RARTE5 ;HISC/SWM AISC/MJK,RMO-Enter/Edit Outside Reports ;10/24/07 12:58 ;;5.0;Radiology/Nuclear Medicine;**56**;Mar 16, 1998;Build 3 ;Private IA #4793 CREATE^WVRALINK ;Controlled IA #3544 ^VA(200 ;Supported IA #2056 GET1^DIQ ;Supported IA #10013 IX1^DIK ;Supported IA #10141 MES^XPDUTL ; adapted from RARTE, RARTE1, RARTE4 F I=1:1:7 W !?3,$P($T(INTRO+I),";;",2) W ! D SET^RAPSET1 I $D(XQUIT) K XQUIT Q N RAXIT,RASUBY0,RA18EX,RAPRTSET,RAMEMARR,RA1,RA7003 S RAXIT=0 I $D(RANOSCRN) S X=$$DIVLOC^RAUTL7() I X D Q1 QUIT ; ; only require any Radiology Classification in New Person file S X=0 F I="C","R","S","T" S:$D(^VA(200,"ARC",I,DUZ)) X=1 I 'X W !,"Your user account is missing a Radiology classification.",! D INCRPT Q ; START K RAVER S RAVW="",RAREPORT=1 D ^RACNLU G Q1:"^"[X ; RACNLU defines RADFN, RADTI, RACNI, RARPT S RASUBY0=Y(0) ; save value of y(0) S RANUENTR=0 ;=0 subsequent edit of report, =1 initial making of report G:$P(^RA(72,+RAST,0),"^",3)>0 CONTIN I $D(^XUSEC("RA MGR",DUZ)) G CONTIN G:$P(RAMDV,"^",22)=1 CONTIN W $C(7),!!,"The STATUS for this case is CANCELLED. You may not enter a report.",!! D INCRPT G START ; CONTIN ; continue S RAXIT=0 D DISPLAY^RARTE6 I RA18EX=-1 D INCRPT G START ; raprtset is defined in display^rarte6 I RAPRTSET W !,"OUTSIDE report cannot be linked to a printset." D INCRPT G START S RAPNODE="^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P""," S RA7003=@(RAPNODE_RACNI_",0)") S RAXIT=$$LOCK^RARTE6(RAPNODE,RACNI) I RAXIT D INCRPT G START ; ; Existing rpt must have field 5 = "EF" and field 18 with data I $D(^RARPT(+RARPT,0)),(($P(^(0),"^",5)'="EF")!($P(^(0),"^",18)="")) W !?3,$C(7),"Only Electronicaly Filed reports can be selected!",! D UNLOCK^RAUTL12(RAPNODE,RACNI) D INCRPT G START ;Create new rpt, or skip to IN to edit existing report G IN:$D(^RARPT(+RARPT,0)) ; check Credit Method S X=$P(@(RAPNODE_RACNI_",0)"),U,26) I X'=2 W !!?3,"This option is for Outside work (imaged and read), so the case should ",!?3,"be 'No Credit', but this case has a credit method of '",$$GET1^DIQ(70.03,RACNI_","_RADTI_","_RADFN_",",26),"'" K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("B")="NO" S DIR("A")="Do you want to continue" S DIR("?")="Enter YES to continue with this option" W ! D ^DIR K DIR I Y'=1 D INCRPT G START ; S RANUENTR=1 ; new report being made NEW1 S RARPTN=$E(RADTE,4,7)_$E(RADTE,2,3)_"-"_RACN W !?3,"...report not entered for this exam...",!?10,"...will now initialize report entry..." S I=+$P(^RARPT(0),"^",3) ; LOCK ;Try to lock next avail IEN, if locked - fail, if used - increment again S I=I+1 S RAXIT=$$LOCK^RARTE6("^RARPT(",I) I RAXIT D UNLOCK^RAUTL12(RAPNODE,RACNI) D INCRPT G START ;don't check ^RARPT("B",RARPTN) due cloaked deleted reports I $D(^RARPT(I)) D UNLOCK^RAUTL12("^RARPT(",I) G LOCK S ^RARPT(I,0)=RARPTN,RARPT=I,^(0)=$P(^RARPT(0),"^",1,2)_"^"_I_"^"_($P(^(0),"^",4)+1),^DISV($S($D(DUZ)#2:DUZ,1:0),"^RARPT(")=I S:'$D(^RARPT(RARPT,"T")) ^("T")="" S ^RARPT(RARPT,0)=RARPTN_"^"_RADFN_"^"_RADTE_"^"_RACN_"^EF",DIK="^RARPT(",DA=RARPT D IX1^DIK K %,D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,X,Y S DA(2)=RADFN,DA(1)=RADTI,DA=RACNI S DIE="^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P""," S DR="17////"_RARPT D ^DIE K %,D,D0,DA,DI,DIC,DIE,DQ,DR,RAY1,X,Y W !,RAI G IN0 IN ;edit existing rpt, so lock rpt fr the 1st time S RAXIT=$$LOCK^RARTE6("^RARPT(",RARPT) I RAXIT D UNLOCK^RAUTL12(RAPNODE,RACNI) G Q1 IN0 ;skip to here if rpt created in this session and already locked ; save DXs before edit S RANY1=$$ANYDX^RARTE7(.RAA1) ;1=has DXs, 0=no DXs, RAA1() stores DXs ; Ask if copy standard report I $P(RAMDV,"^",12) D STD^RARTE1 I X="^" S RAXIT=1 G UNCASE ; Ask Report Date S DR="8",DA=RARPT,DIE="^RARPT(" D ^DIE K DE,DQ ; y is defined if user "^" out I $D(Y) K Y G UNCASE ; Display Clinical History D CHPRINT^RAUTL9 ; report status before editing S RACT=$P(^RARPT(RARPT,0),U,5) ; Edit Report Text and enter Diagnostic code(s) D ERPT ; continue to check sufficient data even if RAXIT=1 at this point UNCASE ; D UNLOCK^RAUTL12(RAPNODE,RACNI) ;unlock case ; check if sufficient data; del rpt & xrefs if no rpt txt & impression S RAXIT=$$CCAN(RARPT) D UNLOCK^RAUTL12("^RARPT(",RARPT) ;unlock report G:RAXIT PRT ; ; "EF" was stuffed in LOCK+5 for new reports I $P(^RARPT(RARPT,0),U,5)'="EF" D SETFF^RARTE6(74,5,RARPT,"EF") W !,"Report status is stored as ""Electronically Filed""." ; Stuff in initial entry date only once I $P(^RARPT(RARPT,0),U,18)="" D SETFF^RARTE6(74,18,RARPT,"NOW","E") ; Stuff in Activity Log subfile at all times D SETALOG^RARTE6("+1,"_RARPT_",","F","") ; ; transmit to women's health each time this point is reached ; COPY^WVRALINK will stop if the same case number is already in 790.1 ; I $P(^RARPT(RARPT,0),U,5)="EF",$T(CREATE^WVRALINK)]"" D CREATE^WVRALINK(RADFN,RADTI,RACNI) ; women's health ; PRT I RAXIT S RAXIT=0 D INCRPT G START ; ; report status after editing S RACT=$P(^RARPT(RARPT,0),U,5) ; --- ; set RAHLTCPB to prevent broadcast ORM messages N RAHLTCPB S RAHLTCPB=1 ; update case's exam status only if exam status isn't COMPLETE D:$$GET1^DIQ(72,+$P(RA7003,U,3)_",",3)'=9 UP1^RAUTL1 S RANY2=$$ANYDX^RARTE7(.RAA2) ;RAA2() store DXs after edit ; always check alert if new/changed diagnostic codes, send alert if nec. D ALERT^RARTE7 K RAAB PRT1 R !!,"Do you wish to print this report? No// ",X:DTIME S:'$T!(X["^") X="N" S:X="" X="N" ;030497 I "Nn"[$E(X) D INCRPT G START I "Yy"'[$E(X) W:X'["?" $C(7) W !!?3,"Enter 'YES' to print this report, or 'NO' not to." G PRT1 S ION=$P(RAMLC,"^",10),IOP=$S(ION]"":"Q;"_ION,1:"Q") S RAMES="W !!?3,""Report has been queued for printing on device "",ION,"".""" D Q^RARTR D INCRPT G START ; queue rpt, cleanup, startover ; Q1 K %,%DT,%W,%Y,%Y1,C,D0,D1,DA,DIC,DIE,DR,OREND,RABTCH,RABTCHN,RACN,RACNI,RACOPY,RACS,RACT,RADATE,RADFN,RADTE,RADTI,RADUZ,RAELESIG,RAFIN,RAHEAD,RAI,RAJ1 K RALI,RALR,RANME,RANUM,RAOR,RAORDIFN,RAPNODE,RAPRC,RAPRIT,RAQUIT,RAREPORT,RARES,RARPDT,RARPT,RARPTN,RARPTZ,RARTPN,RASET,RASI,RASIG,RASN,RASSN,RAST,RAST1,RASTI,RASTFF,RAVW,XQUIT,W,X,Y K D,D2,DDER,DI,DIPGM,DLAYGO,J,RAEND,RAF5,RAFL,RAFST,RAIX,RAPOP,RAY1 K ^TMP($J,"RAEX") K POP,DUOUT,RAFDA,RATEXT,RADIR0,RAXIT D INCRPT Q INCRPT ; Kill extraneous variables to avoid collisions. ; Incomplete report information, select another case #. K DA,DIE,DR,RATXT K %,%DT,D,D0,D1,D2,DI,DIC,DIWT,DN,I,J,RACN,RACNI,RACT,RADATE,RADTE K RADTI,RAFIN,RAI,RALI,RALR,RANME,RAPRC,RARPT,RARPTN,RASSN,RAST,RAVW,X K RANUENTR Q CCAN(IEN74) ;Check canned report for Outside Reporting ; adapted from EN3^RAUTL15 ; outputs: 0 if report is kept ; 1 if report is deleted due to no canned text entered ; ; keep report if it is linked to images I $O(^RARPT(IEN74,2005,0))>0 Q 0 ; ;del canned report if missing both REPORT TEXT and IMPRESSION TEXT I '$O(^RARPT(IEN74,"I",0)),'$O(^RARPT(IEN74,"R",0)) D Q 1 .; no printsets in outside rpt'g, so no pointer to file 74 from 70.04 .; .; exec field's xrefs' KILL logic .S DA(2)=RADFN,DA(1)=RADTI,DA=RACNI .D ENKILL^RAXREF(70.03,17,IEN74,.DA) .; .;del piece 17 from case record .S $P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),"^",17)="" K DA,X .; .; Del report ptr from batch and distribution files .D UPDTPNT^RAUTL9(IEN74) .; .; Del entry from Report file .K RATXT .S DA=IEN74,DIK="^RARPT(" D ^DIK .S RATXT(1)=" " .S RATXT(2)=" Outside canned report not complete. Must Delete......deletion complete!" .S RATXT(3)=$C(7) D MES^XPDUTL(.RATXT) .Q Q 0 ERPT ; Edit report text, impression, and enter/edit diagnostic codes S $P(RATXT,"+",52)="" W !!?5,RATXT,!?8,"Required: REPORT TEXT and/or IMPRESSION TEXT",!?5,RATXT S RAXIT=0 S DA=RARPT,DIE="^RARPT(" S DR="200;I X=""^"" S Y=""@8"";300;I X'=""^"" S Y=""@9"";@8;S RAXIT=1;@9" D ^DIE ; Report Text and Impression Text cannot both be empty I '$O(^RARPT(RARPT,"I",0)),'$O(^RARPT(RARPT,"R",0)) G ERPT I RAXIT=1 Q ; Diagnostic codes ; (code taken from routine RARTE1) S RAIMGTYI=$P($G(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,0)),U,2),RAIMGTYJ=$P($G(^RA(79.2,+RAIMGTYI,0)),U) S X=+$O(^RA(72,"AA",RAIMGTYJ,9,0)),DA(2)=RADFN,DA(1)=RADTI,DA=RACNI,DIE="^RADPT("_DA(2)_",""DT"","_DA(1)_",""P""," K RAIMGTYI,RAIMGTYJ ; ask Prim. Diag, required if site require diag, don't ck abnormal here S DR=13_$S('$D(^RA(72,X,.1)):"",$P(^(.1),"^",5)'="Y":"",1:"R") S RAXIT=$$LOCK^RARTE6(DIE,.DA) ; allow user to "^" exit I 'RAXIT D ^DIE D UNLOCK^RAUTL12(DIE,.DA) K DA,DE,DQ,DIE,DR I RAXIT!($P(^RADPT(RADFN,"DT",RADTI,"P",RACNI,0),U,13)="")!($D(Y)) S RAXIT=0 G PACS S DR="50///"_RACN S DR(2,70.03)=13.1 S DR(3,70.14)=.01 ; don't ck abnormal here S DA(1)=RADFN,DA=RADTI,DIE="^RADPT("_DA(1)_",""DT""," S RAXIT=$$LOCK^RARTE6("^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P"",",.RACNI) ;lock at P level I 'RAXIT D ^DIE D UNLOCK^RAUTL12("^RADPT("_RADFN_",""DT"","_RADTI_",""P"",",.RACNI) K DA,DE,DQ,DIE,DR ;unlock at P level I $D(Y) K Y S RAXIT=1 ;$D(Y) means user "^" out PACS ; do not broadcast ORU message ; ; move WV outside of this in case rpt is deleted due insufficient data Q ; INTRO ; ;;+--------------------------------------------------------+ ;;| | ;;| This option is for entering canned text for | ;;| outside work: interpreted report done outside, | ;;| and images made outside this facility. | ;;| | ;;+--------------------------------------------------------+