[613] | 1 | DG687PRE ;BAY/JAT;reset kill nodes of "AC" and "AADA1" on file 45
| 2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**687*;Aug 13,1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; This is a pre-init routine for DG*5.3*687
| 5 | ; The purpose is to reset kill nodes on the "AC" and "AADA1"
| 6 | ; crossreferences of the discharge date (field #70) on
| 7 | ; the Patient Treatment file (#45)
| 8 | ;
| 9 | EN ;
| 10 | N DGI
| 11 | D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating the ""AC"" cross reference...")
| 12 | S DGI=0 F S DGI=$O(^DD(45,70,1,DGI)) Q:'DGI D
| 13 | .Q:$P($G(^DD(45,70,1,DGI,0)),U,2)'="AC"
| 14 | .S ^DD(45,70,1,DGI,2)="S %=$S($D(^DGPT(DA,""M"",1,0)):^(0),1:""""),%D=+$P(%,U,10),^(0)=$P(%_""^^^^^^^^^^"",U,1,9)_U_X_U_$P(%,U,11,99) K ^DGPT(DA,""M"",""AM"",%D,1),%,%D"
| 15 | D BMES^XPDUTL("Updating the ""AADA1"" cross reference...")
| 16 | S DGI=0 F S DGI=$O(^DD(45,70,1,DGI)) Q:'DGI D
| 17 | .Q:$P($G(^DD(45,70,1,DGI,0)),U,2)'="AADA1"
| 18 | .S ^DD(45,70,1,DGI,2)="S L=$P(^DGPT(DA,0),""^"",2) I L?7N.E,$G(DIK)'=""^DGPT("" S ^DGPT(""AADA"",L,DA)="""""
| 19 | I $D(^DD(45,0,"DIK")) N X,Y,DMAX S X=^DD(45,0,"DIK"),Y=45,DMAX=$$ROUSIZE^DILF D EN^DIKZ Q ;Trigger xref re-compile if already compiled
| 20 | Q