TIU182D ; SLC/MAM - Data, etc for Post-Install for TIU*1*182 ; 10/5/2004 ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**182**;Jun 20, 1997 ; SETDATA ; Set more data for DDEFS ; Basic data set in TIUEN182. See rtn TIUEN182 for ordered list of ;DDEF Names and Types. ; -- Set Print Name, Owner, Status, National into FILEDATA node ; of data array ^TMP("TIU182": N NUM S NUM=0 F NUM=1:1:13 D . S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM,.03)=$G(^TMP("TIU182",$J,"BASICS",NUM,"NAME")) ;Name node MUST exist. Using $G to ease testing of fewer DDEFS. . S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM,.06)="CLINICAL COORDINATOR" . S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM,.07)="INACTIVE" . S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM,.13)="YES" ; -- Set Document Class to ACTIVE: S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",1,.07)="ACTIVE" ; -- Set Exterior Type: S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",1,.04)="DOCUMENT CLASS" N NUM S NUM=0 F NUM=2:1:13 S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM,.04)="TITLE" ; -- Set Parent and Menu Text into DATA nodes of ^TMP("TIU182": ; -- Set PIEN node = IEN of parent if known, or if not, ; set PNUM node = DDEF# of parent ; Set Parent of Document Class to CLINICAL PROCEDURES Class: S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"DATA",1,"PIEN")=$$CLASS^TIUCP N NUM F NUM=2:1:13 S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"DATA",NUM,"PNUM")=1 F NUM=1:1:13 S ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"DATA",NUM,"MENUTXT")=$P($T(MENUTXT+NUM),";;",2,99) ; PRINT ; Print out results from message array ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J N TIUCNT,TIUCONT I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" ; Tell TaskMan to delete Task log entry I $E(IOST)="C-" W @IOF,! S TIUCNT="",TIUCONT=1 F S TIUCNT=$O(^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TIUCNT)) Q:TIUCNT="" D Q:'TIUCONT . S TIUCONT=$$SETCONT Q:'TIUCONT . W ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TIUCNT),! PRINTX Q ; STOP() ;on screen paging check ; quits TIUCONT=1 if cont. ELSE quits TIUCONT=0 N DIR,Y,TIUCONT S DIR(0)="E" D ^DIR S TIUCONT=Y I TIUCONT W @IOF,! Q TIUCONT ; SETCONT() ; D form feed, Set TIUCONT N TIUCONT S TIUCONT=1 I $E(IOST)="C-" G SETX:$Y+5