SD53396P ;VMP/RB - POST INIT FOR PATCH SD*5.3*396 ;09/30/04 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**396**;AUG 13,1993 ; ;Post init routine to locate ^SCE encounters that have a app't ;status of pending action (14), BUT a status of 'I' in ;the associated ^DPT(DFN,"S") node. The app't status will be ;modified to '8' if condition found. TASK ; ; Task the initial bad data determination as background process ; D NOW^%DTC ;Task process S ZTDTH=%H S ZTIO="" S ZTRTN="INIT^SD53396P",ZTDESC="^SCE O/P encounter status check for inpatients" D ^%ZTLOAD K ZTDTH,ZTRTN,ZTIO,ZTDESC I $D(ZTSK)&('$D(ZTQUEUED)) D BMES^XPDUTL("Task Queued!") Q INIT ; ; Drives through ^SCE and finds all invalid entries. ; If entries are found to be invalid the entry is corrected ; and stored in temp print file ; N IEN,DFN,DATA,ESTS,SDAT,U,PDATE,SCHD,SSTS D NOW^%DTC S PDATE=+%H+60,U="^" S PDATE=$$HTFM^XLFDT(PDATE) L +^XTMP("SD53396P",0):1 I '$T Q K ^XTMP("SD53396P") S ^XTMP("SD53396P",0)=PDATE_"^"_X_"^"_"SCE encounter Clean Utility" L -^XTMP("SD53396P",0) S IEN=0 F S IEN=$O(^SCE(IEN)) Q:IEN=""!'IEN D .S DATA=$G(^SCE(IEN,0)),SDAT=+$E($P(DATA,U),1,12),DFN=$P(DATA,U,2),ESTS=$P(DATA,U,12) .Q:ESTS'=14!'DFN .S SCHD=$G(^DPT(DFN,"S",SDAT,0)),SSTS=$P(SCHD,U,2) .Q:SSTS'="I" .S ^XTMP("SD53396P",IEN,0)=DFN_"^"_SDAT_"^"_ESTS_"^"_SSTS,^XTMP("SD53396P",IEN,1)=DATA,^XTMP("SD53396P",IEN,2)=SCHD .S $P(^SCE(IEN,0),U,12)=8 .W !,IEN,?15,DFN,?30,SDAT,?50,ESTS,"/",SSTS S ZTREQ="@",^XTMP("SD53396P")="@" Q REPORT ; ; Reports the entries that are have been cleaned up by the cleaning process ; I '$D(^XTMP("SD53396P")) W !!,"COMPILE AUDIT NOT RUN" Q I $G(^XTMP("SD53396P"))'="@" W !!,"COMPILE NOT COMPLETED" Q N POP,REC,DATA D ^%ZIS Q:POP I '$O(^XTMP("SD53396P",0)) W !!,"** NO ERRORS DETECTED **" Q W !!,"List of entries that SD*5.3*396 has determined to be incorrect AND FIXED",!! W "IEN",?10,"DFN",?20,"SCHED DT",?34,"STS",! S REC=0 F S REC=$O(^XTMP("SD53396P",REC)) Q:REC="" D .S DATA=^XTMP("SD53396P",REC,0) .W !,REC,?10,$P(DATA,U),?20,$P(DATA,U,2),?34,$P(DATA,U,3),"/",$P(DATA,U,4),?40,$P(^DPT($P(DATA,U),0),U) . W !,?3,"SCE: ",$E(^XTMP("SD53396P",REC,1),1,70) . W !,?3,"DPT: ",$E(^XTMP("SD53396P",REC,2),1,70) Q