PSSJORDF ;BIR/MV-RETURN MED ROUTES(MR) AND INSTRUCTIONS(INS) ;06/26/98 ;;1.0;PHARMACY DATA MANAGEMENT;**5,13,34,38,69,113,94**;9/30/97;Build 26 ;; ; Reference to ^PS(50.7 is supported by DBIA 2180. ; Reference to ^PS(51.2 is supported by DBIA 2178. ; Reference to ^PS(50.606 is supported by DBIA 2174. ; ;* PSJORD is the Orderable Item IEN pass to Pharmacy by OE/RR. ;* 1. If the dosage form is valid, this routine will return all med ;* routes and instructions associated with that dose form. ;* 2. If the dose form is null, this routine will return all med routes ;* that exist in the medication routes file. ;* 3. ^TMP format: ;* ^TMP("PSJMR",$J,#)=MED ROUTE^MED ROUTE ABREVATION^IEN^OUTPATIENT ;* EXPANSION^IV FLAG^DEFAULT FLAG ;* ^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J,D0)=NOUN^VERB^PREPOSITION ;* ^TMP("PSJSCH",$J)=DEFAULT SCHEDULE NAME ; START(PSJORD,PSJOPAC) ; NEW MR,MRNODE,INS,PSJDFNO,X,MCT,Z,PSJOISC I '+PSJORD D MEDROUTE Q S PSJDFNO=+$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),U,2) ;S ^TMP("PSJSCH",$J)=$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",8) ;default schedule S PSJOISC=$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",8) I $G(PSJOPAC)="O"!($G(PSJOPAC)="X") D:$G(PSJOISC)'="" EN^PSSOUTSC(.PSJOISC) S:$G(PSJOISC)'="" ^TMP("PSJSCH",$J)=$G(PSJOISC) G SCPASS I $G(PSJOISC)'="" D EN^PSSGSGUI(.PSJOISC,"I") S:$G(PSJOISC)'="" ^TMP("PSJSCH",$J)=$G(PSJOISC) SCPASS ; I $G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,0))="" D NOD Q:$D(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,1)) D MEDROUTE Q K ^TMP("PSJMR",$J),^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J) D DF Q ; DF ;* Loop thru DF node to find all available med routes, nouns, and instructions. N VERB,MR,INS,X S (MR,INS,X,MCT)=0 S VERB=$P($G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MISC")),U) S MR=+$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",6) I MR,$D(^PS(51.2,MR,0)),$P($G(^(0)),"^",4)=1 S ^TMP("PSJMR",$J,1)=$P(^PS(51.2,MR,0),"^")_U_$P(^(0),"^",3)_U_MR_U_$P(^(0),"^",2)_U_$S($P(^(0),"^",6):1,1:0)_"^D",MCT=MCT+1 S MR=0 F S MR=$O(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MR",MR)) Q:'MR D . S X=+$G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MR",MR,0)) Q:'X!($P($G(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,1)),"^",3)=X) . S MRNODE=$G(^PS(51.2,X,0)) . I $P($G(MRNODE),"^",4)'=1 Q . S MCT=MCT+1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J,MCT)=$P(MRNODE,U)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,3)_U_X_U_$P(MRNODE,U,2)_U_$S($P(MRNODE,U,6):1,1:0) S X=0 ;F S INS=$O(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"INS",INS)) Q:'INS S X=X+1,^TMP("PSJINS",$J,X)=VERB_U_$G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"INS",INS,0)) ;I '$D(^TMP("PSJINS",$J)),VERB]"" S ^TMP("PSJINS",$J,1)=VERB S X=0 I $D(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"NOUN")) F Z=0:0 S Z=$O(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"NOUN",Z)) Q:'Z S X=X+1,^TMP("PSJNOUN",$J,X)=$P($G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"NOUN",Z,0)),U)_U_$P($G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MISC")),U)_U_$P($G(^("MISC")),U,3) Q ; MEDROUTE ;* Return all med routes in the med routes file. S (MR,MCT)=0 K ^TMP("PSJMR",$J) F S MR=$O(^PS(51.2,MR)) Q:'MR S MRNODE=^PS(51.2,MR,0) I $P(^PS(51.2,MR,0),"^",4)=1 S MCT=MCT+1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J,MCT)=$P(MRNODE,U)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,3)_U_MR_U_$P(MRNODE,U,2)_U_$S($P(MRNODE,U,6):1,1:0) Q NOD K ^TMP("PSJMR",$J) S MR=+$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",6) I MR,$D(^PS(51.2,MR,0)),$P(^PS(51.2,MR,0),"^",4)=1 S ^TMP("PSJMR",$J,1)=$P(^PS(51.2,MR,0),"^")_U_$P(^(0),"^",3)_U_MR_U_$P(^(0),"^",2)_U_$S($P(^(0),"^",6):1,1:0)_"^D" Q START1(PSJORD,PSJQOF) ;Entry point for IV dialog PSS*1*94 ; This is the new entry point for the IV Dialog box from CPRS GUI 27. PSJORD will be an array ; sent by CPRS that contains all the IENS for all orderable items that are part of the order. The zero node of the array ; will contain the total number of orderable items in the order. ; ; PSJQOF is the quick order flag. 0=not a quick order 1=quick order ; ; If there is only one orderable item, any default defined in the Pharmacy Orderable Item file (50.7) will be ; marked with a D at the end of the data string. ; ; If there is more than one orderable item in the order, no default will be sent, and a union (the overlapping) ; of the med routes will be returned. For example if Dextrose can be given IV or IM, and the Ampicillin is only ; given IM, IM is the only med route that will be returned because it is the only overlapping med route between ; the two orderable items. If there is no overlapping med route to be returned, then a NULL will be returned to CPRS. ; ; If the quick order flag PSJQOF is set to 1, then CPRS is expecting the overlapping med routes for the orderable items ; as well as the entire list of med routes that are flagged for IV's. ; I PSJQOF="" S PSJQOF=0 K PSJORD1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J) I $G(PSJORD(0))=1 S PSJOPAC="I" D Q . S PSJORD=$P($G(PSJORD(1)),"^",1) . D MEDRT(PSJORD) . I PSJQOF=1 S MCT=$O(^TMP("PSJMR",$J,"A"),-1) D ALLMED(MCT) . M PSJORD1=^TMP("PSJMR",$J) . D REMDUP . K PSJORD . M PSJORD=PSJORD1 . K PSJORD1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J) S X=0 F S X=$O(PSJORD(X)) Q:X="" D . S PSJORD=$P($G(PSJORD(X)),"^",1) . D MEDRT(PSJORD) . M PSJORD1(X)=^TMP("PSJMR",$J) K ^TMP("PSJMR",$J) ;Start with fresh TMP for each OI D OVERLAP I PSJQOF=1 S MCT=$O(MRTEMP2("A"),-1) D ALLMED(MCT) M PSJORD1=^TMP("PSJMR",$J) D REMDUP K PSJORD M PSJORD=PSJORD1 K PSJORD1,MRTEMP2,MRTEMP,MRNODE,MRNODE1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J),PSSCNTR1 Q MEDRT(PSJORD) ;All Med Routes for dosage form. N MR,X,PSJDFNO,MCT S (MR,MCT,X,PSJDFNO)=0 S PSJDFNO=+$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),U,2) S MR=+$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",6) I MR,$D(^PS(51.2,MR,0)),$P($G(^(0)),"^",4)=1 S ^TMP("PSJMR",$J,1)=MR_U_$P(^PS(51.2,MR,0),"^")_U_$P(^(0),"^",3)_U_$P(^(0),"^",2)_U_"D",MCT=MCT+1 S MR=0 F S MR=$O(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MR",MR)) Q:'MR D . S X=+$G(^PS(50.606,PSJDFNO,"MR",MR,0)) . I X=$P($G(^PS(50.7,+PSJORD,0)),"^",6) Q ;Already counted as the default. Don't count twice. . S MRNODE=$G(^PS(51.2,X,0)) . I $P($G(MRNODE),"^",4)'=1 Q . S MCT=MCT+1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J,MCT)=X_U_$P(MRNODE,U)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,3)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,2)_U Q ALLMED(MCT) ;Return all med routes with IV flag set to 1 N MR,MRNODE I MCT="" S MCT=0 S (MR,MRNODE)="" F S MR=$O(^PS(51.2,MR)) Q:MR="" D . S MRNODE=$G(^PS(51.2,MR,0)) . I $P(MRNODE,U,4)'=1 Q ;Not defined for all packages . I $P(MRNODE,U,6)'=1 Q ;IV flag not set . S MCT=MCT+1,^TMP("PSJMR",$J,MCT)=MR_U_$P(MRNODE,U)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,3)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,2)_U Q OVERLAP ; Only maintains any overlapping med routes between orderable items in order N MR,MRNODE,X,PSSCNTR1 K MRTEMP,MRTEMP2 S (MR,MRNODE,X)="" F S X=$O(PSJORD1(X)) Q:X="" D . F S MR=$O(PSJORD1(X,MR)) Q:MR="" D . . S MRNODE=$P($G(PSJORD1(X,MR)),"^",1) . . S MRTEMP(MRNODE)=$G(MRTEMP(MRNODE))+1 S MR="" F S MR=$O(MRTEMP(MR)) Q:MR="" D . I MRTEMP(MR)'=$G(PSJORD(0)) K MRTEMP(MR) Q I '$D(MRTEMP) K PSJORD1 S PSJORD1="" Q ;No overlapping med routes between orderable items. S (MR,MRNODE)="",PSSCNTR1=1 F S MR=$O(MRTEMP(MR)) Q:MR="" D . S MRNODE=$G(^PS(51.2,MR,0)) . S MRTEMP2(PSSCNTR1)=MR_U_$P(MRNODE,U,1)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,3)_U_$P(MRNODE,U,2)_U,PSSCNTR1=PSSCNTR1+1 K PSJORD1,MRTEMP M PSJORD1=MRTEMP2 Q REMDUP ; Remove duplicate entries N MR,MRNODE S MR="",MRNODE="" F S MR=$O(PSJORD1(MR)) Q:MR="" D . S MRNODE=$P($G(PSJORD1(MR)),"^",2) . I $D(MRTEMP(MRNODE)) K PSJORD1(MR) Q . S MRTEMP(MRNODE)=$G(PSJORD1(MR)) . I MR=1,$P($G(PSJORD1(MR)),"^",5)="D" S MRTEMP(MR)=PSJORD1(MR) Q ;Maintain default if there is one. . S MRTEMP(MR)=PSJORD1(MR) S MR="" F S MR=$O(MRTEMP(MR)) Q:MR="" D . I MR'?1.N K MRTEMP(MR) I PSJORD(0)=1 M PSJORD1=MRTEMP K MRTEMP Q