DG10 ;ALB/MRL,DAK,AEG,PHH-LOAD/EDIT PATIENT DATA ; 1/5/2006 21:46 ;;5.3;Registration;**32,109,139,149,182,326,513,425,574,642,658,634**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 30 ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA START ; D LO^DGUTL I $G(DGPRFLG)=1,$G(DGPLOC)=1 D G Q:$G(DGRPOUT),A1 .; D EN^DGRPD,REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN)) . D EN^DGRPD . Q:$G(DGRPOUT) . ; . ; ** start of VOE change 1 of 3: DAOU/WCJ,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** . ; . ; HEC query call only wanted/needed for VA agency code . ; . I $G(DUZ("AG"))="V" D REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN)) . ; . ; ** end of VOE change 1 ** . ; . D HINQ ; A W !! K VET,DIE,DIC,CARD S DIC=2,DLAYGO=2,DIC(0)="ALEQM" K DIC("S") D ^DIC G Q:Y<0 S (DFN,DA)=+Y,DGNEW=$P(Y,"^",3) K DLAYGO N Y D PAUSE I DGNEW D NEW^DGRP S DA=DFN,VET=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,"VET")):^("VET")'="Y",1:0) ; ;MPI QUERY ;check to see if CIRN PD/MPI is installed N X S X="MPIFAPI" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") G:'$T SKIP K MPIFRTN ; ; ** start of VOE change 2 of 3: DAOU/WCJ,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; ; MPI query call only wanted/needed for VA agency code ; I $G(DUZ("AG"))="V"!$$GET^XPAR("SYS","DG MPI") D MPIQ^MPIFAPI(DFN) ; ; ** end of VOE change 2 ** ; K MPIFRTN ; I +$G(DGNEW) D . ; query CMOR for Patient Record Flag Assignments if NEW patient and . ; display results . I $$PRFQRY^DGPFAPI(DFN) D DISPPRF^DGPFAPI(DFN) ; SKIP ; S DGELVER=0 D EN^DGRPD I $D(DGRPOUT) K DGRPOUT G A ; ; ** start of VOE change 3 of 3: DAOU/WCJ,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 1/5/2006 ** ; ; these query calls only wanted/needed for VA agency code ; I $G(DUZ("AG"))="V" D HINQ,REG^IVMCQ($G(DFN)) G A1 ; ; ** end of VOE change 3 ** ; ; HINQ ; S Y=$S($D(^DG(43,1,0)):^(0),1:0) I $P(Y,U,27) S X="DVBHQZ4" X ^%ZOSF("TEST") I $T D .N DGROUT .S DGROUT=X .I $G(DFN) D ..N X,Y,DGRP ..F X=.3,.32 S DGRP(X)=$G(^DPT(DFN,X)) ..W !," Money Verified: " S Y=$P(DGRP(.3),"^",6) X:Y]"" ^DD("DD") W $S(Y]"":Y,1:"NOT VERIFIED") ..W ?40," Service Verified: " S Y=$P(DGRP(.32),"^",2) X:Y]"" ^DD("DD") W $S(Y]"":Y,1:"NOT VERIFIED") .D @("EN^"_DGROUT) K Y Q ;from dgdem0 Q ; ; SDIEMM is used as a flag by AMBCARE Incomplete Encounter Management ; to bypass the embossing routines when calling load/edit from IEMM ; A1 D G H:'%,CK:%'=1 S DGRPV=0 D EN1^DGRP,MT(DFN),CP G Q:$G(DGPRFLG)=1 G Q:$G(SDIEMM) G Q:'$D(DA),EMBOS .W !,"Do you want to ",$S(DGNEW:"enter",1:"edit")," Patient Data" .S %=1 D YN^DICN .I +$G(DGNEW) Q .I $$ADD^DGADDUTL($G(DFN)) ; ; H W !?5,"Enter 'YES' to enter/edit registration data or 'NO' to continue without",!?5,"editing." G A1 ; CK S DGEDCN=1 D ^DGRPC,MT(DFN),CP G Q:$G(DGPRFLG)=1 G Q:$G(SDIEMM) I $G(DGER)[55 K DIR S DIR(0)="Y",DIR("A")="Do you wish to return to Screen #9 to enter missing Income Data? " D ^DIR K DIR ;G:Y ^DGRP9 ; EMBOS ;W ! D EMBOS^DGQEMA G A G A ; ; Q K X,Y,Z,DIC,DGELVER,DGNEW,DGRPV,VET Q ; MT(DFN) ; Check if user requires a means test. Ask user if they want to proceedif ; one is required I '$D(SDIEMM) DO .N DGREQF,DIV .D EN^DGMTR .I DGREQF D EDT^DGMTU(DFN,DT):$P($$MTS^DGMTU(DFN),U,2)="R" .Q I $D(SDIEMM) DO .N DGMTI .S DGMTI=$$LST^DGMTU(DFN,SCINF("ENCOUNTER"),1) .I $P(DGMTI,U,4)="R" D I 1 ..S DGMT0=$G(^DGMT(408.31,+DGMTI,0)),DGMTDT=$P(DGMT0,"^") ..I '$$OKTOCONT(DGMTDT) Q ..S DGMTI=+DGMTI,DGMTYPT=1,DGMTACT="COM",DGMTROU="COM^DGMTEO" D EN^DGMTSC .E D WARNING .Q Q ; WARNING ; ;prints a warning to the screen about means test ; W !!,"A means test for this encounter date was not found and may be required!" W !,"Further investigation will be needed." W ! D PAUSE Q ; PAUSE ; N DIR S DIR(0)="FAO",DIR("A")="Press ENTER to continue " D ^DIR Q ; OKTOCONT(Y) ; ; N DIR W !!,"Patient Requires a means Test" X ^DD("DD") W !,"Primary Means Test Required from '",Y,"'",! ; I $D(SDIEMM),'$D(^XUSEC("SCENI MEANS TEST EDIT",DUZ)) DO G OKQ .W !,$C(7),"You do not have the appropriate IEMM Security Key. Contact your supervisor.",! .D PAUSE .S Y=0 ; S DIR("A")="Do you wish to proceed with the means test at this time" S DIR("B")="YES" S DIR(0)="Y" D ^DIR OKQ Q $S(Y=1:1,1:0) ; CP ;If not (autoexempt or MTested) & no CP test this year then ;prompt for add/edit cp test N DIV,DGIB,DGIBDT,DGX,X,DIRUT,DTOUT G:'$P($G(^DG(43,1,0)),U,41) QTCP ;USE CP FLAG S DGIBDT=$S($D(DFN1):9999999-DFN1,1:DT) D EN^DGMTCOR I +$G(DGNOCOPF) S DGMTCOR=0 I DGMTCOR D THRESH^DGMTCOU1(DGIBDT) D EDT^DGMTCOU(DFN,DT) K DGNOCOPF QTCP Q