1 | ARJTDIM1 ;SFISC/JFW,GFT,TOAD-FileMan: M Syntax Checker, Exprs ;5/26/2004 23:44
2 | ;;3.0T1;OPENVISTA;;Jun 20, 2004
3 | ;
4 | ; Change History:
5 | ; 2004 05 26 WV/TOAD: add comments to GG to help document code
6 | ; leading to extended global refs
7 | ;
8 | Q:%ERR N %A,%A1 S (%I,%N,%ERR,%(-1,2),%(-1,3))=0
9 | ;
10 | GG ; expr, expratom, expritem, subscript, parameter (called everywhere)
11 | D %INC ; advance cursor to next character in expr
12 | I %C="" G FINISH^ARJTDIM2 ; no next character? then done
13 | I %C=";"!($A(%C)>95)!($A(%C)<33) G E ; semicolons or control chars are errors
14 | I %C="""" G QUOTE ; strings
15 | I %C="$" G FUNC ; functions, vars, and extrinsics
16 | I %C="(" G SUB^ARJTDIM2 ; start of nested parens (subs or args)
17 | I %C=")" G UP^ARJTDIM2 ; end of nested parens
18 | I %C="," G AR^ARJTDIM2 ; commas (e.g., subscripts)
19 | I %C=":" G SEL^ARJTDIM2 ; colons (e.g., $SELECT)
20 | I %C="^" G GLO^ARJTDIM2 ; gvn
21 | EXP I %C="E",$E(%,%I-1)?1N D G E:%ERR S %I=%I-1 G GG
22 | . S %L1=$E(%,%I+1)
23 | . I %L1'="-",%L1'="+",%L1'?1N S %ERR=1 Q
24 | . N %OUT S %OUT=0 F %I=%I+2:1 D Q:%ERR!%OUT
25 | . . S %C=$E(%,%I)
26 | . . I "<>=!&'[]+-*/\#_?,:)"[%C S %OUT=1 Q
27 | . . I %C'?1N S %ERR=1 Q
28 | I %C?1U!(%C="%") D VAR^ARJTDIM2 ; lvn
29 | I %ERR G E ; errors
30 | I %C="" G GG ; if done, get next character of expr
31 | I %C="?" G PAT^ARJTDIM2 ; pattern match
32 | I "=[]<>&!"[%C G BINOP^ARJTDIM2 ; string & logic operators
33 | I "/\*#_"[%C G MTHOP^ARJTDIM2 ; math operators
34 | I "'+-"[%C G UNOP^ARJTDIM2 ; unary operators
35 | I %C="@" G IND^ARJTDIM2 ; indirection
36 | PERIOD I %C="." D G E:%ERR ; periods
37 | . I $P($G(%(%N-1,0)),"^")="P" D Q
38 | . . N %C S %C=$E(%,%I+1) I %C?1N Q ; decimal pass by value
39 | . . I %C'="@",%C'?1U,%C'="%" S %ERR=1 ; bad pass by reference
40 | . D %INC N %L1,%P S %L1=$E(%,%I-2),%P="':=+-\/<>[](,*&!_#"
41 | . I %L1?1N,%C?1N Q ; 4.2
42 | . I %P[%L1,%C?1N Q ; +.2
43 | . S %ERR=1 ; illegal period
44 | I %C?1N,$E(%,%I+1)]"",$E(%,%I+1)'?1NP,$E(%,%I+1)'="E" G E ; bad numbers
45 | GG1 ;
46 | I %C]"","$(),:"""[%C S %I=%I-1 ; if at start of next expr, back up 1 char
47 | G GG ; process next expr
48 | ;
49 | QUOTE ; strlit (GG)
50 | F %J=0:0 D %INC Q:%C=""!(%C="""")
51 | G E:%C=""!("[]()><\/+-=&!_#*,;:'"""'[$E(%,%I+1)) D:$D(%(%N-1,"F")) FN:%(%N-1,"F")["FN" G E:%ERR,GG
52 | ;
53 | ;
54 | FUNC ; intrinsics & extrinsics, mainly intrinsic functions (GG)
55 | D %INC ; check next character
56 | G EXT:%C="$" ; $$ = extrinsic function
57 | I %C="&" D ; external function, not valid but capture
58 | . N REF S REF=$E(%,1,$F(%,"(",%I)-2) ; e.g., "$&ZLIB.%SPAWN(...)"
59 | . I REF="" S REF=$E(%,1,$F(%,",",%I)-2) ; e.g., "$&%UCI"
60 | . I REF[".",$P(REF,".",2)'="" S REF=$P(REF,".",2) ; e.g., return %SPAWN
62 | G E:%C'?1U ; otherwise, MUST be an uppercase character next
63 | G SPV:$E(%,%I,999)'?.U1"(".E ; if no (, then it's a special variable
64 | G FUNC1:%C="Z"!($E(%,%I+1)="(") ; Z-functions & 1-character abbrevs
65 | ;
66 | ; 2-character-abreviated functions
67 | S %T=$E(%,%I,$F(%,"(",%I)-2) ; full abbrev
68 | I %T="ST"!(%T="STACK") G E ; SAC
69 | F %F1="FNUMBER^2;3","TRANSLATE^2;3","NAME^1;2","QLENGTH^1;1","QSUBSCRIPT^2;2","REVERSE^1;1" G FUNC2:$E(%F1,1,2)=%T,FUNC2:$P(%F1,"^")=%T
70 | ;
71 | ; can a function ever pass this line?
72 | G E:$T(FNC)'[(","_%T_"^")
73 | ;
74 | ; this list of functions is used by FUNC1
75 | FNC ;;,ASCII^1;2,CHAR^1;999,DATA^1;1,EXTRACT^1;3,FIND^2;3,GET^1;2,JUSTIFY^2;3,LENGTH^1;2,ORDER^1;2,PIECE^2;4,QUERY^1;1,RANDOM^1;1,SELECT^1;999,TEXT^1;1,VIEW^1;999,ZFUNC^1;999
76 | ;
77 | FUNC1 ; this line not only validates 1-char-abbrev functions, it also allows
78 | ; Z-functions
79 | S %F1=$P($T(FNC),",",$F("ACDEFGJLOPQRSTVZ",%C)) G E:%F1=""
80 | S %F1("CODE")=$E(%,%I,$F(%,"(",%I)-2) ; capture form in code
81 | ;
82 | FUNC2 ; I think this remembers function context in prep for arg eval
83 | S %I=$F(%,"(",%I)-1 ; advance to (
84 | S %(%N,0)="1^"_$P(%F1,"^",2) ; min;max # of args to expect
85 | S %(%N,1)=0
86 | S %(%N,2)=0
87 | S %(%N,3)=0
88 | S %(%N,"F")=%F1 ; function name
89 | S %N=%N+1 ; expression nesting depth?
90 | S:$E(%F1)="S" %(%N-1,2)=1 ; $SELECT
91 | ;
92 | ; these operate on namevalues
93 | I ",DATA,NAME,ORDER,QUERY,GET,"[(","_$P(%F1,"^")_",") G DATA^ARJTDIM2
94 | ;
95 | ; validation of $TEXT
96 | I $E(%F1)="T",$E(%F1,2)'="R" D I %ERR G ERR^ARJTDIM2
97 | . S %A=%I,%I=$F(%,")",%A)-1,%N=%N-1,%A=$P($E(%,%A,%I-1),"(",2,99)
98 | . I %A?1"+"1N.E S %A=$E(%A,2,999)
99 | . N %,%I,%N S %=%A D LABEL^ARJTDIM3(1)
100 | ;
101 | ; capture of $VIEW
102 | I $P($G(%F1),U)="VIEW" D
103 | . D DSM("$V","$VIEW",FIND,.FOUND)
104 | ;
105 | ; capture of $ZCALL
106 | ; W !?40,%F1," ",%F1("CODE")," ",%,!
107 | I $P($G(%F1),U)="ZFUNC",%F1("CODE")="ZC"!(%F1("CODE")="ZCALL") D
108 | . N ARG S ARG=$E(%,%I+1,$F(%,")",%I)-2) I ARG["," S ARG=$P(ARG,",")
110 | ;
111 | ; capture other $Z functions
112 | E I $P($G(%F1),U)="ZFUNC" D
113 | . D DSM("$Z","$"_%F1("CODE"),FIND,.FOUND)
114 | ;
115 | ; go evaluate the arguments
116 | G GG
117 | ;
118 | ;
119 | SPV ; intrinsic special variables (FUNC)
120 | I $E(%,%I+1)?1U S %I=%I+1,%C=%C_$E(%,%I) G SPV
121 | I ",D,EC,ES,ET,K,P,Q,ST,SY,TL,TR,"[(","_%C_",") G E ; SAC
122 | I "HIJSTXYZ"[%C&(%C?1U)!(%C?1"Z".U) D G GG
123 | . Q:$E(%C)'="Z"
124 | . D DSM("$Z*","$"_%C,FIND,.FOUND)
125 | I "[],)><=_&#!'+-*\/?"'[$E(%,%I+1) G E
127 | I ",HOROLOG,IO,JOB,STORAGE,TEST,"[(","_%C_",") G GG
129 | ;
130 | %INC S %I=%I+1,%C=$E(%,%I) Q
131 | ;
132 | FN ; literal string argument 2 of $FNUMBER (QUOTE)
133 | Q:%(%N-1,1)'=1 F %FZ=%I-1:-1 S %FN=$E(%,%FZ) Q:%FN=""""
134 | S %FN=$TR($E(%,%FZ+1,%I-1),"pt","PT")
135 | F %FZ=1:1 Q:$E(%FN,%FZ)="" I "+-,TP"'[$E(%FN,%FZ) S %ERR=1 Q
136 | Q:%ERR I %FN["P" F %FZ=1:1 Q:$E(%FN,%FZ)="" I "+-T"[$E(%FN,%FZ) S %ERR=1 Q
137 | Q
138 | ;
139 | EXT ; extrinsic functions and variables (FUNC)
140 | D %INC
141 | F %I=%I+1:1 S %C1=$E(%,%I) Q:%C1?1PC&("^%"'[%C1)!(%C1="") S %C=%C_%C1
142 | G:%C="" E G:%C?.E1"^" E G:%C["^^" E
143 | S %C1=$P(%C,"^",2) I %C1]"",%C1'?1U.7AN,%C1'?1"%".7AN G E
144 | S %C=$P(%C,"^") I %C]"",%C'?1U.7AN,%C'?1"%".7AN,%C'?1.8N G E
145 | I $E(%,%I)="(",$E(%,%I+1)'=")" S %(%N,0)="P^",(%(%N,1),%(%N,2),%(%N,3))=0,%N=%N+1 G GG
146 | S %I=%I+$S($E(%,%I,%I+1)="()":1,1:-1)
147 | G GG:"[],)><=_&#!'+-*/\?"[$E(%,%I+1),E
148 | ;
149 | ADD(ELEMENT,FOUND) ; record element found
150 | ; Input: ELEMENT = code for element found, e.g., "F".
151 | ; Output: .FOUND(ELEMENT) = increment # times found
153 | Q ; end of DSM
154 | ;
155 | DSM(ABBREV,ELEMENT,FIND,FOUND) ; record DSM-specific element found
156 | ; Input:
157 | ; ABBREV = code for element found, e.g., "V"
158 | ; ELEMENT = name of element found, e.g., "VIEW".
159 | ; Output:
160 | ; .FOUND(ABBREV) = increment # times found
161 | ; .FOUND("DSM",ELEMENT) = ditto
163 | I FIND["DSM" D
164 | . S FOUND=1
167 | . ;JOHN HARVEY 7/20/02 Add screen to fix $&% type elements
168 | . I ELEMENT["$&%" S ELEMENT="%"_$P(ELEMENT,"%",2)
170 | Q ; end of DSM
171 | ;