RARTE3 ;HISC/GJC-Create a skeletal report, store in Error Reports multiple ;2/4/97 09:39 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**31**;Mar 16, 1998 ; This routine will be accessed when the user unverifies a report. ; At this time, a skeletal copy of the report will be stored off ; in the 'Error Reports' multiple. This will keep track of report ; addendums. EN1(RADA) ; Create the 'Error Reports' sub-record. ; Input: 'RADA': IEN of the report in file 74. ; Create the record, enter when the report was unverified. Q:'($D(^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE"))\10) N RACNT,RAIEN,RANEW,RANOW,X S RANOW=$$NOW^XLFDT() S RANEW(74.06,"+1,"_RADA_",",.01)=RANOW D UPDATE^DIE("","RANEW","RAIEN","") ; Error Report date/time field created, now the skeletal report text S RADA(1)=RADA,RADA=+$G(RAIEN(1)) Q:'RADA ; sub-file ien not created S RACNT=+$O(^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE",999999999999),-1) D ZERO K ^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE") Q ZERO ; setup the ^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE" global with a zero node S ^RARPT(RADA(1),"ERR",RADA,"RPT",0)="^^"_RACNT_"^"_RACNT_"^"_(RANOW\1)_"^" N I S I=0 F S I=$O(^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE",I)) Q:I'>0 D . S ^RARPT(RADA(1),"ERR",RADA,"RPT",I,0)=$G(^TMP($J,"RA AUTOE",I)) . Q Q CHK17 ; called from routine RARTE1 ; check 17th piece of exam with same pat/dttm/longcn ; values of RAOK: ; 1 = unknown case no. or unknown case ien, CAN'T DELETE REPORT ; 2 = exm doesn't point to this rpt, CAN DELETE BUT NOT UPGRADE EXM STAT ; 3 = all okay S RAOK=3 S RADFN=+$P(RA0,"^",2),RADTI=9999999.9999-$P(RA0,"^",3),RACN=$P(RA0,"^",4) S:RACN="" RACN=$P($P(RA0,"^"),"-",2) ;get from longcase no.'s 2nd part I RACN="" D WARN1,PRESS Q S RACNI=+$O(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P","B",RACN,0)) I 'RACNI D WARN1,PRESS Q I $P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0)),"^",17)'=RAIEN D WARN2,PRESS Q WARN1 W !!?3,"** Cannot determine internal or external case number. **" W !!?3,"** You may NOT delete this report. **" S RAOK=1 Q WARN2 W !!?3,"** This report refers to an exam that isn't pointing back to this report. **" S RAOK=2 WARNQ W !!?3,"** You may delete this report if it is indeed the report you don't want. **" W !?3,"** Or call IRM for help. **" Q PRESS R !!?5,"Press RETURN to continue. ",X:DTIME Q