1 | DGMTAUD1 ;ALB/CAW,LD,BRM - Audit Changes to Means Tests - Con't ; 12/20/01 9:07am
2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**33,166,182,254,300,433**;Aug 13, 1993
3 | ;
4 | D(I) ;Date function
5 | ;INPUT = Internal value of date
6 | ;OUTPUT= External value of date
7 | N DGX,Y
8 | S Y=I,DGX=$$FMTE^XLFDT(Y,"5F"),DGX=$TR(DGX," ","0")
9 | Q DGX
10 | U(I) ;User function
11 | ;INPUT = Internal value (ptr) to NEW PERSON file
12 | ;OUTPUT= External value of .01 field (person name)
13 | N DGX
14 | S DGX=$P($G(^VA(200,+I,0)),U)
15 | Q DGX
16 | C(I) ;Change type function
17 | ;INPUT = Internal value (ptr) to MEANS TEST CHANGES TYPE file
18 | ;OUTPUT= External value of .01 field (change type name)
19 | N DGX
20 | S DGX=$P($G(^DG(408.42,+I,0)),U)
21 | Q DGX
22 | SR(I,DGMTI) ;Get source of test
23 | ;Input:
24 | ; I = zeroth node of test from file #408.31
25 | ; DGMTI = Annual Means Test file (#408.31) IEN (OPTIONAL)
26 | ;
27 | ; Output:
28 | ; DGX = external value of .01 field (name of source) OR
29 | ; Station name
30 | ;
31 | N DGX
32 | S DGX=$P($G(^DG(408.34,+$P(I,"^",23),0)),U)
33 | ; check if the source is 'OTHER FACILITY'. If it is derive source
34 | ; from 'SITE CONDUCTING TEST' field (#2.05) in the Annual Means Test
35 | ; file (#408.31).
37 | . N STA
38 | . ; exclude suffix to get Station # from 'SITE CONDUCTING TEST' field
39 | . S DGX(1)=$E($$GET1^DIQ(408.31,DGMTI,2.05),1,3)
40 | . ; get Institution NAME using STATION NUMBER field (#99) in Institution
41 | . ; file (#4)
42 | . D FIND^DIC(4,,99,,.DGX,1,"D",,,"STA")
43 | . S DGX=$G(STA("DILIST",1,1),DGX)
44 | Q DGX
45 | S(I) ;MT status
46 | ;INPUT - Internal val of status from 408.31 (ptr to 408.32)
47 | ;OUTPUT - External val (.01 field)
48 | N DGX
49 | S DGX=$P($G(^DG(408.32,+I,0)),U)
50 | Q DGX
51 | A(I) ;Agree to pay deduct
52 | ;INPUT - Internal val of agree to pay deduc. fld from file 408.31
53 | ;OUTPUT - External val of set
54 | N DGX
55 | S DGX=$P($G(^DD(408.31,.11,0)),U,3),DGX=$P($P(DGX,I_":",2),";",1)
56 | Q DGX
57 | ;
58 | HDR ;Header
60 | W ?40,$$SR^DGMTAUD1($G(^DGMT(408.31,DGMTI,0)))_" "_$P("MEANS^COPAY^^LTC EXEMPTION","^",DGMTYPT)_" TEST",!
61 | W ?33,"CHANGES",!!
62 | W ?2,"Date",?23,"Type of Change",?57,"User",!,DGDASH,!
63 | Q