SROAUTLC ;BIR/ADM - CARDIAC RISK ASSESSMENT UTILITY ;08/23/07 ;;3.0; Surgery ;**38,71,90,88,95,97,102,96,125,153,163,164,166**;24 Jun 93;Build 7 ; ; Reference to ^DIC(45.3 supported by DBIA #218 ; SITE ; determine if site is a cardiac facility I $$CARD Q W @IOF,!,"The SURGERY SITE PARAMETERS file indicates this site/division does not use ",!,"the Cardiac Risk Assessment module. Therefore, this option is not available",!,"for use.",! S XQUIT="" W !!,"Press RETURN to continue " R X:DTIME W @IOF Q CARD() ; extrinsic call to determine if site is cardiac facility N CARD S CARD=0 Q:'$G(SRSITE) CARD I $P($G(^SRO(133,SRSITE,0)),"^",5)="Y" S CARD=1 Q CARD NOW ; update date/time of surgical priority entry N X I $$CARD,$P($G(^SRF(DA,208)),"^",12)'="" D NOW^%DTC S $P(^SRF(DA,208),"^",13)=$E(%,1,12) Q KNOW ; delete date/time of surgical priority entry I $D(^SRF(DA,208)) S $P(^SRF(DA,208),"^",13)="" Q EM ; input transform logic on Case Schedule Type field (.035) Q:'$$CARD N DIR,SREM,SRNOT,SRQ,SRSP I X'="EM" S:X="U" $P(^SRF(DA,208),"^",12)=2 S:X'="U" $P(^SRF(DA,208),"^",12)=1 D NOW Q S SRQ=0,SRSP=$P(^DIC(45.3,$P(^SRO(137.45,$P(^SRF(DA,0),"^",4),0),"^",2),0),"^") Q:SRSP'=48&(SRSP'=58) D:SRSP=58 YN Q:SRQ D CAT Q CAT N X K DIR S DIR("A",1)="",DIR("A",2)=" Enter category of emergency.",DIR("A",3)=" 1. Emergent (ongoing ischemia)",DIR("A",4)=" 2. Emergent (hemodynamic compromise)",DIR("A",5)=" 3. Emergent (arrest with CPR)" S DIR("A",6)="",DIR("A")=" Enter number (1, 2 or 3): ",DIR(0)="NA^1:3",DIR("?")="^D HELP^SROAUTLC" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) Q S SREM=Y,$P(^SRF(DA,208),"^",12)=SREM+2 D NOW Q YN N X K DIR S DIR("A",1)="",DIR("A",2)=" Is this emergency case a cardiac procedure requiring cardiopulmonary",DIR("A")=" bypass (Y/N)? ",DIR(0)="YA" D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRQ=1 Q I 'Y S SRQ=1 Q HELP K SRHLP S SRHLP(1)="This is the category of emergency reflecting the patient's cardiovascular",SRHLP(2)="condition at the time of transport to the operating room:",SRHLP(3)="" S SRHLP(4)="1. Emergent (ongoing ischemia) - Clinical condition mandates immediate",SRHLP(5)="surgery usually on day of catheterization because of ischemia despite" S SRHLP(6)="medical therapy, such as intravenous nitroglycerine. Ischemia should",SRHLP(7)="be manifested as chest pain and/or ST-segment depression." S SRHLP(8)="",SRHLP(9)="2. Emergent (hemodynamic compromise) - Persistent hypotension (arterial",SRHLP(10)="systolic pressure < 80 mm Hg) and/or low cardiac output (cardiac index" S SRHLP(11)="< 2.0 L/min/MxM) despite iontropic and/or mechanical circulatory",SRHLP(12)="support mandates immediates surgery within hours of the cardiac",SRHLP(13)="catheterization." S SRHLP(14)="",SRHLP(15)="3. Emergent (arrest with CPR) - Patient is taken to the operating room in",SRHLP(16)="full cardiac arrest with the circulation supported by cardiopulmonary" S SRHLP(17)="resuscitation (excludes patients being adequately perfused by a",SRHLP(18)="cardiopulmonary support system).",SRHLP(19)="" S SRHLP(20)="Enter the appropriate number to designate the category of emergency.",SRHLP(21)="",SRHLP(22)="" D EN^DDIOL(.SRHLP) K SRHLP N DIR S DIR(0)="FOA",DIR("A")="Enter RETURN to continue: " D ^DIR I $D(DTOUT)!$D(DUOUT) S SRQ=1 Q Q CHK ; check for missing cardiac assessment information K SRX,SRZZ F SRC="CLIN","LAB","CATH","OP","CAR","OUT","R" K DA,DIC,DIQ,DR,SRY S DIC="^SRF(",DA=SRTN,DIQ="SRY",DIQ(0)="I" D @SRC D EN^DIQ1 D ^SROAUTL4 D RED^SROAUTL4 Q CLIN S DR="236;237;475;203;347;209;348;510;349;350;240;351;205;352;485;265;264;267;207;353;354;355;474;463" Q CATH S DR="476;357;358;359;360;363;415;477;361;362.1;362.2;362.3;478;479;480" Q R S DR="418;419;440;.205;.232;470;471;473;472;442;513;515" Q OP S DR="364;364.1;1.13;414;414.1;.22;.23" Q OUT S DR="384" Q CAR S DR="365;366;464;465;416;367;368;369;370;371;481;483;512;376;380;378;377;379;373;372;505;502;381;382;451;450;468;469" I $P($G(^SRF(SRTN,209)),"^",13)="Y"!($P($G(^SRF(SRTN,209)),"^",13)="") S DR=DR_";484" Q LAB S DR="457;457.1;461;461.1;462;462.1;458;458.1;459;459.1;460;460.1;223;290;225;292;219;239;504;504.1" Q