TIUEC112 ; SLC/AJB Environment Check for TIU*1*112;07/31/2003 11:30 ;;1.0;Text Integration Utilities;**112**;Jun 20, 1997 ECHK ; N TMP D .N DC,LINE S LINE=0 .F S LINE=LINE+1,DC=$P($T(TITLES+LINE),";;",2) Q:DC="EOM" D ..N DIC,X,Y ..S DIC="8925.1",DIC(0)="X" ..S X=DC ..D ^DIC ..I +Y>0,$P(^TIU(8925.1,+Y,0),U,13)'=1 S TMP(LINE)=$$GET1^DIQ(8925.1,+Y,.01)_" ("_$$GET1^DIQ(8925.1,+Y,.04)_") is not a NATIONAL STANDARD entry." I $D(TMP) D .D MES^XPDUTL("The following entries in the TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION FILE conflict with") .D MES^XPDUTL("the DOCUMENT CLASSES and TITLES needed for this installation."),MES^XPDUTL(" ") .S TMP="" F S TMP=$O(TMP(TMP)) Q:TMP="" D MES^XPDUTL(TMP(TMP)) I D BMES^XPDUTL("Please rename the entries before restarting the installation of this patch.") S XPDABORT=2 Q D BMES^XPDUTL("The environment check has completed successfully.") Q TITLES ; ;;SURGICAL REPORTS ;;OPERATION REPORTS ;;OPERATION REPORT ;;NURSE INTRAOPERATIVE REPORTS ;;NURSE INTRAOPERATIVE REPORT ;;ANESTHESIA REPORTS ;;ANESTHESIA REPORT ;;PROCEDURE REPORT (NON-O.R.) ;;PROCEDURE REPORT ;;EOM Q