**Field to be extracted Q ;this is handled in gathering into "MC" S PSUTQ(5)=$$VALI^PSUTL(58.81,PSUIENDA,5) S OLDXTMP=$G(^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4)),"QT") S ^XTMP(PSUCSJB,"MC",PSULOC,PSUPIEN(73),PSUDRG(4),"QT")=OLDXTMP+PSUTQ(5) Q