TIU182DF ; SLC/MAM - Create new HP DDEFS ; 7/22/04 ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**182**;Jun 20, 1997 ; Run this after installing patch 182. ;Use option: TIU182 DDEFS, MED CONVERSION ; External References ; DBIA 3409 ^USR(8930,"B" BEGIN ; Create DDEFS W !!,"This option creates Historical Procedure Document Definitions (DDEFS) for",!,"the Medicine Package conversion." W !,"It may take one or two minutes to run. It will tell you whether or not",!,"it is successful." W ! K IOP N %ZIS S %ZIS="Q" D ^%ZIS I POP K POP Q I $D(IO("Q")) K IO("Q") D Q .S ZTRTN="MAIN^TIUPS182" .S ZTDESC="Create DDEFS for Medicine Conversion - TIU*1*182" .D ^%ZTLOAD W !,$S($D(ZTSK):"Request Queued!",1:"Request Canceled!") .K ZTSK,ZTDESC,ZTDTH,ZTIO,ZTRTN,ZTSAVE .D HOME^%ZIS U IO D MAIN,^%ZISC Q ; MAIN ; Create Historical Procedure DDEFS for Medicine Conversion N TIUDUPS,TMPCNT,TIUSTTS ; -- Set ^XTMP deletion date for about 2 years hence: ; Set it even if all are already created, in case it's in test ; for more than 2 years, so sites can reset it by running option. S ^XTMP("TIU182",0)=$$FMADD^XLFDT(DT,730)_U_DT_U_"Tracks DDEFS created by Option TIU182 DDEFS, MED CONVERSION" K ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J),^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J),^TMP("TIU182",$J) ; -- Begin message array ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J: S TMPCNT=0 S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="*** Historical Procedure Document Definitions for the Medicine Conversion ***" ; -- Check if ALL done; check for Class Clinical Coord: I $G(^XTMP("TIU182","DONE"))="ALL" D G MAINX . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="All DDEFS exported for the conversion have already been created" . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="by option TIU182 DDEFS, MED CONVERSION." N CPCLASS S CPCLASS=$$CLASS^TIUCP I 'CPCLASS D . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="I can't find Class CLINICAL PROCEDURES, exported in patch TIU*1*109." . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Option cannot be run without it." . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="" I $O(^USR(8930,"B","CLINICAL COORDINATOR",""))="" D . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="I can't find User Class CLINICAL COORDINATOR. Option cannot be run without it." . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="" ; -- Set basic DDEF data into BASICS node of data array ^TMP("TIU182": D SETBASIC^TIUEN182 ; -- Check for potential DDEF duplicates at site: D TIUDUPS^TIUEN182(.TIUDUPS,1) ; -- If potential duplicates exist, add them to message array: I TIUDUPS D LISTDUPS^TIUEN182(.TIUDUPS,.TMPCNT,1) G MAINX I $O(^USR(8930,"B","CLINICAL COORDINATOR",""))="" G MAINX I 'CPCLASS G MAINX ; -- If no potential dups, User Class exists, CLINICAL PROCEDURES ; Class exists, go on: S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Environment looks OK." ; -- Check if some DDEFS done: I $G(^XTMP("TIU182","DONE"))="SOME" D . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Some of the DDEFS exported for the conversion have already been" . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="created by this option. I will now create the others..." ; -- If none created yet: I '$D(^XTMP("TIU182","DONE")) D . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Creating the Document Definitions..." ; -- Set flds for FILE call & item data into nodes FILEDATA & DATA ; of array ^TMP("TIU182": D SETDATA^TIU182D ; -- Loop through DDEFS to create them: N NUM F NUM=1:1:13 D . N TIUIEN,YDDEF,TIUDA,PIEN,ITEMDA . ; -- If DDEF was previously created by this option, . ; quit and get next DDEF: . S TIUIEN=+$G(^XTMP("TIU182",NUM,"DONE")) Q:TIUIEN . ; -- If not, create new DDEF: . S YDDEF=$$CREATE^TIU182D1(NUM) . ; -- If DDEF couldn't be created or was found by lookup . ; instead of being created, quit and get next DDEF: . I $G(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="CREATE" Q . S TIUDA=+YDDEF . ; -- Call FILE to stuff fields from ^TMP("TIU182",$J,"FILEDATA",NUM: . D FILE^TIU182D1(NUM,TIUDA) . I $G(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="FILE" D DELETE^TIU182D1(TIUDA) Q . ; -- Add item to parent, stuff item data: . S PIEN=$$PARENT^TIU182D1(NUM) . I $G(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="FINDPARENT" D DELETE^TIU182D1(TIUDA) Q . S ITEMDA=+$$ADDITEM^TIU182D1(NUM,TIUDA,PIEN) . I $G(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="ADDITEM" D DELETE^TIU182D1(TIUDA) Q . D FILEITEM^TIU182D1(NUM,PIEN,ITEMDA) . I $G(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="FILEITEM" D DELETE^TIU182D1(TIUDA,PIEN,ITEMDA) Q . ; -- DDEF NUM has been created and edited successfully: . S ^XTMP("TIU182",NUM,"DONE")=TIUDA . S ^XTMP("TIU182","DONE")="SOME" . Q ; -- Add results from CREATE loop to message array: N NUM S NUM=0 I $O(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM))="" D G MAINX . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="All Document Definitions have now been created successfully." . S ^XTMP("TIU182","DONE")="ALL" . ; -- Kill indiv DONE nodes: . N NUMBER F NUMBER=1:1:13 K ^XTMP("TIU182",NUMBER) . ; -- Edit Print Form Header,delete PF Number of Class CP: . N FDA,TIUFPRIV S FDA(8925.1,CPCLASS_",",6.1)="CLINICAL PROCEDURES" . S FDA(8925.1,CPCLASS_",",6.12)="@" . S TIUFPRIV=1 . D FILE^DIE("TE","FDA") . Q:'$D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Couldn't update CP Print Fields. See patch description or contact EVS." S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="" S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Problems were encountered creating the following Document Definitions:" F S NUM=$O(^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM)) Q:NUM="" D . N PROB S PROB=^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J,NUM) . D . . I PROB="CREATE" S PROB="Couldn't create DDEF." Q . . I PROB="FILE" S PROB="Couldn't file fields. DDEF deleted." Q . . I PROB="FINDPARENT" S PROB="Couldn't find parent. DDEF deleted." Q . . I PROB="ADDITEM" S PROB="Couldn't add DDEF to parent. DDEF deleted." . . I PROB="FILEITEM" S PROB="Couldn't file Menu Text. DDEF deleted." . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)=$S(NUM=1:"Document Class ",1:"Title ")_^TMP("TIU182",$J,"BASICS",NUM,"NAME")_": " . S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)=" "_PROB S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="" S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="Please contact Enterprise VistA Support. When problems have been resolved," S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="come back and rerun the option." MAINX ; Exit ; -- Leave latest error arrays ^TMP("DIERR",$J) & TIUIERR around until ; now in case modules are run separately for debugging: K TIUIERR,^TMP("DIERR",$J) ; -- Finish message array ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J and print it: S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)="" S TMPCNT=TMPCNT+1,^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J,TMPCNT)=" *************" D PRINT^TIU182D K ^TMP("TIU182MSG",$J),^TMP("TIU182ERR",$J),^TMP("TIU182",$J) Q