TIULP ; SLC/JER - Functions determining privilege ;11/13/07 ;;1.0;TEXT INTEGRATION UTILITIES;**98,100,116,109,138,152,175,157,182,184,217,236,234**;Jun 20, 1997;Build 6 ; CANDO^USRLA: ICA 2325, ISA^USRLM: ICA 2324 ; 8930.1,2,8: IACS 3129,3128,3104 CANDO(TIUDA,TIUACT,PERSON) ; Can PERSON perform action now ; Receives: TIUDA=Record number in file 8925 ; TIUACT=Name of user action in 8930.8 (USR ACTION) ; PERSON=New Person file IFN. ; Assumed to be DUZ if not received. ; New **100** ID param, backward compatible. ; Returns: TIUY=1:yes,0:no_"^"_why not message N TIUI,TIUTYP,TIUROLE,STATUS,TIUY,TIUATYP,MSG,WHO,MODIFIER,TIUD0,TIUACTW S TIUY=0 I '$G(PERSON) S PERSON=DUZ S TIUD0=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)) I 'TIUD0 G CANDOX I $$ISPRFDOC^TIUPRF(TIUDA),((TIUACT="ATTACH ID ENTRY")!(TIUACT="ATTACH TO ID NOTE")) S TIUY="0^Patient Record Flag notes may not be used as Interdisciplinary notes." G CANDOX S TIUACTW=$G(TIUACT) ;**100** was I +TIUACT'>0 S TIUACT etc. S TIUACT=$$USREVNT(TIUACT) I +TIUACT'>0 G CANDOX ; -- Historical Procedures - Prohibit actions detailed in ; HPCAN^TIUCP: P182 N HPCAN I $$ISHISTCP^TIUCP(+TIUD0) S HPCAN=$$HPCAN^TIUCP(+TIUACT) I 'HPCAN S TIUY=HPCAN G CANDOX ; **152 Get status S STATUS=+$P(TIUD0,U,5) ; **152[234] prevents editing or sending back a completed or uncosigned document. I STATUS>5,(+TIUACT=9)!(+TIUACT=17) D G CANDOX . ; **152[234] Displays message to user . I +TIUACT=9 S TIUY="0^ You may not edit uncosigned or completed documents." . I +TIUACT=17 S TIUY="0^You may not send back uncosigned or completed documents." ; -- In case business rules have changed, & children already existed: I +TIUACT=24,$D(^TIU(8925,"GDAD",TIUDA)) D G CANDOX . S TIUY="0^ This note cannot be attached; it has its own children." I +TIUACT=25,+$G(^TIU(8925,TIUDA,21)) D G CANDOX . S TIUY="0^ This note cannot receive interdisciplinary children; it is itself a child." I +TIUACT=4!(+TIUACT=5),+$$BLANK^TIULC(TIUDA) D G CANDOX ;Sets TIUPRM1 . S TIUY="0^ Contains blanks ("_$P(TIUPRM1,U,6)_") which must be filled before "_$P(TIUACT,U,2)_"ATURE." S TIUROLE=$$USRROLE(TIUDA,PERSON) S TIUTYP=+TIUD0 I $$ISADDNDM^TIULC1(+TIUDA) S TIUATYP=TIUTYP,TIUTYP=+$G(^TIU(8925,+$P(TIUD0,U,6),0)) I TIUROLE']"" S TIUY=$$CANDO^USRLA(TIUTYP,STATUS,+TIUACT,PERSON) F TIUI=1:1:($L(TIUROLE,U)-1) D Q:+$G(TIUY)>0 . S TIUY=$$CANDO^USRLA(TIUTYP,STATUS,+TIUACT,PERSON,$P(TIUROLE,U,TIUI)) I +$G(TIUATYP) S TIUTYP=+$G(TIUATYP) ;**100** update for PERSON param; update for verb modifier: I +TIUY'>0 D G CANDOX . S WHO=" You" . ;I PERSON'=DUZ S WHO=$P(^VA(200,PERSON,0),U),WHO=$$NAME^TIULS(WHO,"FIRST LAST") . I PERSON'=DUZ S WHO=$$NAME^TIULS($$GET1^DIQ(200,PERSON,.01),"FIRST LAST") ;P182 . S MODIFIER=$P(TIUACT,U,3) I $L(MODIFIER) S MODIFIER=" "_MODIFIER . ;e.g. "You may not ATTACH this UNSIGNED TELEPHONE NOTE TO AN ID NOTE." . S MSG=WHO_" may not "_$P(TIUACT,U,2)_" this "_$P($G(^TIU(8925.6,+STATUS,0)),U)_" "_$$PNAME^TIULC1(TIUTYP)_MODIFIER_"." . S TIUY=TIUY_U_MSG I +TIUACT=15,$$HASIMG^TIURB2(+TIUDA) D G CANDOX . S TIUY="0^ This document contains linked images. You must ""delete"" the Images using the Imaging package before proceeding." ;VMP/ELR P217. Do not allow deletion of a parent with child I $G(TIUACTW)["DELETE RECORD",$$HASIDKID^TIUGBR(+TIUDA) D G CANDOX . S TIUY="0^ "_$$EZBLD^DIALOG(89250013) CANDOX Q TIUY ; CANLINK(TIUTYP) ; Can user (DUZ) link (attach) a document of a particular type ;to an ID note. ; For use in ADD NEW ID NOTE, where docmt is not entered yet. ; Assume most favorable circumstances (user will complete ;the note, so if user still can't attach, can tell them no, ;when they first select title for the new entry. ; Rule out if TIUTYP can be an ID parent, since ID parent ;and ID kid function as mutually exclusive, (regardless of ;business rules). N TIUACT,STATUS,USRROLE,TIUY S TIUACT=$$USREVNT("ATTACH TO ID NOTE"),STATUS=7 ; complete S USRROLE=+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","COMPLETER",0)) S TIUY=$$CANDO^USRLA(TIUTYP,STATUS,+TIUACT,DUZ,USRROLE) I '$G(TIUY) S TIUY="0^ You may not use this title for interdisciplinary child entries." Q TIUY ; -- If user can attach a certain note, but note can also receive ; ID entries, don't let user attach it. -- I $$POSSPRNT^TIULP(TIUTYP) S TIUY="0^ This interdisciplinary PARENT title cannot be used for CHILD entries." ; -- If selected type is a CWAD, don't let user attach it: -- I $$ISCWAD^TIULX(TIUTYP) S TIUY="0^ CWAD titles cannot be used for interdisciplinary entries." ; -- If selected type is a PRF, don't let user attach it: -- I $$ISPFTTL^TIUPRFL(TIUTYP) S TIUY="0^ Patient Record Flag titles cannot be used for interdisciplinary entries." ; -- If selected type is a consult, don't let user attach it: -- I $$ISA^TIULX(TIUTYP,+$$CLASS^TIUCNSLT) S TIUY="0^ Consult titles cannot be used for interdisciplinary entries." Q TIUY ; POSSPRNT(TIUTYP) ; Is a docmt intended as a possible ID parent? ;Returns 1^WHYCAN'TATTACH if there are business rules permitting ANYONE ;to attach ID entries to notes of type TIUTYP. ;Else returns 0. N TIUACT,STATUS,TIUY,DADTYP S TIUY=0,TIUACT=+$$USREVNT("ATTACH ID ENTRY") F STATUS=6,7,8 D G:TIUY POSSX . I $O(^USR(8930.1,"AR",TIUTYP,STATUS,TIUACT,0)) S TIUY=1 Q . I $O(^USR(8930.1,"AC",TIUTYP,STATUS,TIUACT,0)) S TIUY=1 ; -- If no rules for TIUTYP, try its parent: -- S DADTYP=$O(^TIU(8925.1,"AD",TIUTYP,0)) G:DADTYP'>0 POSSX S TIUY=$$POSSPRNT(DADTYP) POSSX I TIUY S TIUY="1^ Interdisciplinary PARENT notes cannot be attached as CHILD entries." Q TIUY ; CANENTR(TIUTYP) ; Evaluate privilege to enter a document of a particular type N TIUACT,STATUS,USRROLE,TIUY S TIUACT=$$USREVNT("ENTRY"),STATUS=2 ; untranscribed S USRROLE=3 ; transcriber S TIUY=$$CANDO^USRLA(TIUTYP,STATUS,+TIUACT,DUZ,USRROLE) Q TIUY USRROLE(TIUDA,PERSON) ; Identify the user's role with respect to the document ; 3/20/00 **100** Added role COMPLETER ; 3/20/00 **100** Added PERSON param N TIU0,TIU12,TIU13,TIUY,TIU15,COMPLTR,STATUS S PERSON=$G(PERSON,DUZ) S TIU0=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,0)),STATUS=$P(TIU0,U,5) S TIU12=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,12)) S TIU13=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,13)),TIU15=$G(^TIU(8925,+TIUDA,15)) I PERSON=+$P(TIU13,U,2) S TIUY=+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","TRANSCRIBER",0))_U I PERSON=+$P(TIU12,U,2) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","AUTHOR/DICTATOR",0))_U I PERSON=+$P(TIU12,U,9) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","ATTENDING PHYSICIAN",0))_U I PERSON=+$P(TIU12,U,4) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","EXPECTED SIGNER",0))_U I PERSON=+$P(TIU12,U,8) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","EXPECTED COSIGNER",0))_U I $$ASURG^TIUADSIG(TIUDA) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","SURROGATE",0))_U ;P157 ;Check if the person can be an Interpreter for this document via a Consult API I $$CPINTERP^GMRCCP(+TIUDA,PERSON) S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","INTERPRETER",0))_U I STATUS>6 D I COMPLTR S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","COMPLETER",0))_U . S COMPLTR=0 . I PERSON=+$P(TIU15,U,8) S COMPLTR=1 Q . I '$P(TIU15,U,8),PERSON=+$P(TIU15,U,2) S COMPLTR=1 I +$O(^TIU(8925.7,"AE",+TIUDA,+PERSON,0)) D . N TIUXTRA S TIUXTRA=+$O(^TIU(8925.7,"AE",+TIUDA,+PERSON,0)) . I +$P($G(^TIU(8925.7,+TIUXTRA,0)),U,4) Q . S TIUY=$G(TIUY)_+$O(^USR(8930.2,"B","ADDITIONAL SIGNER",0))_U Q $G(TIUY) USREVNT(EVENT) ; Given event name, return: ;EVENT = event pointer^user verb^verb modifier ; **100** added verb modifier piece (.07) N TIUY,TIUDA,NODE0 S TIUDA=+$O(^USR(8930.8,"B",EVENT,0)) S NODE0=$G(^USR(8930.8,TIUDA,0)) S TIUY=TIUDA_U_$P(NODE0,U,5)_U_$P(NODE0,U,7) Q TIUY CANPICK(TIUTYP) ; Screens selection of title by title status and ;(for status TEST), by owner. N TIUPOWN,TIUCOWN,TIUT0,TIUTSTAT,TIUY S TIUY=0 S TIUT0=$G(^TIU(8925.1,+TIUTYP,0)),TIUTSTAT=$P(TIUT0,U,7) I TIUTSTAT']"" S TIUY=0 G CANPIX I TIUTSTAT=13 S TIUY=0 G CANPIX I TIUTSTAT=11 S TIUY=1 G CANPIX S TIUPOWN=$P(TIUT0,U,5),TIUCOWN=+$P(TIUT0,U,6) I TIUTSTAT=10 S TIUY=$S(TIUPOWN=DUZ:1,+$$ISA^USRLM(DUZ,TIUCOWN):1,1:0) CANPIX Q +$G(TIUY) REQCOSIG(TIUTYP,TIUDA,USER,TIUDT) ; Evaluate whether user requires cosignature N TIUI,TIUY,TIUDPRM S USER=$S(+$G(USER):+$G(USER),1:+$G(DUZ)) D DOCPRM^TIULC1(TIUTYP,.TIUDPRM,+$G(TIUDA)) I $G(TIUDPRM(5))="" G REQCOSX I +$G(TIUDT)'>0 S TIUDT=+$P($P(+$G(^TIU(8925,+$G(TIUDA),13)),U),".") F TIUI=1:1:$L(TIUDPRM(5),U) D Q:+TIUY>0 . S TIUY=+$$ISA^USRLM(+USER,+$P(TIUDPRM(5),U,TIUI),,+$G(TIUDT)) REQCOSX Q +$G(TIUY) ; REQCPF(TIUCDA) ;Check if clinical procedure fields are required ; Input -- TIUCDA Request/Consult File (#123) IEN ; Output -- 1=Required and 0=Not Required N TIUCPACT,REQF I '$G(TIUCDA) G REQCPFQ S TIUCPACT=$$CPACTM^GMRCCP(TIUCDA) I TIUCPACT=1!(TIUCPACT=3) S REQF=1 REQCPFQ Q +$G(REQF)