GMPLEDT1 ; SLC/MKB/KER/AJB -- Edit Problem List fields ; 04/21/2003 ;;2.0;Problem List;**17,20,26,28,35**;Aug 25, 1994;Build 26 ; ; External References ; DBIA 10006 ^DIC ; DBIA 10026 ^DIR ; DBIA 341 DIS^SDROUT2 ; ONSET ; Edit Date of Onset - field .13 N X,Y,ENTERED,PROMPT,HELPMSG,DEFAULT S ENTERED=$S($G(GMPFLD(.08)):+GMPFLD(.08),1:DT),DEFAULT=$G(GMPFLD(.13)) S PROMPT="DATE OF ONSET: ",HELPMSG="Enter the date this problem was first observed, as precisely as known." O1 ; Get Date of Onset D DATE^GMPLEDT2 Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) I Y>ENTERED W !!,"Date of Onset cannot be later than the date the problem was entered!",$C(7) G O1 I +$P(GMPDFN,U,4),Y>$P(GMPDFN,U,4) W !!,"Date of Onset cannot be later than the date of death!",$C(7) G O1 S GMPFLD(.13)=Y S:Y'="" GMPFLD(.13)=GMPFLD(.13)_U_$$EXTDT^GMPLX(Y) Q STATUS ; Edit Status - field .12 ; Then Edit Date Resolved - Field 1.07, if inactive N DIR,X,Y S DIR(0)="9000011,.12" S:$L($G(GMPFLD(.12))) DIR("B")=$P(GMPFLD(.12),U,2) ST1 ; Get Status D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(Y="^") S GMPQUIT=1 Q I Y?1"^".E D JUMP^GMPLEDT3(Y) Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) K:$G(GMPIFN) GMPLJUMP G ST1 S:Y'="" Y=Y_U_$S(Y="A":"ACTIVE",1:"INACTIVE") S GMPFLD(.12)=Y S:$E(Y)'="I" GMPFLD(1.07)="" S:$E(Y)'="A" GMPFLD(1.14)="" D:$E(GMPFLD(.12))="I" RESOLVED^GMPLEDT4 D:$E(GMPFLD(.12))="A" PRIORITY^GMPLEDT4 Q RECORDED ; Edit Date Recorded - field 1.09 N X,Y,PROMPT,HELPMSG,DEFAULT,ENTERED S ENTERED=$S($G(GMPFLD(.08)):+GMPFLD(.08),1:DT),DEFAULT=$G(GMPFLD(1.09)) S PROMPT="DATE RECORDED: ",HELPMSG="Enter the date this problem was first recorded, as precisely as known." RC1 ; Get Date D DATE^GMPLEDT2 Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) I Y>ENTERED W !!,"Date Recorded cannot be later than the problem was entered!",$C(7) G RC1 S GMPFLD(1.09)=Y S:Y'="" GMPFLD(1.09)=GMPFLD(1.09)_U_$$EXTDT^GMPLX(Y) Q SC ; Edit Service Connected - field 1.1 N DFN,DIR,X,Y ; ; The following allows changing a problem's SC/NSC to ; NSC if there is no SC on file for patient and Problem ; original SC was set to "YES" ; I +$G(GMPORIG(1.1))=1 D . W !!,">>> Currently known service-connection data for "_$P(GMPDFN,U,2)_":" ELSE Q:'GMPSC S DFN=+GMPDFN D DIS^SDROUT2 I +GMPSC=0,+$G(GMPORIG(1.1))=1 D . S DIR("A")="Patient has no service-connected condition !! " . S DIR("B")="NO" ELSE D . S DIR("A")="Is this problem related to a service-connected condition? " . S:$L($G(GMPFLD(1.1))) DIR("B")=$P(GMPFLD(1.1),U,2) W ! S DIR("?",1)="If this problem is due to a service-connected condition, enter YES;",DIR("?")="press and leave blank if this is unknown.",DIR(0)="YAO" SC1 ; Get Service Connection D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!(Y="^") S GMPQUIT=1 Q I Y?1"^".E D JUMP^GMPLEDT3(Y) Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) K:$G(GMPIFN) GMPLJUMP G SC1 I X="@" G:'$$SURE^GMPLX SC1 S Y="" S GMPFLD(1.1)=Y S:Y'="" GMPFLD(1.1)=GMPFLD(1.1)_U_$S(Y:"YES",1:"NO") Q SP ; Edit Exposures/Conditions ; Agent Orange - field 1.11 ; Ionizing Radiation - field 1.12 ; Persian Gulf/Environmental Contaminants - field 1.13 ; Head and/or Neck Cancer - field 1.15 ; Military Sexual Trauma - field 1.16 ; Combat Vet - field 1.17 ; SHAD - field 1.18 G SPEXP^GMPLEDT2 Q SOURCE ; Edit Service - field 1.06 ; or Clinic - field 1.08 N DIC,X,Y,HELPMSG,PROMPT,DEFAULT,VIEW S VIEW=$E(GMPLVIEW("VIEW")) S DIC=$S(VIEW="S":"^DIC(49,",1:"^SC("),DIC(0)="EMQ" S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,"_$S(VIEW="S":9,1:3)_")=""C""" I VIEW="S" S PROMPT="SERVICE: ",DEFAULT=$P(GMPFLD(1.06),U,2) E S PROMPT="CLINIC: ",DEFAULT=$P(GMPFLD(1.08),U,2) S HELPMSG="Enter the clinic"_$S(VIEW="S":"al service",1:"")_" to be associated with this problem." S1 ; Get Service/Clinic W !,PROMPT_$S($L(DEFAULT):DEFAULT_"//",1:"") R X:DTIME S:'$T X="^",DTOUT=1 S:X="^" GMPQUIT=1 Q:(X="^")!(X="") I X?1"^".E D JUMP^GMPLEDT3(X) Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) K:$G(GMPIFN) GMPLJUMP G S1 I X="?" W !!,HELPMSG,! G S1 I X["??" D @("LIST"_$S(VIEW="S":"SERV",1:"CLIN")_"^GMPLMGR1") W !,HELPMSG G S1 I X="@" G:'$$SURE^GMPLX S1 S Y="" G SQ D ^DIC I Y'>0 W !?5,"Only clinic"_$S(VIEW="S":"al service",1:"")_"s are allowed!",! G S1 SQ ; Quit Service/Clinic S:VIEW'="S" GMPFLD(1.08)=Y S:VIEW="S" GMPFLD(1.06)=Y Q AUTHOR ; Edit Recording Provider - field 1.04 N X,Y,PROMPT,HELPMSG,DEFAULT S PROMPT="RECORDING PROVIDER: " S DEFAULT=$G(GMPFLD(1.04)),HELPMSG="Enter the name of the provider responsible for the recording of this data." D NPERSON^GMPLEDT2 Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) S GMPFLD(1.04)=$S(+Y>0:Y,1:"") Q PROV ; Edit Responsible Provider - field 1.05 N X,Y,PROMPT,DEFAULT,HELPMSG S DEFAULT=$G(GMPFLD(1.05)) S PROMPT="PROVIDER: ",HELPMSG="Enter the name of the local provider treating this problem." D NPERSON^GMPLEDT2 Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) S GMPFLD(1.05)=$S(+Y>0:Y,1:"") Q ICD ; Edit ICD-9-CM Code - field .01 N DIC,DIR,X,Y ICD0 ; Prompt for ICD Code K DIR S DIR(0)="FAO^2:6",DIR("A")="ICD CODE: " S:$P($G(GMPFLD(.01)),U,2)="799.9" DIR("A")=IORVON_"ICD CODE: " S:+$G(GMPFLD(.01)) DIR("B")=$P(GMPFLD(.01),U,2) S DIR("?")="Enter the ICD code to be associated with this problem" ICD1 ; Get ICD Code D ^DIR W IORVOFF I $D(DTOUT)!(Y="^") S GMPQUIT=1 Q I Y?1"^".E D JUMP^GMPLEDT3(Y) Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) K:$G(GMPIFN) GMPLJUMP G ICD1 I X="@" W !!,"ICD Code may not be deleted!",!,$C(7) G ICD1 Q:X="" Q:$P($G(GMPFLD(.01)),U,2)=Y S DIC=80,DIC(0)="EQM" D ^DIC G:Y'>0 ICD0 S GMPFLD(.01)=Y Q NOTE ; Attach a note to problem - field 11 N X,Y,I,DEFAULT,PROMPT,DONE,NXT,NCNT S (I,NCNT,DONE)=0 ; added for Code Set Versioning (CSV) I $G(GMPICD),'+$$STATCHK^ICDAPIU(GMPICD,DT) D Q . W !!,"This problem has an inactive ICD code. Please edit the problem before using.",! H 3 I $G(GMPIFN),'$$CODESTS^GMPLX(GMPIFN,DT) D Q . W !!,"This problem has an inactive ICD code. Please edit the problem before using.",! H 3 F D Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP))!DONE . S NXT=$O(GMPFLD(10,"NEW",I)) S:'NXT NXT=I+1 . S I=NXT,NCNT=NCNT+1 . S PROMPT=$S(NCNT=1:"",1:"ANOTHER ")_"COMMENT"_$S(NCNT=1:" (<60 char): ",1:": "),DEFAULT=$G(GMPFLD(10,"NEW",I)) . D EDNOTE^GMPLEDT4 Q:$D(GMPQUIT)!($G(GMPLJUMP)) . I X="@" K GMPFLD(10,"NEW",I) Q . I Y="" S DONE=1 Q . S GMPFLD(10,"NEW",I)=Y Q TERM ; Edit Problem - field 1.01 G TERM^GMPLEDT4 Q Q ; No Editing Q