RADD1 ;HISC/FPT-Radiology Utility Routine ;6/2/98 16:17 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**1,5,10,65**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 8 ; ;Supported IA #10142 reference to EN^DDIOL ;Supported IA #10103 reference to FMADD^XLFDT ; SECXREF ; sets/kills 'ARES' & 'ASTF' x-refs for secondary resident/staff rads ; called from ^DD(74,5 ; Q:'$D(^RARPT(DA,0)) S RADFNZ=^(0) S RADTIZ=9999999.9999-$P(RADFNZ,"^",3),RACNIZ=$O(^RADPT(+$P(RADFNZ,"^",2),"DT",RADTIZ,"P","B",+$P(RADFNZ,"^",4),0)),RADFNZ=+$P(RADFNZ,"^",2) I 'RACNIZ D KILL Q I '$D(^RADPT(RADFNZ,"DT",RADTIZ,"P",RACNIZ,0)) D KILL Q I '$D(^RADPT(RADFNZ,"DT",RADTIZ,"P",RACNIZ,RASECOND,0)) D KILL Q S RASECIEN=0 F S RASECIEN=$O(^RADPT(RADFNZ,"DT",RADTIZ,"P",RACNIZ,RASECOND,RASECIEN)) Q:RASECIEN<1 S RARAD=+$P($G(^(RASECIEN,0)),"^",1) I RARAD>0 D .S:$D(RASET) ^RARPT(RAXREF,RARAD,DA)="" K:$D(RAKILL) ^RARPT(RAXREF,RARAD,DA) D XSEC^RAUTL20 KILL K RACNIZ,RADFNZ,RADTIZ,RASECOND,RASECIEN Q SCDTC ; status change date/time check ; called from ^DD(70.05,.01 ; if X is a date/time prior to the exam date/time, then set Y=0. ; if X is a over a minute in the future, then set Y=0. ; if X is missing the time portion, then set Y=0. I '($D(X)#2) Q I '$F(X,".") D EN^DDIOL("** Time is Required **","","!!?20") S Y=0 Q N RASTATUS,RAORDNUM,RAPLUS1 ; eg. da(3)=1128, da(2)=7028970.8743,da(1)=1,da=1 S RASTATUS=$P($G(^RADPT(+$G(DA(3)),"DT",+$G(DA(2)),"P",+$G(DA(1)),0)),U,3) S RAORDNUM=$P($G(^RA(72,+RASTATUS,0)),U,3) I X<(9999999.9999-$G(DA(2))),RAORDNUM>1 S Y=0 Q S RADTHOLD=X D NOW^%DTC ; 2/25/98 allow entry to be at most 1 minute after current time S RAPLUS1=%,RAPLUS1=$$FMADD^XLFDT(RAPLUS1,0,0,1,0) I RADTHOLD>RAPLUS1 S Y=0 S X=RADTHOLD K RADTHOLD Q PDC() ; do not enter secondary into primary diagnostic code field ; called from ^DD(70.03,13,0) ; do not select inactive diagnostic code 12/23/96 I $P(^RA(78.3,+Y,0),U,5)="Y" Q 0 I $D(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,"DX","B",+Y)) Q 0 Q 1 SDC() ; do not enter primary into secondary diagnostic code field ; called from ^DD(70.14,.01,0) ; do not select inactive diagnostic code 12/23/96 I $P(^RA(78.3,+Y,0),U,5)="Y" Q 0 I '$D(X)!('$D(DA(3))) G SDC2 I '$D(^RADPT(DA(3),"DT",DA(2),"P",DA(1),0)) G SDC2 I $P(^RADPT(DA(3),"DT",DA(2),"P",DA(1),0),"^",13)=+Y Q 0 Q 1 SDC2 ; I '$D(X)!('$D(DA(2))) G SDC3 I '$D(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,0)) Q 0 I $P(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,0),"^",13)=+Y Q 0 Q 1 SDC3 ; I '$D(RADFN) Q 0 S DA(2)=RADFN I '$D(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,0)) Q 0 I $P(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,0),"^",13)=+Y Q 0 Q 1 NODEL ; no deletion of primary dx code, primary resident or staff if there ; is a secondary S RASECCHK=0,RASECCHK=$O(^RADPT(DA(2),"DT",DA(1),"P",DA,RAMULT,RASECCHK)) I RASECCHK W " Required" K RAMULT,RASECCHK Q PRCCPT() ; Displays the procedure type and CPT code if applicable. ; This code is called from ^DD(71,0,"ID","WRITE") and rtn RAPROD N RA,RATXT S RA(0)=$G(^(0)),RA("I")=+$G(^("I")),RATXT="" S RA=$S('RA("I"):0,DT'>RA("I"):0,1:1) S RA(6)=$P(RA(0),U,6),RA(9)=$P(RA(0),U,9) S RA(12)=$P(RA(0),U,12) I 'RA(12) S RA(10)="UNKN " I '$D(RA(10)) S RA(10)=$P(^RA(79.2,+RA(12),0),U,3)_" " I $L(RA(10))<5 F S RA(10)=RA(10)_" " Q:$L(RA(10))>4 S RATXT="("_RA(10)_$S(RA:"Inactive",RA(6)="B":"Broad ",RA(6)="D":"Detailed",RA(6)="P":"Parent ",RA(6)="S":"Series ",1:"Unknown ")_")" S:RA(9)]"" RATXT=RATXT_" CPT:"_$P($$NAMCODE^RACPTMSC(RA(9),DT),"^") Q RATXT INDTCHK(RADA) ; Cannot inactivate a procedure if it is a common procedure ; with a valid sequence number. Code resides in ^DD(71,100,0)! ; 'RADA' is the ien of the procedure in file 71. if this procedure is ; a common procedure i.e, $D(^RAMIS(71.3,"B",RADA)) inform the user that ; the sequence number must be deleted. This relies on the "AA" xref in ; the Common Proc. file for the Sequence # fld (#3) 0 node, 4th pce. N RA,RAIEN S RAIEN=+$O(^RAMIS(71.3,"B",RADA,0)) S RA(0)=$G(^RAMIS(71.3,RAIEN,0)) Q:RA(0)']"" S RA(4)=+$P(RA(0),"^",4) ; obtain the sequence number I $D(^RAMIS(71.3,"AA",$$EN3^RAUTL17(RADA),RA(4),RAIEN)) D ; sequence #? . N RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " . S RATXT(2)=" Cannot inactivate - this procedure is currently in the" . S RATXT(3)=" Rad/Nuc Med Common Procedure file with a sequence" . S RATXT(4)=" number. Please remove the sequence number thru the" . S RATXT(5)=" 'Common Procedure Enter/Edit' option before assigning" . S RATXT(6)=" an inactivation date to this procedure." . S RATXT(7)=" " . D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT) K X ; display message, can't input ANY date! . Q Q CPTCHK(RADA) ; Check if the CPT code is inactive nationally. ; 'RADA' assume the value of +Y passed from the input xform, ^DD(71,9,0) ; quit if CPT code is active ; Q:$$ACTCODE^RACPTMSC(RADA,DT) N RATXT S RATXT(1)=" " S RATXT(2)=" Warning - Nationally inactive CPT code." S RATXT(3)=" " D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT) K X Q ; VALADM(RAD0,Y,RADT,RAUTH) ;edit validation ;Used to validate/screen radiopharm dosage administrator, ; radiopharm prescribing phys, person who measured radiopharm dose, ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; RAD0 : IEN of entry in question for NUC MED EXAM DATA (70.2) file ; Y : Pointer to the New Person file ; RADT : Xam Date; if not passed, calculate exam date from file 70.2 ; RAUTH : 1 - only staff/resid, must be auth'zd to write med orders ; : 0 - staff/resid & tech's ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Output: '1' authorized to write med orders, else '0' ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q $$VALADM^RADD4() ; VOL(RAX) ; Validate the format of the value input for volume. ; RAX must be a number followed by a space then text -or- ; a number followed by text ; Input Variable : 'RAX'- user's input ; Output Variable: null if 'RAX' erroneous, formatted version of 'RAX' Q $$VOL^RADD4()