PSUPR3 ;BIR/PDW - EXTRACTION FROM FILE 58.81 ;12 AUG 1999 ;;4.0;PHARMACY BENEFITS MANAGEMENT;;MARCH, 2005 ;DBIAs ; Reference to file #58.81 supported by DBIA 2520 ; Reference to file #50 supported by DBIA 221 ; Reference to file #51.5 supported by DBIA 1931 ; Reference to file #58.8 supported by DBIA 2519 ; Reference to file #59 supported by DBIA 2510 ; Reference to file #42 supported by DBIA 2440 ; Reference to file #40.8 supported by DBIA 2438 ; Reference to file #59.5 supported by DBIA 2499 ; EN ;EP from PSUPR0 S PSUEDT=PSUEDT\1+.24 ; setup ^XTMP node S:'$D(PSUPRJOB) PSUPRJOB=$J S:'$D(PSUPRSUB) PSUPRSUB="PSUPR_"_PSUPRJOB I '$D(^XTMP(PSUPRSUB)) D . S ^XTMP(PSUPRSUB,0)="" . S X1=DT,X2=6 D C^%DTC . S ^XTMP(PSUPRSUB,0)=X_"^"_DT_"^"_" PBMS Procurement Extraction3" SCANDT ; scan Transaction date time S PSUDT=PSUSDT ; going after ^PSD(58.81,"AF",PSUDT,PSULOC,PSUTYP,PSUTRDA) ; F S PSUDT=$O(^PSD(58.81,"AF",PSUDT)) Q:PSUDT'>0 Q:PSUDT>PSUEDT D LOC Q ; LOC ;EP scan thru locations ; S PSULOC="" F S PSULOC=$O(^PSD(58.81,"AF",PSUDT,PSULOC)) Q:PSULOC="" D TYPE Q ; TYPE ;EP Scan Thru Types ; S PSUTYP="" F S PSUTYP=$O(^PSD(58.81,"AF",PSUDT,PSULOC,PSUTYP)) Q:PSUTYP="" D TRAN Q ; TRAN ;EP Scan Thru Transactions ; S PSUTRDA=0 F S PSUTRDA=$O(^PSD(58.81,"AF",PSUDT,PSULOC,PSUTYP,PSUTRDA)) Q:PSUTRDA'>0 D TRANDA Q ; TRANDA ;EP work a transaction ; N PSUTR D GETS^PSUTL(58.81,PSUTRDA,".01;1;2;3;4;5;8;12;71;106;107","PSUTR","I") D MOVEI^PSUTL("PSUTR") S PSUDTDA=PSUTR(3) ; Q:(PSUTR(1)'=1) I '$D(PSUFLSFG) D .I $L(PSUTR(8)),'$L($G(PSUTR(71))) Q I $D(PSUFLSFG) D .I PSUTR(107)'="" Q Q:$L(PSUTR(106)) ; ; setup file 50 fields S PSUDRDA=PSUTR(4) N PSUDRUG D GETS^PSUTL(50,PSUDRDA,".01;2;12;13;14.5;15;20;21;22;25;31","PSUDRUG","I") D MOVEI^PSUTL("PSUDRUG") ; ; further process file 50 fields S:'$L(PSUDRUG(.01)) PSUDRUG(.01)="Unknown Generic Name" ; Generic Name S:'$L(PSUDRUG(21)) PSUDRUG(21)="Unknown VA Product Name" ; VA Product Name S:'$L(PSUDRUG(31)) PSUDRUG(31)="No NDC" ; NDC S PSUDRUG(12)=$$VALI^PSUTL(51.5,PSUDRUG(12),.01) ; Order Unit ; ; setup division N PSULOC S PSULOC=PSUTR(2) ; Get division from file 58.8, file 59.7 fileds 90.02,90.03 S PSUDIV="",PSUDIVI="H" S PSUINV="",PSUINV(4)=PSULOC D DIV^PSUPR2 CONT ; I $L(PSUDIV) S PSUDIVI="" E S PSUDIV=PSUSNDR ; ; Assemble Record S PSUREC=$$RECORD() ; Store Record S PSULC=+$O(^XTMP(PSUPRSUB,"RECORDS",PSUDIV,""),-1) S PSULC=PSULC+1 S ^XTMP(PSUPRSUB,"RECORDS",PSUDIV,PSULC)=PSUREC Q ; ; assemble record RECORD() ;EP Assemble record for storage ; N PSUR S PSUR(2)=PSUDIV S PSUR(3)=PSUDIVI S PSUR(4)=PSUDTDA\1 S PSUR(5)=PSUDRUG(21) S PSUR(6)=PSUDRUG(2) S PSUR(7)=PSUDRUG(.01) S PSUR(9)=PSUDRUG(31) S PSUR(12)=PSUDRUG(14.5) S PSUR(13)=$$VAL^PSUTL(50,PSUDRDA,12) S PSUR(16)=PSUDRUG(15) S PSUR(17)=PSUTR(5) S PSUR(18)=PSUDRUG(13) I PSUDRUG(15) S PSUR(360)=PSUDRUG(13)*(PSUTR(5)/PSUDRUG(15)) E S PSUR(360)="" S PSUR(19)=$J(PSUR(360),12,2) K PSUR(360) S PSUR(20)=PSUTR(12) S PSUR(21)=PSUTR(71) S PSUR(22)="" S I=0 F S I=$O(PSUR(I)) Q:I'>0 S PSUR(I)=$TR(PSUR(I),"^","'") S I=0 F S I=$O(PSUR(I)) Q:I'>0 S $P(PSUR,"^",I)=PSUR(I) S PSUR=PSUR_"^" Q PSUR