[613] | 1 | DGQPTQ5 ; SLC/PKS - Functions for Patient Selection Lists. ; 6/5/01 12:37pm
| 2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**447**;Aug 13, 1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | Q
| 5 | ;
| 6 | COMBDISP(DGQDUZ,DGQPTR) ; Display user's "Combination" pt selection sources.
| 7 | ;
| 8 | ; Variables used:
| 9 | ;
| 10 | ; DGQCNT = Counter for number of entries displayed.
| 11 | ; DGQDUZ = DUZ of user involved.
| 12 | ; DGQPTR = IEN for user's OE/RR PT SEL COMBO file entries.
| 13 | ; DGQSRC = $O command values from combo entries, file ^OR(100.24,.
| 14 | ; DGQTXT = Text name string for combo entry pointers.
| 15 | ;
| 17 | ;
| 18 | ; Check passed variables, punt on errors:
| 19 | S DGQCNT=0
| 20 | I '($D(DGQDUZ)) W !,"No user DUZ passed.",! Q DGQCNT
| 21 | I '($D(DGQPTR)) W !,"No combination pointer passed.",! Q DGQCNT
| 22 | I DGQDUZ="" W !,"No user DUZ passed.",! Q DGQCNT
| 23 | I DGQPTR="" W !,"No combination pointer passed.",! Q DGQCNT
| 24 | ;
| 25 | ; Order through the user's combination source entries:
| 26 | K ^TMP("DG",$J,"DGQCPL")
| 27 | S DGQSRC=0
| 28 | F S DGQSRC=$O(^OR(100.24,DGQPTR,.01,DGQSRC)) Q:'ORQSRC D
| 29 | .;
| 30 | .; Get the actual source name based on the pointer entry value:
| 31 | .S DGQTXT=""
| 32 | .S DGQTXT=$G(^OR(100.24,DGQPTR,.01,DGQSRC,0))
| 33 | .I '(DGQTXT="") D
| 34 | ..S DGQCNT=DGQCNT+1 ; Increment counter.
| 35 | ..S DGQTXT=$$COMBNM(DGQTXT) ; Call tag to create complete string.
| 36 | ..;
| 37 | ..; Write to ^TMP file for sorting:
| 38 | ..I DGQTXT'="" S ^TMP("DG",$J,"DGQCPL",$P(DGQTXT,U))=$P(DGQTXT,U,2)
| 39 | ;
| 40 | ; Write data to the screen:
| 41 | I DGQCNT D ; Data to write?
| 42 | .S DGQTXT="" ; Reset, re-use.
| 44 | ..W !,$G(^TMP("DG",$J,"DGQCPL",DGQTXT))
| 45 | ;
| 46 | K ^TMP("OR",$J,"DGQCPL") ; Clean house.
| 47 | ;
| 48 | Q DGQCNT ; Return counter.
| 49 | ;
| 50 | COMBNM(DGQVAL) ; Returns name of "Combination" source entry, ^OR(100.24 file.
| 51 | ;
| 52 | ; Returned string is "X^Name^String" where X is letter of type,
| 53 | ; Name is name of entity, and String resembles examples below:
| 54 | ;
| 55 | ; W_1W^Ward: 1W SURGERY WEST
| 58 | ; (Etc.)
| 59 | ;
| 60 | ; Variables used:
| 61 | ;
| 62 | ; DGQFILE = File for retrieval of name.
| 63 | ; DGQPTR = Name string to return.
| 64 | ; DGQRTN = Value returned by this function.
| 65 | ; DGQVAL = Combo source entry pointer.
| 66 | ;
| 68 | I '($D(DGQVAL)) Q DGQRTN ; Error - punt.
| 69 | ;
| 70 | S DGQRTN="No source found...." ; Default init.
| 71 | S DGQPTR=$P(DGQVAL,";") ; Get pointer.
| 72 | S DGQFILE="^"_$P(DGQVAL,";",2) ; Get file.
| 73 | ;
| 74 | I DGQFILE="^DIC(42," D Q DGQRTN ; Wards.
| 75 | .S DGQRTN=$G(^DIC(42,DGQPTR,0))
| 76 | .I $D(DGQRTN) S DGQRTN="W"_"_"_$P(DGQRTN,U)_U_"Ward: "_$P(DGQRTN,U)_" "_$P(DGQRTN,U,2)
| 77 | ;
| 78 | I DGQFILE="^VA(200," D Q DGQRTN ; Providers.
| 79 | .S DGQRTN=$G(^VA(200,DGQPTR,0))
| 80 | .I $D(DGQRTN) S DGQRTN="P"_"_"_$P(DGQRTN,U)_U_"Provider: "_$P(DGQRTN,U)
| 81 | ;
| 82 | I DGQFILE="^DIC(45.7," D Q DGQRTN ; Specialties.
| 83 | .S DGQRTN=$G(^DIC(45.7,DGQPTR,0))
| 84 | .I $D(DGQRTN) S DGQRTN="S"_"_"_$P(DGQRTN,U)_U_"Specialty: "_$P(DGQRTN,U)
| 85 | ;
| 86 | I DGQFILE="^OR(100.21," D Q DGQRTN ; Team Lists.
| 87 | .S DGQRTN=$G(^OR(100.21,DGQPTR,0))
| 88 | .I $D(DGQRTN) S DGQRTN="T"_"_"_$P(DGQRTN,U)_U_"Team List: "_$P(DGQRTN,U)
| 89 | ;
| 90 | I DGQFILE="^SC(" D Q DGQRTN ; Clinics.
| 91 | .S DGQRTN=$G(^SC(DGQPTR,0))
| 92 | .I $D(DGQRTN) S DGQRTN="C"_"_"_$P(DGQRTN,U)_U_"Clinic: "_$P(DGQRTN,U)
| 93 | ;
| 94 | ; Return value (null will be returned if nothing matched):
| 95 | Q DGQRTN
| 96 | ;
| 97 | PTSCOMBO(DGQTYP,DGQPTR) ; Write ^TMP("DG",$J,"PATIENTS","B") patient entries.
| 98 | ;
| 99 | ; Called from COMBPTS^DGQPTQ6.
| 100 | ; (DGQCNT,DGQPDAT,DGQPIEN,DGQPNM,SORT new'd in calling code.)
| 101 | ; (Array DGY new'd in calling routine DGQPTQ2.)
| 102 | ;
| 103 | ; Variables used:
| 104 | ;
| 105 | ; DGQDOB = Patient DOB.
| 106 | ; DGQDONE = Flag for end of patient records.
| 107 | ; DGQIDT = Clinic app't date stored in internal format.
| 108 | ; DGQMORE = Room/bed or appointment information.
| 109 | ; DGQPTR = PASSED: Pointer from subfile entry, combination file.
| 110 | ; DGQSNM = Name of source from subfile entry pointer.
| 111 | ; DGQSNM4 = First four letters of name of source.
| 112 | ; DGQSSN = Patient SSN suffix.
| 113 | ; DGQTYP = PASSED: Holds source type:
| 114 | ;
| 115 | ; W = Ward
| 116 | ; P = Provider
| 117 | ; S = Specialty
| 118 | ; T = Team List
| 119 | ; C = Clinic
| 120 | ;
| 122 | ;
| 123 | ; Initialize variables:
| 124 | S DGQDONE=0
| 125 | S DGQCNT=1
| 126 | ;
| 127 | ; Get name data for source:
| 128 | S DGQSNM4="" ; Default setting.
| 129 | I DGQTYP="W" S DGQSNM4=$G(^DIC(42,DGQPTR,0)) ; Wards.
| 130 | I DGQTYP="P" S DGQSNM4=$G(^VA(200,DGQPTR,0)) ; Providers.
| 131 | I DGQTYP="S" S DGQSNM4=$G(^DIC(45.7,DGQPTR,0)) ; Specialties.
| 132 | I DGQTYP="T" S DGQSNM4=$G(^OR(100.21,DGQPTR,0)) ; Team Lists.
| 133 | I DGQTYP="C" S DGQSNM4=$G(^SC(DGQPTR,0)) ; Clinics.
| 134 | ;
| 135 | ; Assure use of first 4 letters of name:
| 136 | S DGQSNM4=$P(DGQSNM4,U)_" " ; Add 4 for safety.
| 137 | S DGQSNM4=$E(DGQSNM4,1,4) ; Get first 4 only.
| 138 | ;
| 139 | ; Add label prefix to source name:
| 140 | S DGQSNM="" ; Default setting.
| 141 | S DGQSNM=$S(DGQTYP="W":"Wd ",DGQTYP="P":"Pr ",DGQTYP="S":"Sp ",DGQTYP="T":"Tm ",DGQTYP="C":"Cl ",1:" ") ; Get correct name.
| 142 | S DGQSNM=DGQSNM_DGQSNM4 ; Prepend label.
| 143 | ;
| 144 | ; Order thru DGY array created by calls in calling routine:
| 145 | S DGQPDAT="" ; Initialize.
| 147 | .;
| 148 | .; Clear variables each time:
| 150 | .;
| 151 | .S DGQPIEN=$P(DGQPDAT,U) ; Get patient IEN.
| 152 | .I DGQPIEN="" S DGQDONE=1 Q ; Punt if no IEN.
| 153 | .S DGQPNM=$P(DGQPDAT,U,2) ; Get patient name.
| 154 | .;
| 155 | .; Get patient SSN suffix:
| 156 | .S DGQSSN=$$ID($G(DGQPIEN))
| 157 | .;
| 158 | .; Get patient DOB:
| 159 | .S DGQDOB=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P($G(^DPT(DGQPIEN,0)),U,3))
| 160 | .;
| 161 | .; Get patient room/bed information where data exists:
| 162 | .S DGQMORE=$P($G(^DPT(DGQPIEN,.101)),U)
| 163 | .;
| 164 | .; Assure at least 4 letters for any existing room/bed data:
| 165 | .I DGQMORE'="" D ; Any data now?
| 166 | ..I $L(DGQMORE)<4 D ; Less than 4 now?
| 167 | ...S DGQMORE=DGQMORE_" " ; Add 3 for safety.
| 168 | ...S DGQMORE=$E(DGQMORE,1,4) ; Get first 4 only.
| 169 | .;
| 170 | .; Get clinic appointment information, if applicable:
| 171 | .I DGQTYP="C" D
| 172 | ..S DGQMORE="" ; Reset, re-use.
| 173 | ..S DGQMORE=$P(DGQPDAT,U,4) ; App't data.
| 174 | ..S DGQIDT=DGQMORE ; Internal format.
| 175 | ..S $P(DGQMORE,".",2)=$E($P(DGQMORE,".",2)_"000",1,4)
| 176 | ..S DGQMORE=$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(DGQMORE,U)) ; Format app't.
| 177 | .;
| 178 | .; Write a sorted entry in ^TMP("DG",$J,"PATIENTS","B"):
| 179 | .; (Node's data:)
| 180 | .; (DFN^PtName^SSN^DOB^SourceName^App't/Room/Bed^SourceIEN)
| 181 | .I DGQPIEN'="" D
| 182 | ..;
| 183 | ..; Write using source name first if sorted by "S" (source) -or-
| 184 | ..; if "P" (app't) sort and not a clinic:
| 185 | ..I ((SORT="S")!((SORT="P")&(DGQTYP'="C"))) D Q
| 187 | ..;
| 188 | ..; Use source source+app't first if "P" (app't) sort, and a clinic:
| 189 | ..I ((DGQTYP="C")&(SORT="P")) D Q
| 191 | ..;
| 192 | ..; If not by source or source/app't, default to alpha ("A") sort:
| 194 | .;
| 195 | .S DGQCNT=DGQCNT+1 ; Increment counter.
| 196 | ;
| 197 | Q
| 198 | ;
| 199 | ID(DGQPIEN) ; Return short ID for patient ID.
| 200 | ; (Copied from DGQPT routine and modified.)
| 201 | ;
| 202 | N ID
| 203 | ;
| 204 | S ID=$P($G(^DPT(DGQPIEN,.36)),U,4) ; Gets short ID.
| 205 | I '$L(ID) D ; - or -
| 206 | .S ID=$E($P($G(^DPT(DGQPIEN,0)),U,9),6,9) ; Last 4 of SSN
| 207 | ;
| 208 | Q "("_$E(DGQPNM)_ID_")"
| 209 | ;