DGRP1 ;ALB/MRL - DEMOGRAPHIC DATA ;1/8/07 09:14 ;;5.3;Registration;**109,161,506,244,546,570,629,638,649,700,653,634**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 30 ; Modified from FOIA VISTA, ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ; ; 2005 03 18 (VA/JT): DG*5.3*629, stop Missing Patient message based ; on questionable data in Missing Person Date fld (.153). ; ; 2005 04 25? (VA/MRY): DG*5.3*638, add Sex to IDs shown. ; ; 2005 04 27 (VA/JT): DG*5.3*649, change last $EXTRACT for Alias SSN in ; GETNCAL to 10 chars instead of 9, to preserve trailing P for pseudo- ; SSNs. ; ; 2006 04 21 (WV/TOAD, after DAOU/WCJ (2005 02 07) and ; VA/CJS (2005/12/23)): restore 6-part VOE change; space dots and ; semi-colons. ; ; 2006 05 09 (WV/TOAD): rewrite VOE change to fix bugs introduced by ; VA and VOE, and completely refactor bug-prone GETNCAL, and merge back ; into main subroutine body. ; EN S (DGRPS,DGRPW)=1 D H^DGRPU F I=0,.11,.121,.13,.15,.24,57,"SSN" S DGRP(I)=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,I)):^(I),1:"") I $P(DGRP(.15),"^",2)]"" S Z="APPLICANT IS LISTED AS 'INELIGIBLE' FOR TREATMENT!",DGRPCM=1 D WW^DGRPV S DGRPCM=0 ;I $P(DGRP(.15),"^",3)]"" S Z="APPLICANT IS LISTED AS 'MISSING'. NOTIFY APPROPRIATE PERSONNEL!",DGRPCM=1 D WW^DGRPV S DGRPCM=0 ; ; ** VOE change 1 of 3 ** ; ; if EHR agency code, display Registration Date (Date Entered into ; File, .097) ; ; new lines: I $G(DUZ("AG"))="E" D . W !?58,"Reg Dt: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT($P(DGRP(0),U,16),"2D") ; ; ; show field groups 1 and 2 in two columns ; ; field groups 1 & 2 part 1: show Name, SSN, and DOB ; ; ; ** end of VOE change 1 ** ; W ! S Z=1 D WW^DGRPV W " Name: " S Z=$P(DGRP(0),"^",1),Z1=31 D WW1^DGRPV W "SS: " S X=$P(DGRP(0),"^",9),Z=$E(X,1,3)_"-"_$E(X,4,5)_"-"_$E(X,6,10),Z1=13 D WW1^DGRPV W ! S Z="",Z1=8 D WW1^DGRPV S Y=$P(DGRP(0),"^",3) X ^DD("DD") W "DOB: ",Y ;add Pseudo SSN Reason - DG*5.3*653, ERC I $P(DGRP(0),U,9)["P" D . N DGSPACE . S DGSPACE=10-$L(Y) ;adjust to maintain spacing on screen . S Z1=12+DGSPACE D WW1^DGRPV W "PSSN Reason: " . I $P(DGRP(0),U,9)["P" D . . N DGREAS D SSNREAS(.DGREAS) . . Q:$G(DGREAS)']"" . . W DGREAS ; ; ** VOE change 2 of 3 ** ; ; eliminate unnecessary subroutine GETNCAL and merge code back into ; the main subroutine, and make the following changes: ; ; For EHR or IHS agency code, show Health Record No. (.02) for the ; current Facility from the Health Record No. multiple field ; (4101/9000001.41) of the IHS Patient file (9000001) for the current ; patient. ; ; Move Sex field over so it shows up in the same location for ; VA, IHS, and EHR, leaving a blank for where HRN can appear. ; ; Fix the VA bug in which patients having five valid aliases ; were showing "< More alias entries on file >" instead of the fifth ; alias. ; ; Refactor entire subroutine: clean original design was broken ; by patching and had become fragile and confusing; tighten variable ; scopes, use clearer names, comment. ; ; before: ; ; D GETNCAL ;Display name component, sex, and alias information ; ; after: ; ; field groups 1 & 2 part 2: load name components ; ; N DGLABEL S DGLABEL="^ Given^Middle^Prefix^Suffix^Degree" ; labels N DGCOMP S DGCOMP=+$G(^DPT(DFN,"NAME"))_"," ; Name Components fd (1.01) I DGCOMP D GETS^DIQ(20,DGCOMP,"1:6",,"DGCOMP") ; Name Components file ; loads Family (Last) Name (1), Given (First) Name (2), ; Middle Name (3), Prefix (4), Suffix (5), and Degree (6) ; ; ; field groups 1 & 2 part 3: load aliases ; ; N DGCOUNT S DGCOUNT=0 ; how many aliases do we find N DGALIAS S DGALIAS=0 ; IEN of Alias subfile (1/2.01) of Patient fl (2) ; and array of aliases found S DGALIAS=0 F D Q:'DGALIAS . ; . S DGALIAS=$O(^DPT(DFN,.01,DGALIAS)) . Q:'DGALIAS ; out of alias subrecords . N DGNODE S DGNODE=$G(^DPT(DFN,.01,DGALIAS,0)) ; 0-node of subrecord . Q:'$L(DGNODE) ; bad node . ; . S DGCOUNT=DGCOUNT+1 ; another valid alias . I DGCOUNT=6 S DGALIAS=0 Q ; can't show > 5, need to know if 6 or > . ; . S DGALIAS(DGCOUNT)=$P(DGNODE,U) ; Alias fld (.01) . ; . N DGSSN S DGSSN=$P(DGNODE,U,2) ; Alias SSN fld (1) . I $L(DGSSN) D . . S DGSSN=" "_$E(DGSSN,1,3)_"-"_$E(DGSSN,4,5)_"-"_$E(DGSSN,6,10) . . ; incl leading space to separate from alias name . . ; incl 10 chars to allow for P of pseudo-SSNs . . S $E(DGALIAS(DGCOUNT),20)=DGSSN ; truncate alias name & append SSN . ; . S DGALIAS(DGCOUNT)=$E(DGALIAS(DGCOUNT),1,32) ; truncate alias ; I DGCOUNT=0 S DGALIAS(1)="< No alias entries on file >" I DGCOUNT=6 S DGALIAS(5)="< More alias entries on file >" K DGCOUNT ; ; ; field groups 1 & 2 part 4: show 1st name component, and IDs HRN & Sex ; ; W !?5,"Family: " W $E($G(DGCOMP(20,DGCOMP,1)),1,27) ; I "EI"[$G(DUZ("AG")),$G(DUZ(2)) D . N DGNODE S DGNODE=$G(^AUPNPAT(DFN,41,DUZ(2),0)) ; get 0-node for the . ; current Facility from the Health Record No. multiple field . ; (4101/9000001.41) for DFN in the IHS Patient file (9000001) . N DGHRN S DGHRN=$P(DGNODE,U,2) ; Health Record No. (.02) . W ?42," HRN: ",DGHRN ; D . N DGSEX S DGSEX=$P(DGRP(0),U,2) ; Sex fld (.02) of Patient file (2) . W ?61,"Sex: ",$S(DGSEX="M":"MALE",DGSEX="F":"FEMALE",1:"UNANSWERED") ; ; ; field groups 1 & 2 part 5: show remaining name components and aliases ; ; N DGCOUNT F DGCOUNT=2:1:6 D . W !?5,$P(DGLABEL,U,DGCOUNT),": " . N DGNAME S DGNAME=$G(DGCOMP(20,DGCOMP,DGCOUNT)) ; next name component . W $E(DGNAME,1,$S(DGCOUNT=2:23,1:27)) ; 1st line leaves room for "[2]" . I DGCOUNT=2 D ; header for aliases . . W ?37 N DGRPW,Z S DGRPW=0,Z=2 D WW^DGRPV ; write [2], suppress LF . . W " Alias: " . W ?47,$G(DGALIAS(DGCOUNT-1)) ; show next alias ; ; ; show field group 3: remarks ; ; ; ** end of VOE change 2 ** ; S Z=3,DGRPX=DGRP(0) D WW^DGRPV W " Remarks: ",$S($P(DGRPX,"^",10)]"":$E($P(DGRPX,"^",10),1,65),1:"NO REMARKS ENTERED FOR THIS PATIENT") S DGAD=.11,(DGA1,DGA2)=1 D A^DGRPU I $P(DGRP(.121),"^",9)="Y" S DGAD=.121,DGA1=1,DGA2=2 D A^DGRPU S Z=4 D WW^DGRPV W " Permanent Address: " S Z=" ",Z1=17 D WW1^DGRPV S Z=5,DGRPW=0 D WW^DGRPV W " Temporary Address: " W !?11 S Z1=40,Z=$S($D(DGA(1)):DGA(1),1:"NONE ON FILE") D WW1^DGRPV W $S($D(DGA(2)):DGA(2),1:"NO TEMPORARY ADDRESS") S I=2 F I1=0:0 S I=$O(DGA(I)) Q:I="" W:(I#2)!($X>50) !?11 W:'(I#2) ?51 W DGA(I) S DGCC=$S($D(^DIC(5,+$P(DGRP(.11),U,5),1,+$P(DGRP(.11),U,7),0)):$E($P(^(0),U,1),1,20)_$S($P(^(0),U,3)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,3)_")",1:""),1:DGRPU) W !?3,"County: ",DGCC K DGCC S DGCC=$S($P(DGRP(.121),U,9)'="Y":"NOT APPLICABLE",$D(^DIC(5,+$P(DGRP(.121),U,5),1,+$P(DGRP(.121),U,11),0)):$E($P(^(0),U,1),1,20)_$S($P(^(0),U,3)]"":" ("_$P(^(0),U,3)_")",1:""),1:DGRPU) W ?43,"County: ",DGCC K DGCC W !?4,"Phone: ",$S($P(DGRP(.13),U,1)]"":$P(DGRP(.13),U,1),1:DGRPU),?44,"Phone: ",$S($P(DGRP(.121),U,9)'="Y":"NOT APPLICABLE",$P(DGRP(.121),U,10)]"":$P(DGRP(.121),U,10),1:DGRPU) S X="NOT APPLICABLE" I $P(DGRP(.121),U,9)="Y" S Y=$P(DGRP(.121),U,7) X:Y]"" ^DD("DD") S X=$S(Y]"":Y,1:DGRPU)_"-",Y=$P(DGRP(.121),U,8) X:Y]"" ^DD("DD") S X=X_$S(Y]"":Y,1:DGRPU) W !?3,"Office: ",$S($P(DGRP(.13),U,2)]"":$P(DGRP(.13),U,2),1:DGRPU),?42,"From/To: ",X ; ; ** VOE change 3 of 3 ** ; ; if EHR agency code, display Alternate Phone Number (.134) ; ; new lines: I $G(DUZ("AG"))="E" D . W !?1,"Alt Ph: ",$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.13)),U,4) ; ; ** end of VOE change 3 ** ; W !?1,"Bad Addr: ",$$EXTERNAL^DILFD(2,.121,"",$P(DGRP(.11),U,16)) ; ; *** Additional displays added for Pre-Registration I $G(DGPRFLG)=1 D . W ! . N I,MIS1,X,X1,SA1,TP1,X2,X3,ES1 . I $D(^DIA(2,"B",DFN)) S X="" F I=1:1 S X=$O(^DIA(2,"B",DFN,X)) Q:X<1 I $P(^DIA(2,X,0),U,3)=.05 S MIS1=$P(^DIA(2,X,0),U,2) . W:$D(MIS1)>0 !," [MARITAL STATUS CHANGED:] "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(MIS1,"5D") . I $D(^DIA(2,"B",DFN)) S X1="" F I=1:1 S X1=$O(^DIA(2,"B",DFN,X1)) Q:X1<1 S:$P(^DIA(2,X1,0),U,3)=.111 SA1=$P(^DIA(2,X1,0),U,2) . W:$D(SA1)>0 !," [STREET ADDRESS LAST CHANGED:] "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(SA1,"5D") . I $D(^DIA(2,"B",DFN)) S X2="" F I=1:1 S X2=$O(^DIA(2,"B",DFN,X2)) Q:X2<1 S:$P(^DIA(2,X2,0),U,3)=.131 TP1=$P(^DIA(2,X2,0),U,2) . W:$D(TP1)>0 !," [HOME PHONE NUMBER CHANGED:] "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(TP1,"5D") . I $D(^DIA(2,"B",DFN)) S X3="" F I=1:1 S X3=$O(^DIA(2,"B",DFN,X3)) Q:X3<1 S:$P(^DIA(2,X3,0),U,3)=.31115 ES1=$P(^DIA(2,X3,0),U,2) . W:$D(ES1)>0 !," [EMPLOYMENT STATUS CHANGED:] "_$$FMTE^XLFDT(ES1,"5D") . ; The IB Insurance API does not provide date entered or edited information, so this information will not be displayed for preregistration . I $$INSUR^IBBAPI(DFN,"","AR",.DGDATA,"1,10,11") F DGI=0:0 S DGI=$O(DGDATA("IBBAPI","INSUR",DGI)) Q:'DGI D .. W !," [INSURANCE:] ",$P(DGDATA("IBBAPI","INSUR",DGI,1),U,2) .. W " EFFECTIVE DATE: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGDATA("IBBAPI","INSUR",DGI,10),"5D")," EXPIRATION DATE: ",$$FMTE^XLFDT(DGDATA("IBBAPI","INSUR",DGI,11),"5D") ; G ^DGRPP ; SSNREAS(DGREAS) ;get Pseuso SSN Reason - DG*5.3*653, ERC S DGREAS=$P(DGRP("SSN"),U) I $G(DGREAS)']"" Q S DGREAS=$S(DGREAS="R":"Refused to Provide",DGREAS="S":"SSN Unknown/Follow-up Required",DGREAS="N":"No SSN Assigned",1:"< None Entered >") Q