ARJTDDK3 ;PUG/TOAD-FileMan Search All MUMPS Fields ;7/8/02 10:43 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999 ; ; table of contents: ; SEARCHNS - search N fields in every entry in 1 file or subfile ; WALK - recursively traverse all entries in a file or subfile ; TITLE - convert a string to Title Case ; CONTAINS - function: does code contain what we're looking for ; ; calls: ; CHECK^ARJTDIM = to search each value (MUMPS code) ; ; input: ; .CONTAINS(string)="" to search any line containing the string ; FIND = optional. special search, e.g., "DSM" ; ; output: report to current device ; .EXIT = 1 if search interrupted ; report to current device ; ; SEARCHNS(LIST,CONTAINS,FIND,COUNT,MATCHES,EXIT) ; search N fields in 1 file or subfile ; ; input: .LIST(file #,field #)="" --> fields to search ; in/output: ; .COUNT = # of field values checked ; .MATCHES = # instances found ; calls: ; $$TITLE - convert test to Title Case ; WALK - recursively traverse all entries in file/subfile ; called by: MUMPS^ARJTDDKM, TEXT^ARJTDDK5 ; ; table of contents: ; 1. Build File Code ; 2. Build Field Code ; 3. Search (Sub)File ; ; ; 1. BUILD FILE CODE ; ; 1.1. Trace DD's ancestry N DD S DD=$O(@LIST@(0)) ; ID file/subfile to search Q:'DD ; we need a starting DD # Q:'$D(DD) ; it needs to be a real file or subfile N LEVEL S LEVEL=1 ; default to top-level file N PARENT ; parent of each DD entry ("" for top-level files) ; F D Q:'PARENT ; trace back through ancestry . ; . ; get subscript info for lower level after 1st loop . I LEVEL>1 D . . N FIELD S FIELD=+$O(^DD(DD,"B",DD(LEVEL-1,"NM"),0)) . . S DD(LEVEL-1,"FD")=FIELD . . S DD(LEVEL-1,"SUB")=+$P($G(^DD(DD,FIELD,0)),U,4) . ; . ; get basic info for current level . S DD(LEVEL)=DD ; add current DD level to ancestry . S DD(LEVEL,"NM")=$O(^DD(DD,0,"NM","")) ; get DD level's name . I DD(LEVEL,"NM")="" S DD(LEVEL,"NM")=$P($G(^DIC(LEVEL,0)),U) ; for .7 . S PARENT=$G(^DD(DD,0,"UP")) Q:'PARENT ; does this DD have a parent . S LEVEL=LEVEL+1 ; parent adds a level of depth to ancestry . ; . S DD=PARENT ; next pass let's investigate the parent ; ; 1.2. Build top-level code ; N ROOT S ROOT=$G(^DIC(DD,0,"GL")) Q:ROOT="" ; file root N IEN S ROOT(1)=ROOT_"IEN(1)" ; top-level IEN N ADVANCE S ADVANCE(1)="S IEN(1)=$O("_ROOT(1)_"))" ; build traverse code N NAME S NAME=$$TITLE(DD(LEVEL,"NM"))_" ("_DD_")" W !,"Now searching " I LEVEL=1 D . W NAME," file (",$P($G(@(ROOT_"0)")),U,4)," entries)..." ; ; 1.3. Append subfile code ; N DEPTH S DEPTH=1 ; already handled top level above F DD=LEVEL-1:-1:1 D ; handle remaining levels . S NAME=NAME_"/"_$$TITLE(DD(DD,"NM"))_" ("_DD(DD)_")" ; extend name . S DEPTH=DEPTH+1 ; one level deeper . S ROOT(DEPTH)=ROOT(DEPTH-1)_","_DD(DD,"SUB")_",IEN("_DEPTH_")" . S ADVANCE(DEPTH)="S IEN("_DEPTH_")=$O("_ROOT(DEPTH)_"))" I DEPTH>1 W NAME," subfile..." ; ; ; 2. BUILD FIELD CODE ; N FLDCNT S FLDCNT=0 ; how many fields will we be searching? N NODE ; list of nodes containing the fields N FIELD ; list of fields to search S FIELD=0 F S FIELD=$O(@LIST@(DD(1),FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D . N FIELDEF S FIELDEF=$G(^DD(DD(1),FIELD,0)) Q:FIELDEF="" ; field DD . S NAME(FIELD)=$$TITLE($P(FIELDEF,U)) ; save off name of field . Q:$P(FIELDEF,U,2) ; subfiles have subfile# in 2nd piece . S FLDCNT=FLDCNT+1 ; we'll definitely search this field . N HOME S HOME=$P(FIELDEF,U,4) ; node;place of field . S NODE=ROOT(DEPTH)_","_+HOME_")" ; build root to fetch node . S NODE="$G("_NODE_")" ; protect against undefined errors . I '$D(NODE(+HOME)) D ; if we haven't already handled this node . . S NODE(+HOME,"GET")="S NODE("_+HOME_")="_NODE ; build get code . ; . N GET . N PLACE S PLACE=$P(HOME,";",2) ; place to fetch . I PLACE D ; $Piece fields have a numeric place . . S GET="S VALUE=$P(NODE("_+HOME_"),U,"_PLACE_")" ; build get code . E D ; $Extract fields have E#,# . . N FIRST S FIRST=+$P($P(PLACE,";"),"E",2) ; first position . . N LAST S LAST=$P(PLACE,",",2) ; last position . . S GET="S VALUE=$E(NODE("_+HOME_"),"_FIRST_","_LAST_")" ; get code . S FIELD(FIELD,"GET")=GET Q:'FLDCNT ; ; ; 3. SEARCH (SUB)FILE ; N IENS S IENS(0)="" ; array for "incrementing" IEN String S COUNT=+$G(COUNT) ; count of entries searched S MATCHES=+$G(MATCHES) ; count of entries searched D WALK(1) ; traverse file/subfile starting at top level ; QUIT ; end of SEARCHNS ; ; WALK(LEVEL) ; Recursively Traverse All Entries in a File or Subfile ; ; Each call traverses one level. ; When the leaf level is reached, each entry is searched. ; Called only by SEARCHNS. ; K IENS(LEVEL) ; clear the IENS for this level S IEN(LEVEL)=0 F X ADVANCE(LEVEL) Q:'IEN(LEVEL) D Q:EXIT ; traverse . S IENS(LEVEL)=IENS(LEVEL-1)_"/"_IEN(LEVEL) ; set up IENS for this record . I LEVEL'=DEPTH D WALK(LEVEL+1) Q ; traverse children of internals . ; . ; otherwise, we're at a leaf level, so... . ; load needed nodes into locals . S NODE="" F S NODE=$O(NODE(NODE)) Q:NODE="" X NODE(NODE,"GET") . ; . S FIELD=0 F S FIELD=$O(FIELD(FIELD)) Q:'FIELD D Q:EXIT . . S COUNT=COUNT+1 . . I '(COUNT#1000) W "." N READ R READ:0 S EXIT=READ=U Q:EXIT . . X FIELD(FIELD,"GET") ; fetch field value for each entry . . Q:'$$CONTAINS(VALUE,.CONTAINS) ; skip those that clearly don't match . . ; . . N ZZDCOM ; clear array of commands & special elements found . . D CHECK^ARJTDIM(VALUE,FIND,.ZZDCOM) ; parse line . . Q:'ZZDCOM ; skip lines that don't match . . S MATCHES=MATCHES+1 ; this is a match . . ; S COUNT=0 ; reset count to postpone printing a dot . . ; . . ; display match . . ; match #, file/subfile path, field . . W !!,MATCHES_". "_NAME_"/"_NAME(FIELD)_" ("_FIELD_"): " . . ; entry . . S $E(IENS(LEVEL))="" ; strip leading "/" . . N ENTRY S ENTRY="Entry # "_IENS(LEVEL) . . I 80-$X<$L(ENTRY) W ! ; keep IEN string to right . . W $J(ENTRY,80-$X) ; IEN string of record . . ; field value . . F Q:VALUE="" W !?10,$E(VALUE,1,70) S $E(VALUE,1,70)="" ; value . . N READ R READ:0 S EXIT=READ=U ; Q ; TITLE(%STRING) ; Convert a string to Title Case ; ; create return value (which will be Title Case) from STRING N %UPPER S %UPPER="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" N %LOWER S %LOWER="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" N %TITLE S %TITLE=$G(%STRING) ; ; create parse string in which most punctuation are spaces N %REPLACE S %REPLACE="!""#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~" N %WITH S %WITH=" " N %PARSE S %PARSE=$TR(%STRING,%REPLACE,%WITH) ; ; traverse " "-pieces of parse string, clearing as we go N %PIECE ; each " "-piece N %LENGTH ; length of each " "-piece N %FROM,%TO S %FROM=1 ; character positions of each " "-piece N %COUNT F %COUNT=1:1:$L(%PARSE," ") D . S %PIECE=$P(%PARSE," ") ; examine the leading " "-piece . S %LENGTH=$L(%PIECE) ; measure it . S %TO=%FROM+%LENGTH-1 ; map its position back to %TITLE . ; . ; handle contractions specially--don't capitalize . I %LENGTH=1,$E(%TITLE,%FROM-1)="'",$E(%TITLE,%FROM-2)?1A D . . S %PIECE=$TR(%PIECE,%UPPER,%LOWER) . E D ; otherwise, follow the normal rules . . S $E(%PIECE)=$TR($E(%PIECE),%LOWER,%UPPER) ; capitalize 1st char . . S $E(%PIECE,2,$L(%PIECE))=$TR($E(%PIECE,2,$L(%PIECE)),%UPPER,%LOWER) . S $E(%TITLE,%FROM,%TO)=%PIECE ; overlay converted piece on %TITLE . ; . S $E(%PARSE,1,%LENGTH+1)="" ; clear the leading " "-piece . S %FROM=%TO+2 ; compute location of 1st character of next " "-piece ; Q %TITLE ; return the Title-Cased string ; ; CONTAINS(CODE,CONTAINS) ; function: does code contain what we're looking for N DOES I $D(CONTAINS)#2 S DOES=CODE[CONTAINS Q DOES I $D(CONTAINS)>9 D Q DOES . N SUB S SUB="" . F S SUB=$O(CONTAINS(SUB)) Q:SUB="" S DOES=CODE[SUB Q:DOES Q 0 ;