SCMCUT ;ALB/JLU;General utility routine;8/17/99@1515 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**177,205,204**;AUG 13, 1993 ; ;This is a general utility routine for the PCMM application. Any ;general purpose utility should be placed in this routine. ; ; CLNLST(SER,ARY,ACT) ; ;This API is a function that returns the list of clients that ;can run with the server that is passed in. ; ;INPUTs: SER --- This is the server to check for. It needs to be in ; a patch format Ex. SD*5.3*177 ; ARY --- This is the array root the list will be returned in. ; If nothing is passed in a default will be used. This ; array must be clean before it is passed to this API. ; No kills will be issued. ; Ex. ^TMP("PCMM CLIENT LIST",$J,"")=effective dt ; ^TMP("PCMM CLIENT LIST",$J,"")=effective dt ; ACT --- This variable indicates whether to: ; 1 - return only active clients (default) ; 0 - return all clients ; ;OUTPUTS --- The output of this function call is the data in the array ; variable but also the function itself. It will either be ; 1 for a success or -1 with an error message. ; Ex. "-1^not a valid server name" ; "1" ; N RESULTS ; ;checking input parameters S SER=$G(SER) I SER']"" S RESULTS="-1^Server variable not defined." G CLNLSTQ S ARY=$G(ARY) I ARY']"" S ARY=$NA(^TMP("PCMM CLIENT LIST",$J)) S ACT=$G(ACT,1) ; ;checking existance of server in PCMM SERVER PATCH file. I '$D(^SCTM(404.45,"B",SER)) S RESULTS="-1^This server is not in the PCMM SERVER PATCH file." G CLNLSTQ ; ;if ACT, checking if server is active I ACT,'$$ACTSER(SER) S RESULTS="-1^This server is not active." G CLNLSTQ ; ;loop through the server patches and build the list of clients. N CLT,SERIEN S CLT="",RESULTS="-1^No clients found for this Server." ; F S CLT=$O(^SCTM(404.45,"ASER",SER,CLT)) Q:CLT="" S SERIEN=$O(^SCTM(404.45,"ASER",SER,CLT,"")) Q:SERIEN="" DO .N NOD5,NOD6 .S NOD5=$G(^SCTM(404.45,SERIEN,0)) .Q:NOD5="" .S NOD6=$G(^SCTM(404.46,$P(NOD5,U,2),0)) .Q:NOD6="" .I ACT,$P(NOD6,U,2),$D(^SCTM(404.45,"ACT",SER,SERIEN)) S @ARY@($P(NOD6,U,1))=$P(NOD6,U,2,3),RESULTS=1 .I 'ACT S @ARY@($P(NOD6,U,1))=$P(NOD6,U,2,3),RESULTS=1 .Q ; CLNLSTQ Q RESULTS ; ; ACTCLT(CLT) ;Is this client active? ;This function call returns whether the client passed in is active or ;not . It just tells the status of the client per its entry in PCMM ;CLIENT PATCH file. It does not relate in anyway to the PCMM SERVER ;PATCH file. ; ;INPUT: CLT - This is the External Client version number ; ;OUTPUT: 1 - ACTIVE ; 0 - NOT ACTIVE ; -1^ERROR DESCRIPTION ; N RESULTS S CLT=$G(CLT) I CLT']"" S RESULTS="-1^Client variable not defined." G ACTCLTQ ; N CLTIEN,ACT S CLTIEN=$O(^SCTM(404.46,"B",CLT,0)) I CLTIEN="" S RESULTS="-1^Client not defined in PCMM CLIENT PATCH file." G ACTCLTQ S ACT=$P(^SCTM(404.46,CLTIEN,0),U,2) S RESULTS=$S(ACT:ACT,1:0) ;This was done so that a null would be zero ; ACTCLTQ Q RESULTS ; ; ACTSER(SER,ARY) ; ; This function call is used to return the status of a server ; or a list of active servers at the sight. ; It does not return the IENs or multiples of ; the same server value. ; ;INPUTS SER - [optional]: Test for a specific server version ; ARY - [optional]: This is the array root that the list ; is to be stored in, if SER is undefined. ; If nothing is passed then the default will be used. ; ^TMP("PCMM ACTIVE SERVERS",$J,SERVER NUMBER)=EFFECTIVE DT ; ;OUTPUTS 1 - a success ; 0 - none found. ; N RESULTS,LP,IEN S SER=$G(SER,"") I SER]"" S RESULTS=$D(^SCTM(404.45,"ACT",SER))>0 G ACTSERQ S ARY=$G(ARY,"^TMP(""PCMM ACTIVE SERVERS"",$J)") S RESULTS=0,LP="" ; I $O(^SCTM(404.45,"ACT",""))']"" G ACTSERQ ; F S LP=$O(^SCTM(404.45,"ACT",LP)) Q:LP="" S IEN=$O(^SCTM(404.45,"ACT",LP,"")) Q:IEN="" DO .S IEN=$G(^SCTM(404.45,IEN,0)) .Q:IEN="" .S @ARY@(LP)=$P(IEN,U,3) .S RESULTS=1 .Q I SER]"" S RESULTS=$D(@ARY@(SER)) ; ACTSERQ Q RESULTS ; ; DISCLNTS() ;This function call is used to determine if all clients should ;be disabled. ; ;INPUTS -- NONE ;OUTPUTS -- 1 means YES disable all clients ; 0 means NO ; N IEN,RESULTS S RESULTS=0 ; S IEN=+$O(^SCTM(404.44,0)) I 'IEN G DISQ S IEN=$G(^SCTM(404.44,IEN,1)) S RESULTS=$S('$P(IEN,U,2):0,1:1) ; DISQ Q RESULTS ; UPCLNLST(SCX) ;update 404.46/404.45 with new client/server pair (if enabled) ; input := SCX p1[required] : ServerPatch ; p2[required] : ^ClientVersion ; p3[optional] : ^EnabledOverride(1=bypass,0=no[default]) ; p4[optional] : ^ActiveServer(1=yes[default],0=no) ; p5[optional] : ^ActiveClient(1=yes[default],0=no) ; output := SCRESULT : 1 = success ; : 0 = failure/not allowed ; N SCRESULT,SCSER,SCCLI,SCASER,SCACLI,SCBYPASS,SCIEN S SCRESULT=0 ; ; parse S SCSER=$P(SCX,U) I SCSER']"" G UPCLNQ S SCCLI=$P(SCX,U,2) I SCCLI']"" G UPCLNQ S SCBYPASS=$P(SCX,U,3) S SCBYPASS=$S(SCBYPASS=1:1,1:0) S SCIEN=+$O(^SCTM(404.44,0)) I 'SCIEN G UPCLNQ I 'SCBYPASS,$P($G(^SCTM(404.44,SCIEN,1)),U,3)=1 G UPCLNQ S SCASER=$P(SCX,U,4) S SCASER=$S(SCASER=0:0,1:1) S SCACLI=$P(SCX,U,5) S SCACLI=$S(SCACLI=0:0,1:1) ; ;update client file N SC1,SC1IEN,SC1ERR S SC1(1,404.46,"?+1,",.01)=SCCLI ;client version S SC1(1,404.46,"?+1,",.02)=SCACLI ;active? S SC1(1,404.46,"?+1,",.03)=DT ;today D UPDATE^DIE("","SC1(1)","SC1IEN","SC1ERR") I $D(SC1ERR)!(+$G(SC1IEN(1))<0) G UPCLNQ ; ;update server file N SC2,SC2IEN,SC2ERR S SC2(1,404.45,"?+1,",.01)=SCSER ;server version S SC2(1,404.45,"?+1,",.02)=SC1IEN(1) ;ptr - client version S SC2(1,404.45,"?+1,",.03)=DT ;today S SC2(1,404.45,"?+1,",.04)=SCASER ;active? D UPDATE^DIE("","SC2(1)","SC2IEN","SC2ERR") I $D(SC2ERR)!(+$G(SC2IEN(1))<0) G UPCLNQ S SCRESULT=1 ; UPCLNQ Q SCRESULT ;