| 2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**109,114,247,190,327,365,343,397,415,489,546,545,451,624,677,672,689,716,634**;Aug 13, 1993;Build 30
| 3 | ; Modified from FOIA VISTA,
| 4 | ; Copyright (C) 2007 WorldVistA
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 7 | ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 8 | ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
| 9 | ; (at your option) any later version.
| 10 | ;
| 11 | ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 12 | ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 14 | ; GNU General Public License for more details.
| 15 | ;
| 16 | ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
| 17 | ; along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
| 18 | ; Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| 19 | ;
| 20 | ;
| 21 | ;set up variables for registration screen processing
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ;DGRPVV :string of 15 ones and zeros each character corresponding to
| 24 | ; a particular screen (0 means allow edit, 1 means don't)
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ;DGRPVV(n):where n=screen number. String of x ones and zeros where
| 27 | ; x is the number of elements on screen n (0=edit, 1=don't)
| 28 | ;
| 29 | ;DGVI :Turn on high intensity
| 30 | ;DGVO :Turn off high intensity
| 31 | ;
| 33 | S (DGVI,DGVO)="""""" I $S('$D(IOST(0)):1,'$D(^DG(43,1,0)):1,'$P(^DG(43,1,0),"^",36):1,$D(^DG(43,1,"TERM",IOST(0))):1,1:0) G M ;goto M if not high intensity
| 34 | I $D(^%ZIS(2,IOST(0),7)) S I=^(7),X=$S($P(I,"^",3)]"":3,1:2) I $L($P(I,"^",1)),$L($P(I,"^",X)) S DGVI=$P(I,"^",1),DGVO=$P(I,"^",X)
| 35 | M I $L(DGVI_DGVO)>4 S X=132 X ^%ZOSF("RM")
| 37 | SC7 S X=$S('$D(^DPT(DFN,"TYPE")):0,1:+^("TYPE")) S:'$D(DGELVER) DGELVER=0
| 38 | S DGRPTYPE=$S($D(^DG(391,+X,0)):^(0),1:""),(DGRPSC,DGRPSCE,DGRPSCE1)="" S:'$D(DGELVER) DGELVER=0
| 39 | I DGRPTYPE'="" S DGRPSC=$G(^DG(391,+X,"S")),DGRPSCE=$G(^("E")),DGRPSCE1=$G(^("E10"))
| 40 | ;
| 41 | S DGPH=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,.53)),U) ;Purple Heart Indicator
| 42 | I $G(DGPRFLG)=1 D
| 43 | . S DGRPVV="000001111111111"
| 44 | E D
| 45 | . S DGRPVV="000000000000000"
| 46 | S X="5^3^5^2^3^8^4^2^10^2^4^5^5^2^1"
| 47 | ;
| 48 | ; ** VOE change 1 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/7/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 5/9/2006 **
| 49 | ;
| 50 | ; new line: if agency code is not VA, new section added to screen 3
| 51 | I $G(DUZ("AG"))'="V" S $P(X,"^",3)="6"
| 52 | ;
| 53 | ; ** end of VOE change 1 **
| 54 | ;
| 55 | F I=1:1:15 S J=+$P(X,"^",I),DGRPVV(I)=$S((I<12)!(I=15):$E("00000000000000000",1,J),1:$E("11111111111111111",1,J))
| 56 | S DGRPVV(1.1)="00"
| 57 | S DGRPVV(2)="00010"
| 58 | I $G(DGPH)]"" S $E(DGRPVV(6),8)=1
| 59 | ;
| 60 | F I=3,6,8,9,10,11 S J=+$P(DGRPSC,"^",I) I 'J S DGRPVV=$E(DGRPVV,0,I-1)_1_$E(DGRPVV,I+1,99)
| 61 | ;
| 62 | ;-- if patient type is TRICARE then turn off screens 2,4
| 63 | ;
| 64 | ;-- modified 08/20/2003 for NOIS Calls MAC-0400-61574 & AMA-0700-71769
| 65 | ;-- commented the line to allow screens 2 & 4 to display for Tricare
| 66 | ;I DGRPTYPE["TRICARE" F I=2,4 S J=+$P(DGRPSC,"^",I) I 'J S DGRPVV=$E(DGRPVV,0,I-1)_1_$E(DGRPVV,I+1,99)
| 67 | ;
| 68 | ; ** VOE change 2 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/7/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 5/9/2006 **
| 69 | ;
| 70 | ; add lines: if agency code is not VA, change last screen to 14,
| 71 | ; and clear flag for screen 15 (it is VA-specific)
| 72 | I $G(DUZ("AG"))'="V" D
| 73 | . S DGRPLAST=14
| 74 | . F I=15 S DGRPVV=$E(DGRPVV,0,I-1)_$S(I=15:"",1:1)_$E(DGRPVV,I+1,99)
| 75 | ;
| 76 | ; ** end of VOE change 2 **
| 77 | ;
| 78 | F I=31:0 S I=$O(^DD(391,I)) Q:I=""!(I>99) I $D(^(I,0)),($E(^(0),1)'="*"),'+$P(DGRPSCE,"^",I) S X1=$E(I),X2=$E(I,2) I +X1 S DGRPVV(X1)=$E(DGRPVV(X1),0,X2-1)_1_$E(DGRPVV(X1),X2+1,99)
| 79 | I $G(^DPT(DFN,.35)),(^(.35)<+($E(DT,1,3)_"0000")) S DGRPVV=$E(DGRPVV,0,7)_11_$E(DGRPVV,10,99)
| 81 | ;
| 82 | ;Fields are numbered screen_item and put in that piece position.
| 83 | ;Because FM does not allow more than 100 pieces on a node, it was
| 84 | ;necessary to start a new node E10 for fields on screens 10 or higher.
| 85 | ;In these instances, the piece position will be screen_item-100 so,
| 86 | ;for example, screen 11, item 2 would be field 112, but piece 12.
| 87 | ;Items on screens <10 will be found on node E.
| 88 | ;
| 89 | F I=100:0 S I=$O(^DD(391,I)) Q:I=""!(I>150) I $D(^(I,0)),($E(^(0),1)'="*"),'+$P(DGRPSCE1,"^",I-100) S X1=$E(I,1,2),X2=$E(I,3) I +X1 S DGRPVV(X1)=$E(DGRPVV(X1),0,X2-1)_1_$E(DGRPVV(X1),X2+1,99)
| 90 | ;
| 91 | I $S('($D(DUZ)#2):0,'$D(^XUSEC("DG ELIGIBILITY",DUZ)):0,1:1) G ELVER ;if user holds eligibility key, skip
| 92 | F I=.3,.32,.361 S DGRP(I)=$S($D(^DPT(DFN,I)):^(I),1:"")
| 93 | S DGRPVV(10)=11 I $P(DGRP(.361),"^",1)="V" S DGRPVV(7)=111,DGRPVV(1)=1_$E(DGRPVV(1),2,99) ;if elig verified, can't edit elig data, name, ssn, or dob
| 94 | ;
| 95 | ; ** VOE change 3 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/7/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 5/9/2006 **
| 96 | ;
| 97 | ; add line: if agency code is not VA, only edit one section of screen 7
| 98 | ; The rest is veteran specific.
| 99 | I $G(DUZ("AG"))'="V" S DGRPVV(7)="1101"
| 100 | ;
| 101 | ; ** end of VOE change 3 **
| 102 | ;
| 103 | I $P(DGRP(.3),"^",6)]"" S DGRPVV(8)=11 ;if monetary ben. verified, can't edit income screening data
| 104 | I $P(DGRP(.32),"^",2)]"" S DGRPVV(6)=111111111 ;if service data verified, can't edit service screen
| 105 | ;
| 106 | ELVER ;set up variables for eligibility verification
| 107 | ;if elig ver option, only edit screens 1, 2, and 7 (and 6, 8, 9, 10,
| 108 | ; and 11 if they're turned on).
| 109 | ;
| 110 | S DGRP(.361)=$G(^DPT(DFN,.361))
| 111 | I $P(DGRP(.361),U,3)="H" S DGRPVV(10)=10
| 112 | I $P($G(DGRP(.361)),U)="V",($P(DGRP(.361),U,3)="H") S DGRPVV(6)=$E(DGRPVV(6),1,5)_1_$E(DGRPVV(6),7,99),DGRPVV(11)=1000
| 113 | S:'DGELVER DGRPLAST=$S($G(DGPRFLG)=1:5,1:15)
| 114 | ;
| 115 | ; ** VOE change 4 of 4: DAOU/WCJ 2/7/2005,VA/CJS,WV/TOAD 5/9/2006 **
| 116 | ;
| 117 | ; add line: if agency code is not VA, and last screen is set to 15, set
| 118 | ; it to 14 (it is VA-specific)
| 119 | I $G(DUZ("AG"))'="V",DGRPLAST=15 S DGRPLAST=14
| 120 | ;
| 121 | ; ** end of VOE change 4 **
| 122 | ;
| 123 | I DGELVER S DGRPVV="00111"_$E(DGRPVV,6,11)_"1111" F I=1:1:11 S J=$E(DGRPVV,I) I 'J S DGRPLAST=I
| 125 | Q
| 126 | ;
| 127 | WW ;Write number on screens for display and/or edit (Z=number)
| 128 | W:DGRPW ! S Z=$S(DGRPCM:Z,DGRPV:"<"_Z_">",$E(DGRPVV(DGRPS),Z):"<"_Z_">",1:"["_Z_"]")
| 129 | I DGRPCM!($E(Z)="[") W @DGVI,Z,@DGVO
| 130 | I 'DGRPCM&($E(Z)'="[") W Z
| 131 | Q
| 132 | ;
| 133 | WW1 ;spacing for screen display (Z=item to print)
| 134 | F Z2=1:1:(Z1-$L(Z)) S Z=Z_" "
| 135 | W Z K Z2
| 136 | Q
| 137 | ;
| 138 | WW2 ; Write number on screen for fields always selectable
| 139 | W:DGRPW ! S Z="["_Z_"]"
| 140 | I DGRPCM!($E(Z)="[") W @DGVI,Z,@DGVO
| 141 | Q