| 1 | XWBBRK ;ISC-SF/EG - DHCP BROKER PROTOYPE ;07/08/2004 11:08
| 2 | ;;1.1;RPC BROKER;**2,4,10,16,26,35**;Mar 28, 1997
| 3 | PRSP(P) ;Parse Protocol
| 4 | ;M Extrinsic Function
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ;Inputs
| 7 | ;P Protocol string with the form
| 8 | ; Protocol := Protocol Header^Message where
| 9 | ; Protocol Header := LLLWKID;WINH;PRCH;WISH;MESG
| 10 | ; LLL := length of protocol header (3 numeric)
| 11 | ; WKID := Workstation ID (ALPHA)
| 12 | ; WINH := Window handle (ALPHA)
| 13 | ; PRCH := Process handle (ALPHA)
| 14 | ; WISH := Window server handle (ALPHA)
| 15 | ; MESG := Unparsed message
| 16 | ;Outputs
| 17 | ;ERR 0 for success, "-1^Text" if error
| 18 | ;
| 19 | N ERR,C,M,R,X,U
| 20 | S U="U",R=0,C=";",ERR=0,M=512 ;Maximum buffer input
| 21 | IF $E(P,1,5)="{XWB}" S P=$E(P,6,$L(P)) ;drop out prefix
| 22 | IF '+$G(P) S ERR="-1^Required input reference is NULL"
| 23 | IF +ERR=0 D
| 24 | . S XWB(R,"LENG")=+$E(P,1,3)
| 25 | . S X=$E(P,4,XWB(R,"LENG")+3)
| 26 | . S XWB(R,"MESG")=$E(P,XWB(R,"LENG")+4,M)
| 27 | . S XWB(R,"WKID")=$P(X,C)
| 28 | . S XWB(R,"WINH")=$P(X,C,2)
| 29 | . S XWB(R,"PRCH")=$P(X,C,3)
| 30 | . S XWB(R,"WISH")=$P(X,C,4)
| 31 | Q ERR
| 32 | ;
| 33 | PRSM(P) ;Parse message
| 34 | ;M Extrinsic Function
| 35 | ;
| 36 | ;Inputs
| 37 | ;P Message string with the form
| 38 | ; Message := Header^Content
| 39 | ; Header := LLL;FLAG
| 40 | ; LLL := length of entire message (3 numeric)
| 41 | ; FLAG := 1 indicates variables follow
| 42 | ; Content := Contains API call information
| 43 | ;Outputs
| 44 | ;ERR 0 for success, "-1^Text" if error
| 45 | N C,ERR,M,R,X,U
| 46 | S U="^",R=1,C=";",ERR=0,M=512 ;Max buffer
| 47 | IF '+$G(P) S ERR="-1^Required input reference is NULL"
| 48 | IF +ERR=0 D
| 49 | . S XWB(R,"LENG")=+$E(P,1,5)
| 50 | . S XWB(R,"FLAG")=$E(P,6,6)
| 51 | . S XWB(R,"TEXT")=$E(P,7,M)
| 52 | Q ERR
| 53 | ;
| 54 | PRSA(P) ;Parse API information, get calling info
| 55 | ;M Extrinsic Function
| 56 | ;Inputs
| 57 | ;P Content := API Name^Param string
| 58 | ; API := .01 field of API file
| 59 | ; Param := Parameter information
| 60 | ;Outputs
| 61 | ;ERR 0 for success, "-1^Text" if error
| 62 | ;
| 63 | N C,DR,ERR,M,R,T,X,U
| 64 | S U="^",R=2,C=";",ERR=0,M=512 ;Max buffer
| 65 | IF '+$L(P) S ERR="-1^Required input reference is NULL"
| 66 | IF +ERR=0 D
| 67 | . S XWB(R,"CAPI")=$P(P,U)
| 68 | . S XWB(R,"PARM")=$E(P,$F(P,U),M)
| 69 | . S T=$O(^XWB(8994,"B",XWB(R,"CAPI"),0))
| 70 | . I '+T S ERR="-1^Remote Procedure '"_XWB(R,"CAPI")_"' doesn't exist on the server." Q ;P10 - dpc
| 71 | . S T(0)=$G(^XWB(8994,T,0))
| 72 | . I $P(T(0),U,6)=1!($P(T(0),U,6)=2) S ERR="-1^Remote Procedure '"_XWB(R,"CAPI")_"' cannot be run at this time." Q ;P10. Check INACTIVE field. - dpc.
| 73 | . S XWB(R,"NAME")=$P(T(0),"^")
| 74 | . S XWB(R,"RTAG")=$P(T(0),"^",2)
| 75 | . S XWB(R,"RNAM")=$P(T(0),"^",3)
| 76 | . S XWBPTYPE=$P(T(0),"^",4)
| 77 | . S XWBWRAP=+$P(T(0),"^",8)
| 78 | Q ERR
| 79 | ;
| 80 | PRSB(P) ;Parse Parameter information
| 81 | ;M Extrinsic Function
| 82 | ;Inputs
| 83 | ;P Param := M parameter list
| 84 | ; Param := LLL,Name,Value
| 85 | ; LLL := length of variable name and value
| 86 | ; Name := name of M variable
| 87 | ; Value := a string
| 88 | ;Outputs
| 89 | ;ERR 0 for success, "-1^Text" if error
| 90 | ;
| 91 | N A,ERR,F,FL,I,K,L,M,P1,P2,P3,P4,P5,MAXP,R
| 92 | S R=3,MAXP=+$E(P,1,5)
| 93 | S P1=$E(P,6,MAXP+5) ;only param string
| 94 | S ERR=0,F=3,M=512
| 95 | IF '+$D(P) S ERR="-1^Required input reference is NULL"
| 96 | S FL=+$G(XWB(1,"FLAG"))
| 97 | S I=0
| 98 | IF '+ERR D
| 99 | . ;IF 'FL S P1=$E(P,F+1,MAXP) Q
| 100 | . IF 'FL,+MAXP=0 S P1="",ERR=1 Q
| 101 | . F D Q:P1=""
| 102 | . . Q:P1=""
| 103 | . . S L=+$E(P1,1,3)-1
| 104 | . . S P3=+$E(P1,4,4)
| 105 | . . S P1=$E(P1,5,MAXP)
| 106 | . . S XWB(R,"P",I)=$S(P3'=1:$E(P1,1,L),1:$$GETV($E(P1,1,L)))
| 107 | . . IF FL=1,P3=2 D ;XWB*1.1*2
| 108 | . . . S A=$$OARY^XWBBRK2,XWBARY=A
| 109 | . . . S XWB(R,"P",I)=$$CREF^XWBBRK2(A,XWB(R,"P",I))
| 110 | . . S P1=$E(P1,L+1,MAXP)
| 111 | . . S K=I,I=I+1
| 112 | . IF 'FL Q
| 113 | . S P3=P
| 114 | . S L=+$E(P3,1,5)
| 115 | . S P1=$E(P3,F+3,L+F)
| 116 | . ;IF FL=1 S P1=$$CREF^XWBBRK2(A,P1) ;convert array ref to namespace ref
| 117 | . S P2=$E(P3,L+F+3,M)
| 118 | . ;instantiate array
| 119 | . ;S DM=0
| 120 | . F D Q:+L=0
| 121 | . . ;Sumtimes the array is null, so there isn't data for first read.
| 122 | . . S L=+$$BREAD^XWBRW(3,15,1) Q:L=0 S P3=$$BREAD^XWBRW(L)
| 123 | . . S L=+$$BREAD^XWBRW(3) IF L'=0 S P4=$$BREAD^XWBRW(L)
| 124 | . . IF L=0 Q
| 125 | . . IF P3=0,P4="" S L=0 Q ; P4=0 changed to P4="" JLI 021114
| 126 | . . IF FL=1 D LINST(A,P3,P4)
| 127 | . . IF FL=2 D GINST
| 128 | IF ERR Q P1
| 129 | S P1=""
| 130 | D Q P1
| 131 | . F I=0:1:K D
| 132 | . . IF FL,$E(XWB(R,"P",I),1,5)=".XWBS" D Q ;XWB*1.1*2
| 133 | . . . S P1=P1_"."_$E(XWB(R,"P",I),2,$L(XWB(R,"P",I)))
| 134 | . . . IF I'=K S P1=P1_","
| 135 | . . S P1=P1_"XWB("_R_",""P"","_I_")"
| 136 | . . IF I'=K S P1=P1_","
| 137 | IF '+ERR Q P1
| 138 | Q ERR
| 139 | ;
| 140 | CALLP(XWBP,P,DEBUG) ;make API call using Protocol string
| 141 | ;ERR will be 0 or "-1^text"
| 142 | N ERR,S
| 143 | S ERR=0
| 144 | IF '$D(DEBUG) S DEBUG=0
| 145 | ;IF 'DEBUG D:$D(XRTL) T0^%ZOSV ;start RTL
| 146 | S ERR=$$PRSP(P)
| 147 | IF '+ERR S ERR=$$PRSM(XWB(0,"MESG"))
| 149 | I +ERR S XWBSEC=$P(ERR,U,2) ;P10 -- dpc
| 150 | IF '+ERR S S=$$PRSB(XWB(2,"PARM"))
| 151 | ;Check OK
| 152 | I '+ERR D CHKPRMIT^XWBSEC(XWB(2,"CAPI")) ;checks if RPC allowed to run
| 153 | S:$L($G(XWBSEC)) ERR="-1^"_XWBSEC
| 155 | IF '+ERR,(+S=0)!(+S>0) D
| 156 | . ;Logging
| 157 | . I $G(XWBDEBUG)>1 D LOG^XWBDLOG("RPC: "_XWB(2,"CAPI"))
| 158 | . D CAPI^XWBBRK2(.XWBP,XWB(2,"RTAG"),XWB(2,"RNAM"),S)
| 159 | E D CLRBUF ;p10
| 160 | IF 'DEBUG K XWB
| 162 | Q
| 163 | ;
| 164 | LINST(A,X,XWBY) ;instantiate local array
| 165 | IF XWBY=$C(1) S XWBY=""
| 166 | S X=A_"("_X_")"
| 167 | S @X=XWBY
| 168 | Q
| 169 | GINST ;instantiate global
| 170 | N DONE,N,T,T1
| 171 | S (DONE,I)=0
| 172 | ;find piece with global ref - recover $C(44)
| 173 | S REF=$TR(REF,$C(23),$C(44))
| 174 | F D Q:DONE
| 175 | . S N=$NA(^TMP("XWB",$J,$P($H,",",2)))
| 176 | . S XWB("FRM")=REF
| 177 | . S XWB("TO")=N
| 178 | . IF '$D(@N) S DONE=1 Q
| 179 | ;loop through all and instantiate
| 180 | S DONE=0
| 181 | F D Q:DONE
| 182 | . S T=$E(@REF@(I),4,M)
| 183 | . IF T="" S DONE=1 Q
| 184 | . S @N@("XWB")="" ;set naked indicator
| 185 | . S @T
| 186 | . S I=I+1
| 187 | K @N@("XWB")
| 188 | Q
| 189 | ;
| 190 | GETV(V) ;get value of V - reference parameter
| 191 | N X
| 192 | S X=V
| 193 | IF $E(X,1,2)="$$" Q ""
| 194 | IF $C(34,36)[$E(V) X "S V="_$$VCHK(V)
| 195 | E S V=@V
| 196 | Q V
| 197 | ;
| 198 | VCHK(S) ;Parse string for first argument
| 199 | N C,I,P
| 200 | F I=1:1 S C=$E(S,I) D VCHKP:C="(",VCHKQ:C=$C(34) Q:" ,"[C
| 201 | Q $E(S,1,I-1)
| 202 | VCHKP S P=1 ;Find closing paren
| 203 | F I=I+1:1 S C=$E(S,I) Q:P=0!(C="") I "()"""[C D VCHKQ:C=$C(34) S P=P+$S("("[C:1,")"[C:-1,1:0)
| 204 | Q
| 205 | VCHKQ ;Find closing quote
| 206 | F I=I+1:1 S C=$E(S,I) Q:C=""!(C=$C(34))
| 207 | Q
| 208 | CLRBUF ;p10 Empties Input buffer
| 209 | N %
| 210 | F R %#1:XWBTIME(1) Q:%=""
| 211 | Q