DG53620Y ;Plano/DW-Modify NEW-STYLE XREF ;11:50 AM 29 Nov 2004 ;;5.3;Registration;**620**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ;Continued after DG53620X ANAM341 ;ANAM341 X-REF N DGXR,DGRES,DGOUT S DGXR("FILE")=2 S DGXR("NAME")="ANAM341" S DGXR("TYPE")="MU" S DGXR("USE")="A" S DGXR("EXECUTION")="F" S DGXR("ACTIVITY")="IR" S DGXR("SHORT DESCR")="This index keeps the NAME COMPONENTS file in synch with field #.341." S DGXR("DESCR",1)="This cross reference uses Kernel name standardization APIs to keep the NAME" S DGXR("DESCR",2)="COMPONENTS (#20) file record associated with the #.341 field synchronized" S DGXR("DESCR",3)="with the data value stored in that field." S DGXR("SET")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1,DG20NAME=X D NARY^XLFNAME7(.DG20NAME),UPDCOMP^XLFNAME2(2,.DA,.341,.DG20NAME,1.09,+$P($G(^DPT(DA,""NAME"")),U,9),""CL35"") K DG20NAME Q" S DGXR("KILL")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1 D DELCOMP^XLFNAME2(2,.DA,.341,1.09) Q" S DGXR("VAL",1)=.341 S DGXR("VAL",1,"SUBSCRIPT")=1 S DGXR("VAL",1,"COLLATION")="F" D CREIXN^DDMOD(.DGXR,"kW",.DGRES,"DGOUT") Q ; ANAM201 ;ANAM201 X-REF N DGXR,DGRES,DGOUT S DGXR("FILE")=2 S DGXR("ROOT FILE")=2.01 S DGXR("NAME")="ANAM201" S DGXR("TYPE")="MU" S DGXR("USE")="A" S DGXR("EXECUTION")="F" S DGXR("ACTIVITY")="IR" S DGXR("SHORT DESCR")="This index keeps the NAME COMPONENTS file in synch with the .01 field." S DGXR("DESCR",1)="This cross reference uses Kernel name standardization APIs to keep the NAME" S DGXR("DESCR",2)="COMPONENTS (#20) file record associated with the #.01 field synchronized" S DGXR("DESCR",3)="with the data value stored in that field." S DGXR("SET")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1,DG20NAME=X D NARY^XLFNAME7(.DG20NAME),UPDCOMP^XLFNAME2(2.01,.DA,.01,.DG20NAME,100.03,,""CL30"") K DG20NAME Q" S DGXR("KILL")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1 D DELCOMP^XLFNAME2(2.01,.DA,.01,100.03) Q" S DGXR("VAL",1)=.01 S DGXR("VAL",1,"SUBSCRIPT")=1 S DGXR("VAL",1,"COLLATION")="F" D CREIXN^DDMOD(.DGXR,"kW",.DGRES,"DGOUT") Q ; ANAM1001 ;ANAM1001 X-REF N DGXR,DGRES,DGOUT S DGXR("FILE")=2 S DGXR("ROOT FILE")=2.101 S DGXR("NAME")="ANAM1001" S DGXR("TYPE")="MU" S DGXR("USE")="A" S DGXR("EXECUTION")="F" S DGXR("ACTIVITY")="IR" S DGXR("SHORT DESCR")="This index keeps the NAME COMPONENTS file in synch with field #30." S DGXR("DESCR",1)="This cross reference uses Kernel name standardization APIs to keep the NAME" S DGXR("DESCR",2)="COMPONENTS (#20) file record associated with the #30 field synchronized" S DGXR("DESCR",3)="with the data value stored in that field." S DGXR("SET")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1,DG20NAME=X D NARY^XLFNAME7(.DG20NAME),UPDCOMP^XLFNAME2(2.101,.DA,30,.DG20NAME,100.21,,""CL30"") K DG20NAME Q" S DGXR("KILL")="I '$G(XUNOTRIG) N XUNOTRIG S XUNOTRIG=1 D DELCOMP^XLFNAME2(2.101,.DA,30,100.21) Q" S DGXR("VAL",1)=30 S DGXR("VAL",1,"SUBSCRIPT")=1 S DGXR("VAL",1,"COLLATION")="F" D CREIXN^DDMOD(.DGXR,"kW",.DGRES,"DGOUT") Q ;