RA63PST ;HIOFO/SWM-Post install ;4/11/2006 05:21 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**63,VOE**;Mar 16, 1998 ; ; 2006 04 11 (WV/TOAD): fix null subscript error at ; RA63PST+15 during post-install of RA*5.0*63 when run ; in an account with no Radiology data. ; ; This is the post-install routine for patch RA*5.0*63 ; It will loop thru the first record in file 79 ; and insert "Y" for the new field, "IS THIS FOR HQ?" only if ; the SMTP address is "VHARADIOLOGYREPORTS@HQ.MED.VA.GOV" ; ; This routine may be deleted after RA*5.0*63 is installed. ; N RA1,RA2,RASTR,RAVAL,RAFDA,RAIEN S RATXT(1)="" S RATXT(2)="** File 79, RAD/NUC MED DIVISION," S RATXT(3)=" new field ""OQP PERFORMANCE MGMT?"" " S RATXT(4)=" has been updated with data. **" S RA1=$O(^RA(79,0)),RA2=0,RAC=0 I RA1 F S RA2=$O(^RA(79,RA1,1,RA2)) Q:'RA2 D ; added IF for VOE . S RAC=RAC+1 ;counter . S RASTR=$G(^RA(79,RA1,1,RA2,0)) Q:RASTR="" . S RAIEN=RA2_","_RA1_"," . S RAVAL=$P(RASTR,"^"),RAVAL=$$UP^XLFSTR(RAVAL) ;smtp address all caps . I RAVAL="VHARADIOLOGYREPORTS@HQ.MED.VA.GOV" S RAFDA(79.0175,RAIEN,1)="Y" . E S RAFDA(79.0175,RAIEN,1)="N" . D FILE^DIE("","RAFDA") K RAFDA,RAIEN . Q I RAC=0 S RATXT(4)=" has NO data because there are NO Outlook mail groups in this file." D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) Q