source: WorldVistAEHR/trunk/r/RADIOLOGY_NUCLEAR_MEDICINE-RA/RADD4.m@ 619

Last change on this file since 619 was 613, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

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1RADD4 ;HISC/GJC-Radiology Utility Routine ;11/25/97 12:40
2 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**65**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 8
3 ;
4 ;supported IA #10104 reference to STRIP^XLFSTR and LOW^XLFSTR
5 ;
6VALADM() ;edit validation
7 ;Used to validate/screen radiopharm dosage administrator,
8 ; radiopharm prescribing phys, person who measured radiopharm dose,
9 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
10 ; RAD0 : IEN of entry in question for NUC MED EXAM DATA (70.2) file
11 ; Y : Pointer to the New Person file
12 ; RADT : Xam Date; if not passed, calculate exam date from file 70.2
13 ; RAUTH : 1 - only staff/resid, must be auth'zd to write med orders
14 ; : 0 - staff/resid & tech's
15 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
16 ; Output: '1' authorized to write med orders, else '0'
17 ;----------------------------------------------------------------------
18 N RAPS S RAPS=$G(^VA(200,Y,"PS"))
19 ; $P(RAPS,"^") - authorized to write med orders '1': Yes
20 ; $P(RAPS,"^",4) - person CAN'T write med orders after this date(if any)
21 S:$G(RADT)="" RADT=$P($G(^RADPTN(RAD0,0)),"^",2)
22 I 'RAUTH,($D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",Y))!$D(^VA(200,"ARC","S",Y))!$D(^VA(200,"ARC","T",Y))) Q 1
23 I RAUTH,($D(^VA(200,"ARC","R",Y))!$D(^VA(200,"ARC","S",Y))),(+$P(RAPS,"^")),($S('$P(RAPS,"^",4):1,$P(RAPS,"^",4)'<RADT:1,1:0)) Q 1
24 Q 0
25 ;
26VOL() ; Validate the format of the value input for volume.
27 ; RAX must be a number followed by a space then text -or-
28 ; a number followed by text
29 ; Input Variable : 'RAX'- user's input
30 ; Output Variable: null if 'RAX' erroneous, formatted version of 'RAX'
31 Q:(RAX'?0.5N0.1"."0.2N1" "1.30A)&(RAX'?0.5N0.1"."0.2N1.30A) ""
32 N RAX1,RAY S RAX1=+RAX,RAY=$P(RAX,RAX1,2) Q:RAX1'>0 ""
33 S RAY=$S($F(RAY," ")>0:$E(RAY,$F(RAY," "),9999),1:RAY)
34 S RAY=$S($F(RAY,".")>0:$E(RAY,$F(RAY,"."),9999),1:RAY)
37 I RAY'="c",(RAY'="m") Q ""
38 Q RAX1_" "_RAY
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