[613] | 1 | SPNHL71 ;WDE/SAN-DIEGO;validate then build the segments
| 2 | ;;2.0;Spinal Cord Dysfunction;**10**;01/02/97
| 3 | CHK(SPNFD0) ;
| 4 | ; Called from the edit routine spnfedt0
| 5 | ; Check entry and create the hl7 message
| 6 | ; that is associated with file 154.1
| 7 | ; NOTE spnifn is the entry in 154.1
| 8 | ;--------------------------------------------------------------------
| 9 | ;check record type
| 10 | S SPNCHK=$$GET1^DIQ(154.1,SPNFD0_",",.02)
| 11 | I $G(SPNCHK)="" D ZAP Q
| 12 | ;check record date
| 13 | S SPNCHK=$$GET1^DIQ(154.1,SPNFD0_",",.04)
| 14 | I $G(SPNCHK)="" D ZAP Q
| 15 | ;the record passed the test and we want it
| 16 | CREATE ;this label is also called from the tag auto
| 17 | S SPNFDFN=$$GET1^DIQ(154.1,SPNFD0_",",.01,"I")
| 19 | D EN^SPNHL2(SPNFD0) ;build the message
| 20 | ;at this point we have the HL7 and want to send it
| 21 | D INIT^SPNHL7
| 22 | I HLDAP="" D ZAP Q ;init didn't find the HL7 interface
| 23 | I $P($G(^HL(771,HLDAP,0)),U,2)'="a" D ZAP Q ;test for active/on
| 24 | D SEND^SPNHL7
| 25 | ZAP ;
| 27 | Q
| 28 | AUTO ; Note that spnifn should be the patients dfn
| 29 | ;---------------------------------------------------------------------
| 30 | ;this tag is called from the SPNHL7 line auto and then some
| 31 | ;its function is to load all entrys for a particular patient
| 32 | ;You must know the dfn to entry here.
| 33 | S SPNFD0=0 F S SPNFD0=$O(^SPNL(154.1,"B",SPNIFN,SPNFD0)) Q:(SPNFD0="")!('+SPNFD0) D
| 34 | .D CHK(SPNFD0)
| 35 | .Q