[613] | 1 | DGPFHLQ3 ;ALB/RPM - PRF HL7 QRY PROCESSING ; 12/13/04
| 2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**425,650**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 3
| 3 | ;
| 4 | PARSQRY(DGWRK,DGHL,DGQRY,DGPFERR) ;Parse QRY~R02 Message/Segments
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ; Input:
| 7 | ; DGWRK - Closed root global reference
| 8 | ; DGHL - VistA HL7 environment array
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ; Output:
| 11 | ; DGQRY - Patient lookup components array
| 12 | ; DGPFERR - Undefined on success, ERR segment data array on failure
| 13 | ; Format: DGPFERR(seg_id,sequence,fld_pos)=error_code
| 14 | ;
| 15 | N DGRSLT ;result from CHK^DIE
| 16 | N DGFS ;field separator
| 17 | N DGCS ;component separator
| 18 | N DGRS ;repetition separator
| 19 | N DGSS ;sub-component separator
| 20 | N DGCURLIN ;current segment line
| 21 | N DGSEG ;segment field data array
| 22 | N DGERR ;error processing array
| 23 | ;
| 24 | S DGFS=DGHL("FS")
| 25 | S DGCS=$E(DGHL("ECH"),1)
| 26 | S DGRS=$E(DGHL("ECH"),2)
| 27 | S DGSS=$E(DGHL("ECH"),4)
| 28 | S DGCURLIN=0
| 29 | ;
| 30 | ;loop through the message segments and retrieve the field data
| 31 | F D Q:'DGCURLIN
| 32 | . N DGSEG
| 34 | . Q:'DGCURLIN
| 36 | Q
| 37 | ;
| 39 | ;
| 40 | ; Input:
| 41 | ; DGSEG - MSH segment field array
| 42 | ; DGCS - HL7 component separator
| 43 | ; DGRS - HL7 repetition separator
| 44 | ; DGSS - HL7 sub-component separator
| 45 | ;
| 46 | ; Output:
| 47 | ; DGQRY - array of ORF results
| 48 | ; "SNDFAC" - sending facility
| 49 | ; "RCVFAC" - receiving facility
| 50 | ; "MSGDTM" - message creation date/time in FileMan format
| 51 | ; DGERR - undefined on success, error array on failure
| 52 | ;
| 54 | Q
| 55 | ;
| 57 | ;
| 58 | ; Input:
| 59 | ; DGSEG - MSH segment field array
| 60 | ; DGCS - HL7 component separator
| 61 | ; DGRS - HL7 repetition separator
| 62 | ; DGSS - HL7 sub-component separator
| 63 | ;
| 64 | ; Output:
| 65 | ; DGQRY("ICN") - Patient's Integrated Control Number
| 66 | ; DGQRY("QID") - Query ID
| 67 | ; DGERR - undefined on success, error array on failure
| 68 | ; format: DGERR(seg_id,sequence,fld_pos)=error code
| 69 | ;
| 70 | S DGQRY("QID")=$G(DGSEG(4))
| 71 | S DGQRY("ICN")=+$P($G(DGSEG(8)),DGCS,1)
| 72 | Q
| 73 | ;
| 75 | ; This procedure is a placeholder to allow parsing loop to continue.
| 76 | ;
| 77 | ; Input:
| 78 | ; DGSEG - PID segment field array
| 79 | ; DGCS - HL7 component separator
| 80 | ; DGRS - HL7 repetition separator
| 81 | ; DGSS - HL7 sub-component separator
| 82 | ;
| 83 | ; Output:
| 84 | ; DGERR - undefined on success, error array on failure
| 85 | ; format: DGERR(seg_id,sequence,fld_pos)=error code
| 86 | ;
| 87 | Q