[613] | 1 | DGMTDD1 ;ALB/MIR,JAN,AEG,ERC,BAJ - DD calls from income screening files ; May 18, 2006
| 2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**180,313,345,401,653**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 2
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ; This routine contains miscellaneous input transform and other DD
| 5 | ; calls from income screening files.
| 6 | ;
| 7 | ;
| 8 | SSN ; called from the input transform of the SSN field in file 408.13
| 10 | ;with DG*5.3*653 Pseudo SSNs will be allowed for spouse/dependents
| 11 | I X'?9N&(X'?3N1"-"2N1"-"4N)&(X'?9N1"P")&(X'?3N1"-"2N1"-"4N1"P"),(X'?1"P")&(X'?1"p") W !,"Response must be either nine numbers, be in the format nnn-nn-nnnn",!,"or include a ""P"" for a Pseudo SSN." K X Q
| 12 | I X="P"!(X="p") D PSEU S X=L K L G SSNQ
| 13 | I X["P" D PSEU I X'=L K X,L W !!,$C(7),"Invalid Pseudo SSN, type ""P"" for valid one." Q
| 14 | I X["P" G SSNQ
| 15 | I X'?.AN F %=1:1:$L(X) I $E(X,%)?1P S X=$E(X,0,%-1)_$E(X,%+1,999),%=%-1
| 16 | I X'?9N K X Q
| 17 | I $D(X) S L=$E(X,1) I L=9 W !,*7,"The SSN must not begin with 9." K X Q
| 18 | I $D(X),$E(X,1,3)="000" W !,*7,"First three digits cannot be zeros." K X Q
| 19 | ;
| 20 | ; warning if the spouse's/dependent's SSN is found in the PATIENT file
| 21 | ; and spouse/dependent is not a veteran. spouse/dependent is a veteran
| 22 | ; if name, sex, DOB match.
| 23 | ;
| 24 | ; input (OPTIONAL)
| 25 | ; ANS(.01) = NAME, ANS(.02) = SEX, ANS(.03) = DOB
| 26 | ;
| 27 | ; if newly entered values (those not yet committed to dbase) not
| 28 | ; supplied then pull current detail from the Person Income file
| 29 | ; (#408.13) for this dependent.
| 30 | I '$G(ANS(.01)),'$G(ANS(.02)),'$G(ANS(.03)) D
| 31 | . N REC,FLD
| 32 | . D GETS^DIQ(408.13,DA,".01;.02;.03","I","REC")
| 33 | . F FLD=".01",".02",".03" S ANS(FLD)=REC(408.13,DA_",",FLD,"I")
| 34 | . S KANS=1
| 35 | E S KANS=0
| 36 | ;
| 37 | S DGN=$O(^DPT("SSN",X,0)) G:'DGN SSDEP S DGPAT=$G(^DPT(DGN,0))
| 38 | I $P(DGPAT,"^",3)=ANS(.03),($P(DGPAT,"^",2)=ANS(.02)),($P(DGPAT,"^")=ANS(.01)) G SSDEP
| 40 | ;
| 41 | SSDEP ; warning if spouse's/dependent's SSN is found in file 408.13 and
| 42 | ; name, sex, DOB don't match
| 43 | S DGN=$O(^DGPR(408.13,"SSN",X,0)) G:'DGN SSNQ S DGPAT=$G(^DGPR(408.13,DGN,0))
| 44 | I $P(DGPAT,"^",3)=ANS(.03),($P(DGPAT,"^",2)=ANS(.02)),($P(DGPAT,"^")=ANS(.01)) G SSNQ
| 45 | S PATNAME=$P($G(^DGPR(408.13,DGN,0)),"^") D WARN Q
| 46 | ;
| 48 | ;
| 49 | ;
| 50 | PSEU ;create a Pseudo SSN using same algorithm as file 2 in PSEU^DGRPDD1
| 51 | S KANS=""
| 52 | I $G(ANS(.01))']""!($G(ANS(.03))'?7N) D
| 53 | . S DGNODE0=^DGPR(408.13,DA,0)
| 54 | . S ANS(.01)=$P(DGNODE0,U),ANS(.03)=$P(DGNODE0,U,3)
| 55 | I $D(ANS(.01)) S NAM=ANS(.01)
| 56 | I $D(ANS(.03)) S DOB=ANS(.03)
| 57 | I $G(DOB)="" S DOB=2000000
| 58 | S L1=$E($P(NAM," ",2)),L3=$E(NAM),NAM=$P(NAM,",",2),L2=$E(NAM)
| 59 | S Z=L1 D CON S L1=Z
| 60 | S Z=L2 D CON S L2=Z
| 61 | S Z=L3 D CON S L3=Z
| 62 | S L=L2_L1_L3_$E(DOB,4,7)_$E(DOB,2,3)_"P"
| 63 | Q
| 64 | CON ;
| 65 | S Z=$A(Z)-65\3+1 S:Z<0 Z=0
| 66 | Q
| 67 | ;
| 68 | WARN ; printed WARNING message to alert user that spouse/dependent SSN be
| 69 | ; that of a veteran in Patient/Income Person File.
| 70 | W !,*7,"Warning - ",X," belongs to patient ",PATNAME
| 71 | K DIR S PREVX=X,DIR(0)="YA",DIR("A")="Are you sure this is the correct SSN? ",DIR("B")="YES" D ^DIR
| 72 | I Y=1 S X=PREVX K PREVX,DIR("B") Q
| 73 | E K DIR("B"),X Q
| 74 | ;
| 75 | REL ; called from the input transform of the RELATIONSHIP field of file 408.12...sets DIC("S")
| 77 | S DGNODE=$G(^DGPR(408.12,DA,0)),DGX=$P(DGNODE,"^",2) Q:'DGNODE
| 78 | I DGX,(DGX<3) S DIC("S")="I Y="_DGX Q
| 79 | S DGX=$P(DGNODE,"^",3),SEX=$P($G(@("^"_$P(DGX,";",2)_+DGX_",0)")),"^",2)
| 80 | S DIC("S")="I Y>2,(""E"_SEX_"""[$P(^(0),""^"",3))"
| 81 | I $D(DGTYPE),DGTYPE="C" S DIC("S")=DIC("S")_",(Y<7)"
| 82 | Q