SDYQOECL ;ALB/MLI - Routine to put entries in file 409.41 ; 10/6/95 [10/6/95 2:28pm] ;;5.3;Scheduling;**35**,Aug 13, 1993 ; ; This routine will set the following entries into the OUTPATIENT ; CLASSIFICATION TYPE file (#409.41) so that classification ; questions are no longer asked for stop codes: ; ; 149 - RADIATION THERAPY TREATMENT ; 150 - COMPUTERIZED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) ; 151 - MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING/MRI ; 152 - ANGIOGRAM CATHETERIZATION ; 153 - INTERVENTIONAL RADIOGRAPHY ; EN ; entry point to add stop codes to file 409.41 N DA,DIC,DLAYGO,SDYQERR,SDYQSTOP,X,Y S SDYQERR=0 W !,">>>Adding entries to the OUTPATIENT CLASSIFICATION STOP CODE EXCEPTION",!?4,"file (#409.45)..." F SDYQSTOP=149:1:153 D . W !?4,"Stop code ",SDYQSTOP . S DA=$O(^SD(409.45,"B",SDYQSTOP,0)) . I 'DA D Q:SDYQERR . . K DD,DO . . S X=SDYQSTOP,DIC="^SD(409.45,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=409.45 . . D FILE^DICN S DA=+Y . . I Y<0 S SDYQERR=1 W "...could not be added...try again later." . . I Y>0 W "...added to file" . I $O(^SD(409.45,DA,"E","B",2951001,0)) W "...already in file." Q . S DIC="^SD(409.45,"_DA_",""E"",",DIC("P")=$P(^DD(409.45,75,0),"^",2) . S DA(1)=DA,X="2951001",DIC(0)="L",DIC("DR")=".02///1" K DLAYGO . K DD,DO . D FILE^DICN . W " of 10/1/95." Q