source: WorldVistAEHR/trunk/r/RADIOLOGY_NUCLEAR_MEDICINE-RA/RADD3.m@ 619

Last change on this file since 619 was 613, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

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[613]1RADD3 ;HISC/SWM-Radiology Data Dictionary Utility Routine ;9/11/97 16:23
2 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**18,65**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 8
3 ;
4 ;Supported IA #2056 reference to GET1^DIQ
5 ;Supported IA #10142 reference to EN^DDIOL
6 ;Supported IA #2053 reference to UPDATE^DIE, FILE^DIE
7 ;Supported IA #10103 reference to NOW^XLFDT
8 ;
10 ; called from file 71.9's field SOURCE
11 ; SOURCE may be added normally via the "RA NM EDIT LOT" option,
12 ; or it may be added via one of the 3 exam edits when the LOT
13 ; prompt appears for the case's Radiopharm. This LOT prompt
14 ; allows adding new LOT on-the-fly, which causes the LOT's
15 ; associated SOURCE, EXPIRATION DATE, KIT # to be prompted
16 ; and the current case's Radiopharm to be stuffed into the new LOT's
17 ; Radiopharm field. The SOURCE field invokes this subroutine to:
18 ; re-set DR string to stuff matching radiopharm
19 ; not allow spacebar return for radioph
20 ; RA*5*65 removed the Fileman Identifier for file 79.1's RADIOPHARM
21 ; so by default, the DR will just be "2;3;4;" without the "5;".
22 ;
23 N RA1,RA2,RA3
26 . I $G(DR)'[";5",$G(DIE)="^RAMIS(71.9,",+$G(RAPSDRUG),RA1]"" S DR=DR_"5///"_RA1 K ^DISV(DUZ,"^RAMIS(71.9,")
27 . Q
28 ; check pairing of number/id with source
29 ; called by input transform of file 71.9'S field 2 (source)
30 S (RA1,RA2,RA3)=""
31 Q:$G(DA)="" Q:$G(D)=""
32 F S RA1=$O(^RAMIS(71.9,"B",$P(D,U),RA1)) Q:'RA1 I DA'=RA1 S:$P(^RAMIS(71.9,RA1,0),U,2)=+Y RA2=1 ;found a match so set ra2=1
33 W:RA2 !!,"** There's already a NUMBER/ID=",$P(D,U)," and SOURCE=",$P(Y,U,2)," **",!
34 K:RA2 X
35 Q
36SCRLOT() ;screen lot # from file 70.2
37 ;lot's exp. dt must be within d/t dose admin, if no admin, use exam dt
38 ; if lot's exp. dt is null, allow as choice (don't check)
39 ;lot's radiopharm must match exam's radiopharm
40 ; if lot's radiopharm is null, don't allow as choice
41 ;Y pointer to lot file
42 ;RA0A date/time dose administered
43 ;RA0E date/time exam
44 ;RALOTEXP lot's expiration date
45 ;RA0RAD exam's radiopharmaceutical
46 ;RALOTRAD lot's radiopharmaceutical
47 ;RARETUR return value of screen, 0=failed, 1=passed
48 I '$D(Y)#2!('$D(DA))!('$D(DA(1))) Q 0
51 S RA0E=$P(^RADPTN(DA(1),0),U,2),RA0A=$P(^("NUC",DA,0),U,8),RA0RAD=$P(^(0),U),RALOTEXP=$P(^RAMIS(71.9,+Y,0),U,3),RALOTRAD=$P(^(0),U,5)
54 ;
55GETID(Y) ; Pass back a string of data which will be used as an
56 ; identifier when lookups are done on the Imaging Locations (79.1) file
57 ; Input : Y -> ien of entry in 79.1
58 ; Output: string of data relevent to the entry in file 79.1
59 ; Location I-type_"-"_Station # of Rad/Nuc Med Division
60 N RA791 S RA791(0)=$G(^RA(79.1,Y,0))
61 S RA791("DIV")=$G(^RA(79.1,Y,"DIV"))
62 Q "("_$$GET1^DIQ(79.2,+$P(RA791(0),"^",6),.01)_"-"_$$GET1^DIQ(4,+$P(RA791("DIV"),"^"),99)_")"
63 ;
64DELDESC(RAIEN) ; This sub-routine will determine if descendents can be
65 ; deleted from parent procedures. If only one descendent exists, and
66 ; the parent is on the common procedure list do not allow the deletion
67 ; of the descendent.
68 ; Input : RAIEN (the DA array for the Rad/Nuc Med Procedure file.)
69 ; Output: 0 if ok to delete, 1 if not ok to delete
70 ; Called from: ^DD(71.05,.01,"DEL",1,0) node
71 N I,RA713,RATTL S (I,RA713,RATTL)=0
72 S:$D(^RAMIS(71.3,"B",RAIEN(1))) RA713=+$O(^RAMIS(71.3,"B",RAIEN(1),0))
73 S:RA713>0 RA713(0)=$G(^RAMIS(71.3,RA713,0))
74 F S I=$O(^RAMIS(71,RAIEN(1),4,I)) Q:I'>0 S RATTL=RATTL+1
75 I RA713,($P(RA713(0),"^",5)=""),(RATTL=1) D Q 1
76 . ; don't allow deletion of the last descendent on procedures that are
77 . ; currently active in the common procedure file.
78 . N RATXT S RATXT(1)=" "
79 . S RATXT(2)="You cannot delete the last or only descendent from a"
80 . S RATXT(3)="parent procedure when the parent procedure is an active"
81 . S RATXT(4)="common procedure.",RATXT(5)=$C(7) D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT)
82 . Q
83 Q 0 ; common procedure with more than one descendent, ok to delete
84 ;
85REACMMN(RADA) ; Check to see if a commom procedure can be re-activated.
86 ; This sub-routine checks if this common is a parent w/o descendents.
87 ; If true, this common procedure cannot be re-activated.
88 ; Input : RADA - ien of the entry in 71.3
89 ; Output: 0 if ok to delete, 1 if not ok to delete
90 ; Called from ^DD(71.3,4,"DEL",1,0)
91 N RA713 S RA713=$G(^RAMIS(71.3,RADA,0))
92 I $P($G(^RAMIS(71,+RA713,0)),"^",6)="P",('$O(^RAMIS(71,+RA713,4,0))) D Q 1
93 . N RATXT S RATXT(1)=" "
94 . S RATXT(2)="You cannot re-activate a common parent procedure without descendents."
95 . S RATXT(3)=$C(7) D EN^DDIOL(.RATXT)
96 . Q
97 Q 0 ; ok to delete
98 ;
100 ; STATUS TIMES (70.05) multiple. Called from RASTED (will be
101 ; called from RAUTL1 in the future)
102 ;
103 ; input variables:
104 ; ----------------
105 ; RADFN=patient dfn, RADTI=exam date/time (inverse)
106 ; RACNI=exam record ien (70.03), RAMDV=division parameters
107 ; RAQED=task queued(1=yes;0=no), RASTI=exam status
108 ; RAWHO=editing person
109 ;
111 S RAQED=+$G(RAQED) ; if tasked 1, else 0
112 S RAIENS="+1,"_RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_","
114 D UPDATE^DIE(,"RAFDA","RAIEN") ; RAIEN(1)=ien of new record
115 K RAFDA,RAIENS Q:'$D(RAIEN(1)) ; record not added
116 I $P(RAMDV,"^",11),('RAQED) D
117 .S DIE="^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P"","_RACNI_",""T"","
118 .S DA=RAIEN(1),DR=".01" D ^DIE
119 S RAIENS=RAIEN(1)_","_RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_","
121 S RAFDA(70.05,RAIENS,3)=$G(RAWHO)
123 Q
124A7007(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI,RAWHO,RATC) ; update the ACTIVITY LOG (70.07)
125 ; multiple. Called from RASTED (will be called from RAUTL1 in the
126 ; future)
127 ;
128 ; input variables:
129 ; ----------------
130 ; RADFN=patient dfn, RADTI=exam date/time (inverse)
131 ; RACNI=exam record ien (70.03), RAWHO=editing person
132 ; RATC=technologist comments (optional)
133 ;
135 S RAIENS="+1,"_RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_","
136 S RAFDA(70.07,RAIENS,.01)="NOW"
137 D UPDATE^DIE("E","RAFDA","RAIEN") ;RAIEN(1)=ien of new record
138 K RAFDA,RAIENS Q:'$D(RAIEN(1)) ; record not added
139 S RAIENS=RAIEN(1)_","_RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_","
140 S RAFDA(70.07,RAIENS,2)="U"
141 S RAFDA(70.07,RAIENS,3)=$G(RAWHO)
142 S:$G(RATC)]"" RAFDA(70.07,RAIENS,4)=RATC
144 Q
145 ;
146 ;updates EXAM STATUS
147U70033(RA18DFN,RA18DTI,RA18CNI,RA18ST) ;
149 S RA18IENS=RA18CNI_","_RA18DTI_","_RA18DFN_","
150 S RA18FDA(70.03,RA18IENS,3)=RA18ST
151 D FILE^DIE(,"RA18FDA")
152 Q
153 ;
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