1 | DGRRPSA1 ; ALB/SGG - DG R&R PatientServices GET data - return XML ; 09/30/03
2 | ;;5.3;Registration;**557**;Aug 13, 1993
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5 | ; Person Service Demogr
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11 | ; Input Parameters: (Rq) Required parameter (Op) Optional parameter
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13 | ; (Rq) PARAMS("PatientId_Type") = the three letters "DFN" or "ICN"
14 | ; (Rq) PARAMS("PatientId") = the actual value of the patient DFN or ICN
15 | ; (Op) PARAMS(REQUESTED_DATE)= Date to be used for ADT Movement List - defaults to DT
16 | ; (Op) PARAMS("PrimaryDemo") = 0 or 1 to request Primary Demographic Info
17 | ; (Op) PARAMS("SecondaryDemo") = 0 or 1 to request Secondary Demographic Info
18 | ; (Op) PARAMS("TertiaryDemo") = 0 or 1 to request Tertiary Demographic Info
19 | ; (Op) PARAMS("MainAddress") = 0 or 1 to request Main Address Info
20 | ; (Op) PARAMS("TemporaryAddress") = 0 or 1 to request Temporary Address Info
21 | ; (Op) PARAMS("ConfidentialAddress") = 0 or 1 to request Confidential Address Info
22 | ; (Op) PARAMS("ContactInfo") = 0 or 1 to request Contact Information
23 | ; (Op) PARAMS("ADTInfo") = 0 or 1 to request ADT Information
24 | ; (Op) PARAMS("EnrollEligibility") = 0 or 1 to request Enrollment/Eligibility Information
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26 | ; -- returns result array that contains XML document containing data for
27 | ; information requested by input parameters, Plus Identifier, Institution
28 | ; and any Error information.
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31 | ; The Primary routine of DGRRPS* is DGRRPSGT (GeT)
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36 | ;note that the DGRRPS* routines have been released as a sub patch to Mark Enfinger's team
37 | ;this includes the routines and 'DGRR PATIENT SERVICE QUERY'
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