SD53459P ;ALB/MRY - Pre/Post-Install; 9/29/05 ;;5.3;Scheduling;**459**;Aug 13, 1993 ; ; ENV ;Main entry point for Environment check point. ; S XPDABORT="" D PROGCHK(.XPDABORT) ;checks programmer variables I XPDABORT="" K XPDABORT Q ; ; PRE ;Main entry point for Pre-init items. ; ;Do AmbCare pre-install (copied from SD53142) ;Remove ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION (field #11) as an identifier of the ; TRANSMITTED OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER ERROR CODE file (#409.76) ; (this causes problems when installing error codes) I ($D(^DD(409.76,0,"ID",11))) D .N TMP,X .S X(1)=" " .S X(2)="Removing ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION (field #11) as an identifier" .S X(3)="of the TRANSMITTED OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER ERROR CODE file" .S X(4)="(#409.76) as it causes problems when installing error codes." .S X(5)=" " .D MES^XPDUTL(.X) K X .K ^DD(409.76,0,"ID",11) .Q:($D(^DD(409.76,0,"ID"))) .S TMP=$P(^SD(409.76,0),U,2) .S TMP=$TR(TMP,"I","") .S $P(^SD(409.76,0),U,2)=TMP .Q Q ; ; ; PROGCHK(XPDABORT) ;checks for necessary programmer variables ; I '$G(DUZ)!($G(DUZ(0))'="@")!('$G(DT))!($G(U)'="^") DO .D BMES^XPDUTL("*****") .D MES^XPDUTL("Your programming variables are not set up properly.") .D MES^XPDUTL("Installation aborted.") .D MES^XPDUTL("*****") .S XPDABORT=2 Q ; ; POST ;Main entry point for Post-init items. ; ;Make ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION (field #11) an identifier of the ; TRANSMITTED OUTPATIENT ENCOUNTER ERROR CODE file (#409.76) ; (this was removed by the pre init routine) I ('$D(^DD(409.76,0,"ID",11))) D .N TMP .S ^DD(409.76,0,"ID",11)="D EN^DDIOL($P(^(1),U,1))" .S TMP=$P(^SD(409.76,0),U,2) .S TMP=$TR(TMP,"I","") .S $P(^SD(409.76,0),U,2)=TMP_"I" ; ;Re-queue Ambcare records D POST^SD53459A Q