[613] | 1 | SCMCHLR8 ;ALB/KCL - PCMM HL7 Reject Transmission Report; 22-FEB-2000
| 2 | ;;5.3;Scheduling;**210**;AUG 13, 1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | TERPRT ; Description: Main entry point for the PCMM HL7 Reject Transmission Report.
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ;Control variables used in generating report:
| 7 | ; SCRP("BEGIN")=<begining of the date range for error list>
| 8 | ; SCRP("END")=<ending date of range>
| 9 | ; SCRP("SELCT")=<select 'A'->all errors or 'D'->Date Range>
| 10 | ; SCRP("SORT")=<used to determine sort criteria>
| 11 | ; SCRP("EPS")=<used to determine the error processing status>
| 12 | ;
| 13 | N SCRP
| 14 | ;
| 15 | ;Get report parameters
| 16 | Q:'$$SELECT(.SCRP)
| 17 | Q:'$$ASKRANGE(.SCRP)
| 18 | Q:'$$SORTBY(.SCRP)
| 19 | Q:'$$EPS(.SCRP)
| 20 | ;
| 21 | ;Print report
| 23 | ;
| 24 | Q
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ;
| 27 | DEVICE() ; Description: Allows the user to select a device.
| 28 | ;
| 29 | ; Input: None
| 30 | ;
| 31 | ; Output:
| 32 | ; Function Value - Returns 0 if the user decides not to print or
| 33 | ; to queue the report, 1 otherwise.
| 34 | ;
| 35 | N OK
| 36 | S OK=1
| 37 | S %ZIS="MQ"
| 38 | D ^%ZIS
| 39 | S:POP OK=0
| 40 | D:OK&$D(IO("Q"))
| 42 | .D ^%ZTLOAD
| 44 | .D HOME^%ZIS
| 45 | .S OK=0
| 46 | ;
| 47 | Q OK
| 48 | ;
| 49 | ;
| 50 | SELECT(SCRP) ; Description: Ask the user to select 'all errors' or errors for a 'date range'.
| 51 | ;
| 52 | ; Input: None
| 53 | ;
| 54 | ; Output:
| 55 | ; Function value - 1 if user selected all errors, 0 otherwise
| 56 | ; SCRP("SELCT") - (pass by reference) used to return list filter
| 57 | ;
| 59 | ;
| 60 | ;Ask user to select all errors or date range
| 61 | S DIR(0)="SMO^A:All Errors;D:Date Range"
| 62 | S DIR("A")="Select all errors or a date range"
| 63 | S DIR("?",1)="You have a choice of selecting all errors to be printed,"
| 64 | S DIR("?")="or errors may be printed for a specified date range."
| 65 | D ^DIR
| 66 | ;Process user response
| 67 | Q:$D(DIRUT) 0
| 68 | S SCRP("SELCT")=Y
| 69 | Q 1
| 70 | ;
| 71 | ;
| 73 | ; Description: Asks the user to enter a date range for report.
| 74 | ;
| 75 | ;If user selected ALL errors, init begin and end dates and quit
| 76 | I $G(SCRP("SELCT"))="A" D Q 1
| 77 | .S SCRP("BEGIN")=0
| 78 | .S SCRP("END")=DT
| 79 | ;Otherwise, ask user for date range
| 80 | Q:'$$ASKBEGIN(.SCRP) 0
| 81 | Q:'$$ASKEND(.SCRP) 0
| 82 | Q 1
| 83 | ;
| 84 | ;
| 86 | ;Description: Asks the user to enter a begin date.
| 87 | ;
| 88 | ; Input: None
| 89 | ;
| 90 | ; Output:
| 91 | ; Function value - 1 if user selected a date, 0 otherwise
| 92 | ; SCRP("BEGIN")=(pass by reference) used to return date selected
| 93 | ;
| 95 | S DIR(0)="D^::EX"
| 96 | S DIR("A")="Enter Beginning Date"
| 97 | S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT($$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,-14),"D")
| 98 | S DIR("?")="Enter the first day to begin searching for PCMM Transmission Errors."
| 99 | REPEAT D ^DIR
| 100 | Q:$D(DIRUT) 0
| 101 | I Y>DT W !,"Date can not be latter than today!" G REPEAT
| 102 | S SCRP("BEGIN")=Y
| 103 | Q 1
| 104 | ;
| 105 | ;
| 106 | ASKEND(SCRP) ;
| 107 | ; Description: Asks the user to enter an end date.
| 108 | ;
| 109 | ; Input:
| 110 | ; SCRP("BEGIN") - the earliest possible date
| 111 | ;
| 112 | ; Output:
| 113 | ; Function value - 1 if user selected a date, 0 otherwise
| 114 | ; SCRP("END")=(pass by reference) used to return date selected
| 115 | ;
| 117 | S DIR(0)="D^::EX"
| 118 | S DIR("A")="Enter Ending Date"
| 119 | ;S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(SCRP("BEGIN"),"D")
| 120 | S DIR("B")=$$FMTE^XLFDT(DT,"D")
| 121 | S DIR("?")="Enter the last day to list transmission errors for."
| 122 | AGAIN D ^DIR
| 123 | Q:$D(DIRUT) 0
| 124 | I (Y<$G(SCRP("BEGIN"))) W !,"Date must not be earlier than "_DIR("B") G AGAIN
| 125 | S SCRP("END")=Y
| 126 | Q 1
| 127 | ;
| 128 | ;
| 129 | SORTBY(SCRP) ; Description: Ask the user to enter a sort criteria for printing errors.
| 130 | ;
| 131 | ; Input: None
| 132 | ;
| 133 | ; Output:
| 134 | ; Function value - 1 if user selected a sort, 0 otherwise
| 135 | ; SCRP("SORT") - (pass by reference) used to return sort by criteria
| 136 | ;
| 138 | ;Ask user to select sort by criteria
| 139 | S DIR(0)="SMO^N:Patient Name;D:Date Error Received;P:Provider"
| 140 | S DIR("A")="Select sort criteria for listing PCMM Transmission Errors"
| 141 | S DIR("?")="Enter how the error list should be sorted by."
| 142 | D ^DIR
| 143 | ;Process user response
| 144 | Q:$D(DIRUT) 0
| 145 | S SCRP("SORT")=Y
| 146 | Q 1
| 147 | ;
| 148 | ;
| 149 | EPS(SCRP) ; Description: Ask user to enter a error processing status.
| 150 | ;
| 151 | ; Input: None
| 152 | ;
| 153 | ; Output:
| 154 | ; Function value - 1 if user selected an error processin status, 0 otherwise
| 155 | ; SCRP("EPS") - (pass by reference) used to return Error Processing
| 156 | ; Status: 1->New, 2->Checked, 3->Both
| 157 | ;
| 159 | ;Ask user to select error processing status
| 160 | S DIR(0)="SMO^1:New;2:Checked;3:Both"
| 161 | S DIR("A")="Select Error Processing Status"
| 162 | S DIR("?",1)="Enter an error processing status. Only those errors matching"
| 163 | S DIR("?")="the error processing status selected will be listed."
| 164 | D ^DIR
| 165 | ;Process user response
| 166 | Q:$D(DIRUT) 0
| 167 | S SCRP("EPS")=+Y
| 168 | Q 1